Search / Mugbe
Jonathan Moyo offside
The same burning sentiments he was talking and complaining about in today's interview on the BBC HardTalk, have been the bone of contention in Zimbabwe's political history for a long time on which his...Published: 11 Jan 2018 at 11:23hrs | 1 | by Leonard Koni
Is Mugabe a legacy of Zimbabwe leadership or a shame and an embarrassment for holding on to office even at over 90yrs old?
Zanu guilty of an elderly person abuse: Is Mr. Mugabe a Legacy of Zimbabwe Leadership or a Shame and an Embarrassment for Holding on to Office even at over ninety year...Published: 27 Apr 2017 at 21:41hrs | 1 | by Andrew Manyevere
'Those who oppose Mugabe must be captured and beaten'
MASHONALAND Central Provincial Affairs Minister Martin Dinha recently made an interesting suggestion that rebellious 1970s liberation war fighters must be captured, stripped and taken to army ...Published: 16 Apr 2017 at 18:54hrs | | by Staff reporter
How Mugabe saved Sadc: The untold story
IN August 1998, the newly installed government of President Laurent Kabila in the Democratic Republic of Congo came under heavy attack from some rebels from Rwanda and Uganda. Clearly lack...Published: 07 Aug 2016 at 10:24hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Mugabe's Zanu-PF packed with liars'
Opposition political parties have said President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party is chasing shadows and is packed with liars who have no clue on how to solve the myriad of problems that Zimbabweans ...Published: 26 Jun 2016 at 13:55hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Don't wear mini skirt and complain after being raped' - Grace Mugbe
First Lady Grace Mugabe has delivered a special but controversial message to women - don't wear miniskirts and don't complain if raped.She told predominantly Zanu PF supporters during a rally ...Published: 20 Nov 2015 at 14:06hrs | 1 | by Thobekile Zhou
Robert Mugabe warned
President Robert Mugabe has made a grave mistake by choosing to accept advice from "the gang of four" says former party spokesperson Rugare Gumbo.He was expelled from Zanu-PF last year togethe...Published: 26 Feb 2015 at 12:36hrs | | by Staff reporter
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