Search / Daikwa
Tendayi Darikwa takes Wigan Athletic captaincy
Tendayi Darikwa is the Wigan Athletic captain for the 2021/22 season, with Max Power and Jamie Jones forming the Club's leadership team as vice-captain and Club Captain. Darikwa arrived at the...Published: 07 Aug 2021 at 19:01hrs | | by Staff reporter
WhatsApp suicide man found hanged
A MAN who sent a suicide note to his family's WhatsApp chat group has been found hanged. Godfrey Marange, 38, told his family he had "paid for my sins" and asked that they look after his wife and chil...Published: 02 Feb 2016 at 05:30hrs | 1 | by Nqobile Tshili
We must push Zanu-PF for Political Reforms
China and Zimbabwe are comparative authoritarian and excessive bureaucratic comrades; both with a streak of dictatorial stranglehold on their citizens. In 1949, China had a highly extractive econo...Published: 05 Aug 2015 at 22:07hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Mugabe's main challenge is a crisis of legitimacy in the Zanu PF system
The critical weakness that will eventually topple Mugabe is a failure of legitimacy. In political science, legitimacy is the popular acceptance of an authority, usually a governing law or regime. ...Published: 27 Jun 2015 at 06:05hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Mugabe should facilitate a peaceful political transition in Zimbabwe
You can follow Tendai Kwari on twitter @tendaikwari Political transition is the process or a period of change from one state or condition to another. Political reformis a change in go...Published: 19 Jun 2015 at 16:34hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Zimbabwe needs a stronger market economy to curb corruption
Corruption is the scourge of Africa and the achilles’ heel hindering our progress. We have to combat corruption first in order to strengthen our institutions and build a new Zimbabwe. Corruption...Published: 05 Jun 2015 at 22:28hrs | 1 | by Tendai Kwari
Political development is more than the exit of Mugabe
Political development is not the change of leadership in Zimbabwe. Political development is not the exit of Mugabe from our political arena. It could be a mere microcosmic catalyst that will trig...Published: 25 May 2015 at 07:20hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Political Decay
One form of political decay is called repatrimonialization, of which Zimbabwe and many other developing countries suffer from. However, this is also evident in developed countries, but in a more s...Published: 11 May 2015 at 21:38hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Xenophobic Attacks in SA - Blame the politicians and their politics of redistribution and patronage
Yesterday, the war cry was "kill the Boer." Today, the cry is "kill the BLACK immigrant." Black on black violence. Tomorrow, the war cry would be "kill the Indian," and finally "kill the white ...Published: 15 Apr 2015 at 06:15hrs | 10 | by Tendai Kwari
Black people do not support black business
The Asians and white people support one another in their businesses. In these communities, money will circulate more or longer amongst themselves before it is used outside their circle.I h...Published: 22 Feb 2014 at 20:40hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
How genuine is the Whites Anti Sanction Lobby Group in Zimbabwe?
A group calling itself Zimbabweans Against Sanctions and led by prominent whites in the country have called on the European Union (EU) to unconditionally lift all sanctions against Zimbabwe and it...Published: 18 Feb 2014 at 21:18hrs | 1 | by Tendai Kwari
Did Ian Smith fare better than Mugabe under sanctions?
Some questions are better not asked. Some questions are better asked for posterity.After the proclamation he explained: "There can be no happiness in a country while the absurd situation cont...Published: 18 Nov 2013 at 08:17hrs | 2 | by Tendai Kwari
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