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Bubi councillor installs street lights to curb muggings

by Staff reporter
22 Jan 2024 at 10:47hrs | Views
BUBI district Ward 8 Councillor Ignatious Khabo has installed street lights in his ward in a move aimed at reducing crime.

Cllr Khabo said he has installed more than 10 solar-powered lights and is working towards installing more.

He said he did this after realising that electricity is not always there and people end up walking on dark streets.

"I installed the lights on different crime hotspots which l know of. There were a lot of crimes that were now taking place in these dark spots and installing the streetlights was a way of reducing them. Mugging was now becoming very common with a lot of people who are coming from work late being targeted. When l realised that this was becoming frequent l decided to quickly act and put up the street lights," he said.

Cllr Khabo said he opted to use solar-powered lights so that they do not go off even if there is no electricity.

He said he is working towards installing more lights.

Source - The Chronicle