Search / Dingy
Is Zimbabwe headed for another coup?
This season we are living in, it's not a time for a hairdo. People are perching on the edge of the cliff. There is a loud whisper drifting around, almost like a wish among many. These chaps wi...Published: 01 Sep 2024 at 10:25hrs | 2513 | by Tawanda Majoni
'You see skeletons' - the deadly migrant Limpopo crossing
The men who raped Portie Murevesi did not care that she was visibly pregnant. They attacked her with glass bottles too, she told us, pointing to a large and jagged scar on her forearm.Now, her...Published: 07 Apr 2024 at 10:16hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Man killed in 'mysterious' crocodile attack
A YOUTHFUL Kariba fisherman was on Sunday killed by a crocodile, which mysteriously pulled him out of a dingy boat before dragging him underwater.The deceased was identified as 22-year-old Pro...Published: 08 Nov 2022 at 05:13hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Open defecation at Harare's new passport offices
IT is a few minutes before midday and the new Makombe complex, which is now handling passport applications, is a hive of activity.Hordes of e-passport seekers patiently queue outside awaiting ...Published: 19 Apr 2022 at 06:40hrs | 4 | by Staff reporter
Dingy Zimbabwe prisons a result of corruption, says Chin'ono
ZIMBABWEAN prisons do not present conditions for full rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders, investigative journalist Hopewell Chin'ono has said.In an interview with Global Journalism ...Published: 03 Feb 2021 at 21:56hrs | | by Staff reporter
Eating soil, a pregnancy craving that can kill . . .
The smell of soil after light rains is divine. I like to think of it as the smell of nature, pure and fresh. Many women experience iron deficiency during pregnancy and subsequently develop a craving f...Published: 13 Apr 2019 at 13:12hrs | 33 | by Andile Tshuma
Guvamombe freed on stringent conditions
SUSPENDED Chief Magistrate Mishrod Guvamombe Friday raised complaint on being detained in filthy cells as he appeared in court for his second criminal abuse of office charge inside a month.The...Published: 02 Feb 2019 at 05:51hrs | 2 | by
Mtukudzi's journey was not rosy
Tuku, it was a great honour for me to share that small portion of your journey of life. Yours was a very long journey in those short 66 years that you lived. It was a journey full of ups and d...Published: 26 Jan 2019 at 16:56hrs | 1 | by Chirikure Chirikure
Grace Mugabe's sons cohabit with same girl?
UNITED Kingdom based model, Tapiwa Sithole, claims to have cohabited with former First Lady Grace Mugabe's sons, Russell Goreraza and Robert Junior on different occasions. Tapiwa, 24, revealed...Published: 22 Jan 2019 at 16:42hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Bulawayo residents welcome move on illegal forex dealers
Ordinary citizens in Bulawayo have commended President Emmerson Mnangagwa for invoking the Presidential Powers Temporary Measures Amendment of Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act and the Exchan...Published: 13 Nov 2018 at 19:04hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe's 'enemy of the people' returns home
In our series of letters from Africa, Zimbabwean journalist Wilf Mbanga reflects on his return home after 15 years in exile - and 10 months after long-time leader Robert Mugabe was ousted from office....Published: 12 Sep 2018 at 10:43hrs | 1 | by BBC News
Chombo flew close to the sun but survived
Chombo flew close to the sun but survivedMarian Chombo flew close to the sun but survived Marian ChomboFortunate Gora Mash West CorrespondentLike the Greek mythical character Icaru...Published: 24 Jul 2018 at 13:59hrs | | by Fortune Gora
Zimbabwe rugby team spurred on by hostile reception
SABLES team manager Dereck Chiwara believes the hostile reception they received from the Tunisia Rugby Federation has given them the extra motivation they needed for their crucial Rugby Africa Gold Cu...Published: 05 Jul 2018 at 07:15hrs | 2 | by Staff rpeorter
Analyst warns youth over politicians boot-licking
A political analyst Doctor Pedzisai Ruhanya has warned the Zimbabweans youth to stop the tendency of boot-licking top politicians like what was happening with former President Robert Mugabe when junio...Published: 07 Dec 2017 at 07:34hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Heartbreak: Nigerian returns from Libya to discover his wife had married his friend and his only son had died!!!
