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Zanu-PF chairman who barred CCC supporters from mourning Ali dies mysteriously

by Staff reporter
25 Jun 2022 at 14:10hrs | Views
Zanu-PF chairperson for Nyatsime, George Murabatsvina, the man who amongst others barred Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters from mourning their slain colleague Moreblessing Ali at her home in Nyatsime has been confirmed dead.

Murambatsvina is said to have died after a short illness.

Together with another Zanu-PF official, Masimbi Masimbi, Murambatsvina declared the area a no-go-area for opposition supporters soon just before there were running battles between the two main political parties.

Opposition supporters have taken to social media in "celebration," arguing the late Ali's "unsettled spirit" is avenging.

"All those who had a hand in her death and the chaos that was scene at her funeral wake should follow him. This certainly deserves a braai," said another.

Ali's funeral wake became a warzone as CCC supporters sought revenge against Zanu-PF supporters who dominate the peri-urban settlement.

As a result houses of pro-Zanu-PF supporters were torched, with Zanu-PF retaliating in the evening of the same day two weeks ago by burning 26 homes of people perceived to be sympathetic or supporters of party leader Nelson Chamisa and his CCC.

More to follow....

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Ali, #Zanu-PF, #Dies