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Prophet rapes, impregnates congregant

by Staff reporter
22 Sep 2021 at 06:04hrs | Views
A SELF-STYLED Gweru prophet (34) has been arrested for allegedly raping and impregnating a female congregant (21) after saying he was conducting a cleansing ceremony as she was having menstrual pains.

Shepherd Mbwazvo of Ascot suburb in Gweru appeared before Shurugwi resident Magistrate Ms Sithabile Zungula facing one count of rape. He was not asked to plead and was remanded in custody to October 6.

It is the State's case that some time in April, the complainant whose name has been withheld to protect her identity allegedly approached Mbwazvo and told him that she was suffering from serious period pains. The State heard that Mbwazvo allegedly took the complainant to Dunraven Falls in Boterekwa, Shurugwi for "cleansing."

Prosecutor Ms Kwanele Njini said at Dunraven Falls, there were many other prophets conducting cleansing ceremonies. Mbwazvo allegedly took the complainant who is also from Gweru to a secluded place for "cleansing purposes."

The court heard that Mbwazvo allegedly ordered the complainant to remove her clothes and lie on her back on the ground to enable him to apply some medicine on her private parts. The court heard that the complainant complied and the accused allegedly applied an unknown substance on her private parts.

In the process, Mbwazvo allegedly raped the complainant saying he was pushing into her private parts the unknown medicine. The complainant, the court heard, didn't tell anyone until she found out that she was pregnant. A report was made to the police leading to Mbwazvo's arrest.

Source - chronicle