A heartbreaking video showcasing a young Nigerian's truly harrowing life experiences has been uploaded to YouTube.In the clip, a Nigerian named Harrison solemnly narrates how he barely escaped...Published: 26 Oct 2017 at 19:59hrs | 17 | by Nosa Osazuwa
Grace's donation of used G-stringy and dingy panties annoys Dangamvura women, an ethical dilemma and a cultural assault
The truth is hard to take. The truth is uncomfortable to many. Old panties are not new panties. Old panties are old panties. They can't be anything else but old. Anything old is old; it can't be new. ...Published: 09 Oct 2017 at 06:49hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
Funding the luxury of Mugabe's sons on tax payer's money criminal
Zimbabwe is staggering under a sea of poverty, a majority of Zimbabweans are living on less than dollar a day and 95% is not in formal employment.Companies are closing en masse since 2013; tho...Published: 14 Jul 2017 at 17:05hrs | 1 | by PDP
Tackling young sex workers menace
THE blow of a horn disrupts the quietness of the small township of Ngundu in Masvingo Province, rumbling across the fast gathering dusk.Dressed in tight-fitting body revealing clothes, women, ...Published: 20 Jun 2017 at 06:50hrs | 1 | by Mashudu Netsianda
Kasukuwere describes Mnangagwa's allies as drunkards
In a fresh assault on Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa's allies - as Zanu-PF's ugly tribal, factional and succession wars continue to burn hot - Local Government minister Saviour Kasukuwere has o...Published: 26 Jan 2017 at 05:59hrs | | by Staff reporter
Male strippers invade Harare
IF you thought the proliferation of strip clubs in the country, including at some dingy places in some of the dirtiest townships was strange — think again.Male strippers have become a hi...Published: 15 Jan 2017 at 07:49hrs | | by Staff reporter
Dangers of Zimbabwe's politicism & egopolitics
THE spirited search for Lucifer and other expelled angels has taken Zimbabweans so many years and cost them many lives and lots of spirit, energy and property. The Zimbabwean economy and polity ha...Published: 31 Aug 2016 at 09:00hrs | | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
A quick lesson in self-destruction
Sometimes what you think will save you is actually the thing that destroys you. It is unlike what Shakespeare had in mind. It's much more tragic.Because unlike the knavery Hamlet speaks of...Published: 21 Aug 2016 at 08:51hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe: The Dangers of Politicism and Egopolitics
The spirited search for Lucifer and other expelled angels has taken Zimbabweans so many years. And cost them many lives and lots of spirit, energy and property. The Zimbabwean economy and polity have ...Published: 06 Jul 2016 at 16:27hrs | 1 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Strippers’ Paradise
Sunday Mail has reported that ordinary strip shows are losing their lustre as patrons demand more — or rather less — by the day. And the strippers are obliging.Illegal acts conducted by bo...Published: 15 May 2016 at 14:43hrs | | by Mtandazo Dube and Prince Mushawevato
Strippers’ Paradise
FORGET dance groups - striptease is the new game in town.In fact, ordinary strip shows are losing their lustre as patrons demand more — or rather less — by the day. And the strippers are o...Published: 15 May 2016 at 07:41hrs | | by Mtandazo Dube and Prince Mushawevato
Tendai Biti, a very small man masquerading as leader of a political party
As I write this piece, I am reminded of one Dennis Brutus and his "Gore'e". "Gore'e" is a poem about an island off Senegal by that name, an island from where Africans were loaded into ships for slaver...Published: 05 Dec 2015 at 07:36hrs | 2 | by Nathaniel Manheru
Zimbabwe: Let us say Grace
At the expensive risk of being a hyperbolist, I argue that Zimbabwe is presently a political disaster that is impatiently waiting to happen. Anything can go wrong. Robert Mugabe, the old man, ha...Published: 10 Oct 2015 at 21:48hrs | 2 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Zimbabwean politics in underwear moments
In the opinion of philosophers, Man the angriest and the saddest of all animals invented laughter to cushion himself from the pains of the universe. Man has invented gods, music, dancing and beer...Published: 10 Aug 2015 at 14:02hrs | 1 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Zimbabwean politics in underwear moments
In the opinion of philosophers, Man the angriest and the saddest of all animals invented laughter to cushion himself from the pains of the universe. Man has invented gods, music, dancing and beer to ...Published: 10 Aug 2015 at 13:30hrs | 1 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Mugabe deviously plotted the ZAPU split
When Robert Mugabe delivered his acceptance speech as the new Chairperson of the AU, he said that he still remembers vividly the day when the OAU was formed in 1963 as he was personally in attendance...Published: 17 Jul 2015 at 06:50hrs | 14 | by Christopher Maphosa, ZAPU Europe Chairperson
Will I also die? - Poem
Show me sticks that bruised my kinsSticks not as ones at 'Goodman gallery'Spears which failed more other kingsShow me blood spilt in protest of a 'salary'When fists weren't known, ...Published: 27 Apr 2015 at 22:31hrs | | by Zisunko Ndlovu
RSA Violence: Beware the Clash of Civilisations
The poor on poor, and black on black violence that is presently spreading out in South Africa must jolt all of us in the thinking world to some thinking about our thinking in politics. In the tru...Published: 21 Apr 2015 at 08:25hrs | | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
