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Headmaster loses teeth in robbery

by Staff reporter
21 May 2023 at 03:08hrs | Views
POLICE in Matebeleland South have launched a manhunt for three-armed robbery suspects who pounced on Matambo Primary School in Bulilima District where they attacked teachers leaving some seriously injured before getting away with cash and property.

The three attacked the headmistress leaving her with missing teeth while another teacher was stabbed in the palm before disappearing with R7 110 and US$33, two cellphones, nine laptops and two projectors. Matambo Primary School is in Village 27, Dombodema in Bulilima.

Police spokesperson for Matebeleland South Inspector Loveness Mangena confirmed the incident and told Sunday News that the robbers pounced on the school soon after midnight on Saturday last week armed with knives and machetes. On arrival at the school, they headed to the headmistress' cottage where they unlawfully entered and demanded that she gives them money. It is alleged that the headmistress told them that she had no money but they would have none of that and started assaulting her until she lost her front teeth.

"When she told them that she had no money, the robbers beat her up until she lost her front teeth. After the act the gang went to the deputy head and the another teacher, and again demanded money and assaulted them resulting in the deputy head being stabbed on her palm with a knife. They then stole 7 110 Rand, US$33, two cell phones, nine laptops and two projectors and fled," said Insp Mangena.

The police spokesperson added that prior to the raids, the robbers had stoned three houses. She said the value of the stolen property was still to be ascertained. Insp Mangena urged members of the public to be alert and cautious about their surroundings and make sure their homes were always secure.

Source - The Sunday News