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Top Zanu-PF officials arrested as factional fights turn ugly

by Staff reporter
15 Nov 2021 at 00:28hrs | Views
TWO top Zanu-PF Mashonaland West provincial officials were arrested by police last week after threatening to assault acting provincial chairperson, Abia Mujeri as tensions in the fractured ruling party escalate.

Following their arrest, provincial secretary for security, Tommy Mwanza, and deputy secretary for the commissariat, Nigel Murambiwa were questioned at Chinhoyi Central Police Station's Law and Order section, before they were released without charge.

The pair had confronted Mujeri to register their displeasure over his unilateral decision ordering poll re-runs in some districts in the ongoing party restructuring exercise.

Mujeri said: "The two threatened my life, insulted and pushed me. I sought refuge at the police station as it was the only escape route in the wake of marauding members who are supposed to provide security and discipline within the party. They both lacked that discipline and they now have to face disciplinary action."

Mujeri conceded Zanu-PF Mashonaland West province was on fire.

"There is friction within the party," he said.

Contacted by for comment Sunday, Mwanza also confirmed the fracas which occurred at the party's provincial offices in Chinhoyi.

"We had a misunderstanding with the chairman. He (Mujeri) then reported us to the police in order to silence us. It is no longer a big issue since he didn't follow up with the police where we wanted the matter resolved," Mwanza said.

Mujeri is set to contest for chairmanship against Provincial Affairs Minister Mary Mliswa-Chikoka, Deputy Information Minister Kindness Paradza, and Vengai Musengi, the party's provincial youth league chairperson.

The Zanu-PF Mashonaland West provincial chairperson post fell vacant in June following the elevation of Justice minister, Ziyambi Ziyambi to the party's Politburo, the highest decision-making body outside congress.

However, Ziyambi is reportedly keen to retain control over provincial politics through his proxy, Mujeri.

Source - NewZimbabwe