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Zanu-PF affiliate targets Mumba

by Staff reporter
12 Oct 2023 at 01:39hrs | Views
A Zanu-PF-affiliated organization called the Citizens has expressed its desire to see the head of the Southern Africa Development Community (Sadc) Election Observer Mission (SEOM), Nevers Mumba, face sanctions due to his critical election report on the August elections.

Speaking to the press in Harare, a representative of the Citizens, Lloyd Machacha, stated that the organization would gather signatures for a petition against Mumba and later submit it to Sadc.

According to Machacha, "The report by Mumba violates a number of clauses within the guidelines of Sadc. The mission was also headed by someone with a criminal record, violating its 14.3(k) of its guidelines. The profile of someone who is supposed to head this delegation is not supposed to have any criminal record. The only report that we can acknowledge is the European Union report because it was clear and straightforward."

The organization accused SEOM of exceeding its mandate, which is solely to observe and not interfere with internal processes.

Machacha further added, "The report was not objective as it barely covered Zanu-PF strongholds. The SEOM also ignored the effects of sanctions on the political, economic, and social fabric of the country. As a result, the SEOM is now being used as a conduit to undermine Zimbabwe's sovereignty and democratic processes."

While Mumba's SEOM report had drawn criticism from Zanu-PF and the government, other election observer missions also reported widespread irregularities in the August polls, including voter disenfranchisement and intimidation.

Despite the controversy, Sadc has defended Mumba's report.

Source - newsday
More on: #Mumba, #Zanu-PF, #Sadb