TB Joshua named 'Man of the Decade' in Nigeria
One the most popular televangelists in Zimbabwe, Nigerian Prophet T.B. Joshua, has been named the 'Yoruba man of the decade'. Joshua, who is well known in Zimbabwe due to the fame o...Published: 20 Feb 2015 at 17:42hrs | | by Ihechukwu Njoku
Doctors promoting illegal abortions
"I WILL maintain the utmost respect for human life from the beginnings, even under threat, and will not use my specialist knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity…"Above is an extract from...Published: 05 Feb 2015 at 10:57hrs | 1 | by Tendai Makaripe
Robert Mugabe: An African Head of State and the State of an African Head
The political personality and historical project of Robert Mugabe is bound to arrest the attention of thinkers and writers for a long time to come. The Zimbabwean President has attracted extreme r...Published: 19 Dec 2014 at 10:27hrs | 4 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Prostitution market shrinks
BRANDED the oldest profession in the world, commercial sex work has become a vital source of living in the small agro-based town of Chipinge as well as fast growing industry as evidenced by a swarm of...Published: 01 Aug 2014 at 20:04hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Most people attempt suicide to escape from inner turmoil
At least 90% of people who committed suicide had a mental disorder while 60% were severely depressed, statistics have shown.But sadly, in most developing countries there is no comprehensive tr...Published: 27 Jul 2014 at 09:18hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Happison Muchechetere faces criminal charges
There was drama at the Rotten Row court yesterday as Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) suspended chief executive officer, Happison Muchechetere tried to avoid photographers....Published: 30 Mar 2014 at 14:16hrs | | by Phyllis Mbanje
New breed of prostitution, 'sex on wheel' on the rise in Zimbabwe
Some enterprising ladies of the night are now involved in a new breed of prostitution that has seen them travelling from city to city and stopping for business in every lucrative major red-light dis...Published: 15 Dec 2013 at 13:53hrs | 53 | by Staff Reporter
Many Zimbabweans struggle to survive in Johannesburg
TOO weak to sit, or even hold up his head, Prince Sibanda is slowly starving to death. The baby is almost two but his tiny body resembles that of an infant of five months.He is severely malno...Published: 02 Nov 2013 at 12:01hrs | | by Saturday Star
MDC-T power struggles takes an ugly turn
POWER struggles within the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) have taken an ugly turn with some senior members now being touted to succeed party leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, ahead of or at the part...Published: 20 Sep 2013 at 09:51hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Tsvangirai in danger
Former Prime Minister's Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC-T party could be headed for an implosion following sensational claims yesterday that there are officials in the party that have a grand plan to kick T...Published: 18 Sep 2013 at 09:36hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Crash-landed' undressed witches speak from behind bars, ask for 'prophet Makandiwa and Angel'
Two Sunday Mail scribes, Itai Mazire and Edwin Mwase, reportedly visited Chikurubi Maximum Prison, chasing the story of two alleged 'flying' witches who "crash-lande...Published: 15 Sep 2013 at 08:41hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
Child prostitution rife in Bulawayo
CHILD prostitution is rife in Bulawayo with a number of children aged between 13 to 17 dropping out of school due to poverty and peer pressure to join the oldest profession in the world, Sunday News r...Published: 07 Jul 2013 at 06:23hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zanu-PF chickens out of football for peace matches
It is game on in many parts of the country where United Nations-sponsored inter-party football for peace matches are helping ease grassroots political tensions.With cooperation from wobbly coa...Published: 10 May 2013 at 06:50hrs | | by Farai Mutsaka
To be forever free!
Renewed focus on modern slavery on anniversaries of the transatlantic slave trade Every day sees visitors breaking down in tears while touring 97,0...Published: 22 Mar 2013 at 17:12hrs | 2 | by Kingsley Ighobor
Prostitutes raise rates in Bulawayo
BULAWAYO prostitutes have said that they are raising costs of their erotic services during the on-coming Zanu PF Annual People's Conference.The prostitutes who spoke to our correspondent said ...Published: 30 Nov 2011 at 14:38hrs | 24 | by Sehlule Zondo
What have our women turned into!!
They have evolved from the submissive, caring, obedient, thoughtful, and understanding person into something that would have Mzilikazi shudder in his grave. And here is the scary bit; the evolution...Published: 11 Jul 2011 at 15:25hrs | | by Madlezibabayo
There is no big brother in Sadc
If there are some people who are in for a rude awakening this week, it's the mindless regime change scribes and their handlers whose wishful thinking is that President Jacob Zuma will use the extrao...Published: 08 Jun 2011 at 11:24hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Dressing up to make a statement
Are you a cardboard cutout? Then why dress like one? If there is one thing that I know for sure about women, regardless of what many a man might believe, it would be that we are ...Published: 28 Oct 2010 at 09:42hrs | | by Lifestyle reporter
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