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Corruption by a school head in Makoni

09 Nov 2023 at 19:02hrs | Views
Dear Editor,

As parents of children at Magura Secondary School in Makoni North, Manicaland province we are not happy with misuse of funds by our school head Thomas Murefu.

We discovered that around $9000 is missing in our school account.

The head is not at school since October 3 to date and did not communicate to the school that he is on leave.

The meetings being conducted by the SDC are being chaired by the deputy head.

Currently, the school account has nothing and one wonders why he is doing that.

We reported the matter to the education office district and one official Chidhakwa did nothing.

We are appealing for the Provincial Education Director to investigate these matters.

Disgruntled parents

Source - Disgruntled parents
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