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Zanu-PF says locals must control 90% of economy

by Staff reporter
09 Sep 2021 at 01:04hrs | Views
The ruling party Zanu-PF yesterday said above 90 percent of the country's economy should be in the hands of Zimbabweans while urging the Government to start enforcing laws that will see locals dominate  the reserved sectors. This was revealed during the donation of booklets of Zanu-PF's Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Revised Policy at the party headquarters in Harare this week.

South African-based, Proxel International Printers and Mo Entertainment owner, Mr Tapiwa Letmore Mbidzo handed over the books to secretaries of Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Dr Mike Bimha and acting Political Commissar Patrick Chinamasa, who is also the party's finance secretary.

Chinamasa appealed to the Diaspora to invest in the country by taking advantage of the conducive environment created by President Mnangagwa.

"A normal economy should be owned 90 to 95 percent by its people. We may not be there now, but we should be there.  

"I want to encourage Zimbabweans in the Diaspora to come and own the economy, it is these people that will assist us look for investors.

He added: "There is no reason why a foreigner should come from anywhere to open a butchery here or a saloon. As a party we want enforcement of the law so that what is reserved for the Zimbabweans should be enjoyed by them."

Chinamasa said foreigners that have already benefited would be treated fairly, but in future no such thing should happen. He said the party was pushing for increased corporate social responsibility from investors.  Bimha said the donation of booklets worth over US$10 000 was timely ahead of Zanu-PF's national conference.

"As the head of indigenisation, I take pride in initiatives such as these, especially from our young people, whom we have empowered as a nation. We are rebuilding our great country and these are exciting times to be alive," he said. AAG vice president for women and minorities Ms Anastancia Ndhlovu speaking on behalf of AAG president Mike Chimombe, said the revised indigenisation policy would go a long way in the sustainable and orderly empowerment of the people.

"It is our hope as the AAG that the reserved areas for locals are observed as they have a lot of potential in unveiling empowerment opportunities for the youth and women across the country. "The AAG once again reiterates its commitment to assisting all Zimbabweans to access the unending empowerment opportunities that are inherent in Vision 2030, NDS1 and the devolution agenda," she said.

Mr Mbidzo thanked the ruling party for accepting his humble donation. "I want to thank President Mnangagwa for growing the economy, something that motivated me to donate. Airports and roads are being developed. I encourage others to invest in the country," he said.

Source - the herald