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'ZANU PF steals US$9 Billion from Treasury'

by Mandla Ndlovu
05 Jul 2019 at 14:48hrs | Views
Professor Jonathan Moyo has alleged that President Emmerson Mnangagwa presided over the theft of Treasury bonds worth USD$ 9 billion through the controversial Command Agriculture program.

Moyo further said Mnangagwa is working with the ZANU PF Youth League and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sibusiso Busi Moyo to cover up for the theft.

Read Moyo's full statement below:
The biggest heist Zimbabwe has suffered under Mnangagwa is the printing of over USD9 billion in TBs at 1:1; now part of Zimbabwe's domestic debt. This CORRUPTION has decimated the economy, triggered run away hyper-inflation & destroyed livelihoods to genocidal proportions!

The #TBgate heist was accomplished by CORRUPTLY masterminding an obscure enterprise called Command Agriculture under which not less than USD 5 billion was spent in 2017/2018 to create zero grain reserves; as Zim now need to import 800,000 tonnes of grain for USD 255 million!

The #TBgate CORRUPTION is now being covered up by Mnangagwa who has gotten ZanuPF youth to muddy the waters; with the support of Mthuli Ncube & Minister SB Moyo, the minister responsible for international trade, whose wife at ZACC has replaced Goodson Nguni as the hatchet hand!

In his TPS Mthuli Ncube confirms there was reckless and unrestrained printing of TBs but doesn't say by who & for what. It's #TBgate: theft of public funds on an industrial scale. If Matanda-Moyo.

The fact that Matanda-Moyo has started her hatchet-job at ZACC by getting excited about unproven corruption allegations made by ZanuPF youth, exposes her as a Mnangagwa factionalist and an accessory to #TBgate; bent on protecting her husband, Minister SB Moyo, and the PAC lot!

If Matanda-Moyo wants to be taken seriously and respected as a judge, she MUST get ZACC to investigate #TBgate. What happened to the money? USD 9 billion in TBs were siphoned mostly through Command Agriculture; which was said to be a Sakunda funded private-sector initiative!

Zimbabwe's version of great train robbery of the economy behind the USD 9 billion heist drive around in pink Bentleys and Rolls Royces and have foreign accounts stashed with cash. Some own private jets kept in Dubai & Switzerland which they lease to the State. This MthuliNcube knows!

As it's now clear that only an international tribunal can credibly investigate Aug 2018/Jan 2019 atrocities and disappearances of persons since Gukurahundi, the USD 9 billion heist and USD 15 billion diamond loot will require the services of Transparency International.

Source - Byo24News