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Man storms police station, destroys record book

by Staff reporter
10 Nov 2023 at 01:29hrs | Views
A 40-year-old resident from Nqokola village in Mbembesi, Matabeleland North province, entered a local police station and vandalized a criminal record book housed in the charge office. The incident occurred on Sunday.

Pumulani Tshabalala, who pleaded guilty, received a four-month prison sentence when he appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Maxwell Ncube earlier this week.

According to the State's account, on the afternoon of November 5, police officer Kholekile Dlamini was on duty when Tshabalala entered the charge office, claiming that people were pursuing him. Dlamini went outside to investigate but found no pursuers. Upon returning to the charge office, he discovered that Tshabalala had disappeared.

At 6 pm, as Dlamini prepared to conclude his shift, he realized that one of the record books (RRB 04\23) was missing. During the search for the record book, a colleague presented torn pieces of paper from it.

Following footprints and tracing the torn book pieces, a team of officers recovered them along a path used by Tshabalala when he left the police station. Subsequent investigations led to Tshabalala's arrest.

Source - Southern Eye