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Zanu-PF lifts suspension of Chipinge South candidate

by Staff reporter
05 Apr 2024 at 00:59hrs | Views
Zanu-PF has lifted the suspension of Chipinge South party candidate in the August 2023 elections Robert Chatogo Nyemudzo.

Nyemudzo defeated Enock Porusingazi in the Zanu-PF primary elections, but was disqualified after being accused of allegedly brewing illicit beer at his Checheche homestead.

Porusingazi, however, lost the seat to Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) candidate Clifford Hlatywayo, a development that angered the Zanu-PF leadership in Manicaland.

The seat had been under Zanu-PF for years.

NewsDay is in possession of a letter announcing Nyemudzo's readmission to Zanu-PF.

"This letter serves to advise you that the politburo sitting at its ordinary session on February 29, 2024 upheld the decision by the national disciplinary committee to uplift your suspension and all the charges levelled against you has fallen away as per article 36 , section 532 of the amended Zanu-PF constitution," the letter signed by Zanu-PF secretary-general Obert Mpofu read.

"Therefore, you can now resume your duties in the party without prejudice with immediate effect and enjoy all the rights of a member."

In an interview with NewsDay, Nyemudzo preached unity among party supporters.

"What happened is now history," he said.

"I want to thank my President (Emmerson Mnangagwa) for supporting me back into the party.

"We need unity in the constituency. We are not in the campaign mode. We need development."

Source - newsday