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MDC-Renewal members can contest by-elections as independents

by Staff reporter
31 Mar 2015 at 02:47hrs | Views

MDC-Renewal will not bar any of its members keen on contesting the forthcoming June by-elections as independents, but the party will not assist them in campaigning.

The opposition party said it was within the members' democratic rights to contest any election.

MDC-Renewal spokesperson Jacob Mafume said the party was boycotting the polls describing them as "the most useless and pointless election in the history of Zimbabwe".

Mafume said the resources to be channelled towards the by-elections should instead be used to procure food and stockfeed to avert the looming hunger.

President Robert Mugabe has declared 14 constituencies vacant countrywide and has ordered by-elections to be held on June 10.

Of the 14, five are in Bulawayo.

The nomination courts will sit on April 16 at Tredgold Magistrates' Court building.

Zanu-PF has since invited members interested in contesting the 14 constituency seats to submit their CVs by today as preparation for the polls heats up.

Zanu-PF has not won a single seat in Bulawayo since 2000 and if opposition parties boycott the polls, the ruling party will score a first.

Asked on whether they would bar any member from contesting, Mafume said that would be undemocratic.

Source - southerneye
More on: #MDC, #Elections