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Two cops nabbed after demanding bribe

by Simbarashe Sithole
25 Feb 2018 at 13:21hrs | Views
Two Bulawayo police officers were reportedly arrested for criminal abuse of power after they allegedly milked a suspect of his money in the name of bribe for them to drop his charge.

Sources familiar with the case allege Sergeant Magwala was arrested together with constable Nyathi buumi Gift on Thursday in Bulawayo after they demanded bribes from the complainant on several accounts.

The complainant was reportedly found with 1.3g of gold  and can spirits last year in December .

It is further alleged that the complainant went to court after paying the bribe of $300 and the docket was reported missing hence the complainant was given another date to attend court.

Magwala is said to have demanded another $100, which he got from the complainant, he used the same modus operandi whenever the complainant was supposed to appear in court.
One day he failed to pay the required $100 and paid $30 prompting the Sergeant to continuously call the complainant demanding the balance.

The sergeant finally sent the docket to court while pestering the complainant to pay more money  through his colleague Nyathi to buy his freedom.

The complainant reported the matter to Bulawayo Central police where a trap was made leading to the arrest of the duo under IR 629/18.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Corrupt, #Bribe, #ZRP, #Police