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Why Zimbabwean Heroes Acre would be a 'Fat Fraud' without Dabengwa?

25 May 2019 at 16:15hrs | Views
A country which claims civilisation and top-notch Education like Zimbabwe, needs to be seen to be consistent with its claims in all respect. No one deserves to be buried at the National Shrine called "Hero's Acre", if Comrade Dabengwa is missing.

We are not discussing a family, party or parasites matter here, but we are discussing the word "National" which is punctuated before the phrase "Hero's Acre" in Zimbabwe.

Biblical Moses died 1 251 111 days ago till today the 24th of May 2019. Education taught us how to calculate that and prove me wrong if you are more educated. I want an educated Zimbabwean child to be able to say the same about Dr Dabengwa, five thousand years from today.

The grave of a Hero should not be decided upon by a 1983 Party official who can't even tell how many days ago Queen Lozikeyi has been dead. Educated standards are conscious about storing Data for future prestige and if we are going to listen to someone who can't spell "archaeology", to tell us to bury someone so important as Dr Dabengwa at some remote location, is utter lack of National respect.

3 425 years ago, Biblical Moses died. Some scholars point out that he was buried at Mount Nebo in Lebanon. Some scholars dispute that. Why in 2019 am I worried about the history of Moses who died 30 003 000 hours ago (thirty Billion and three thousand hours) ago? Is it because Moses died in the responsible hands of educated people who were able to store data in a conventional way unlike Africans who cant tell where Mzilikazi's grandfather's grave is?

 Dr Dabengwa, our undisputed Hero, died less than 48 hours ago, there are voices already suggesting that we should burry him at a location where some hungry Korokozas will dig his grave in year 2075 to extract Gold underneath. In year 2099, that location will become a Highway and the legacy of Dr Dabengwa will vanish like that.

Dr Joshua Nkomo was buried at Heros Acre 63 658 870 minutes ago and I want to start counting Dumiso Dabengwa's own minutes and seconds alongside Nkomos' at a National location where every Historian will have un biased access to. Why do we want to finish off Dabengwa's legacy by using petty excuses made by people who were not with Dabengwa at his Russian training camp in 1976? People selling mangoes at Renkini want to pitch their voices effectively obliterating Dabengwa's work of more than sixty years. How can that be?

The word "Zimbabwe", was coined together by Zapu under Joshua Nkomo who was Dumiso's boss. Zimbabwe and Dabengwa are synonyms. If Zapu had failed during the UDP days, the word Zimbabwe wouldn't be here. It is the gallant and surreal collective contribution of hard work and extreme dedication by Dr Dabengwa, that we have Zimbabwe as we know it today. Yes Zapu did not win the people's vote in 1980, but the vote did not fight any war. The 1980 vote did not risk its life to bring the Colonialist into his senses. It is Dabengwa who did that.

 An archaeologist would refuse to endorse the word "National Heroes Acre" on that Shrine in the future true history of Zimbabwe if Dabengwa is missing. Some of the people buried in that shrine really didn't deserve it. A future Government of Zimbabwe, thirty years from now, may decide to exhume some characters there. Even General Peter Walls confessed in his book that Dumiso Dabengwa's Zipra forces were such a formidable, conventional army compared to none in Africa. It was all because of Dabengwa's subtle and unique proficiency.

History does not flow well if it is corrupted. Thus why we hold some things as true for a few years until the truth comes out, for instance some people have claimed to have downed helicopters with an AK 47. We have heard that some loud mouths were just taxi drivers during the War when Dabengwa's forces were downing Rhodesian planes suspected to be ferrying General Peter Walls.

I pray that the final person who will make the final decision about the burial of Dr Dabengwa, puts his senses together and stops thinking about the instantaneous politics of 2019, but the legacy of Zimbabwe, as a country, five thousand years from now.

Source - Ryton Dzimiri
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