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Harare city fathers incompetent

by Staff reporter
27 Jun 2024 at 09:14hrs | Views
Local Government and Public Works Minister Daniel Garwe has criticized Harare city officials for their incompetence and inefficiency, highlighting their failure to collect waste, produce the annual budget for this year, and develop a Master Plan.

Minister Garwe stated that due to these issues, the government is intervening by establishing a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the challenges leading to poor service delivery.

He made these comments while responding to questions from legislators during the National Assembly's question-and-answer session.

Legislators had inquired about the ministry's efforts to support local authorities in achieving urban renewal.

"We have serious problems with the performance of some local authorities, particularly Harare. If a major city like Harare fails to collect garbage, produce an annual budget, and develop a Master Plan, we see this as incompetence and inefficiency," said Minister Garwe.

Source - The Herald