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Grace Mugabe rally - Live updates
08 Oct 2015 at 14:07hrs | Views

First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe is in Manicaland Province, Chimanimani area where she is expected to address party supporters at Mutambara Mission before touring Cashel Valley Estates which comprises a vast farm that specialised in growing beans and processes the Cashel baked beans.
12:30 Director of ceremonies Savior Kasukuwere has invited Manicaland Zanu-PF Provincial members to introduce themselves. He has also called on visiting comrades from Mozambique's Manica Province.
Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services Chris Mushowe says Amai Mugabe's visit to the province is historic as it marks her commitment in the implementation of ZimAsset.
"We are excited that the First Lady has come to tour a project which is going to add value in as far as the economic blueprint."
12:35 Min Mushowe says the Cashel Valley Estates which Amai Mugabe is set to tour today is toured by former Vice President Joice Mujuru and promised to revive it. "But when she went back to Harare what did she do? She started plotting against the party leader. So we are glad Amai is here to make that commitment. It is an indication that Amai is Amai for everyone."
12:40 Mai Leticia Undenge hails Amai Mugabe's visit to Manicaland saying it marks the rebirth of Cashel Valley Estates. She says 3000 families are going to benefit from the First Lady's initiative and selfless efforts. She adds, "Ava ndiAmai, shuwa Amai ndiAmai. Vanhu vese kunaAmai."
12:45 Minister of Youth, Indigestion and Empowerment Patrick Zhuwawo says Amai Mugabe is determined to see the success of ZimAsset and successive implementation of the 10 point plan which was enunciated by President Mugabe in his State of the Nation Address in August. Zhuwawo says the visits are a clear indication that Amai ndiAmai. He adds, Munhu wese kunaAmai because kusina Amai hakuendwi.
12: 47 Deputy Secretary of Zanu-PF Women's League Eunice Sandi sings 'Chiregai atonge' as she moves to the podium to greet the people.
12:50 Kasukuwere invites Thokozile Angela Mathuthu to greet the people and she goes: "Phambili ngeZanu-PF, Phambili ngoMama, Phambili ngobaba uMugabe. Phansi ngamatsotsi
12:54 Mozambican Cdes who have joined Zanu-PF supporters in Manicaland are on stage singing solidarity songs.
13:00 Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko is also in Manicaland accompanying the First Lady. Kasukuwere is inviting him to the podium.
13:05 VP Mphoko says "nxa isikhathi sesifikile, uzacela umama ukuthi akhulume lomphakathi" (when the time comes, he will request Amai to address the people). He goes on to say he is in the province with Amai to meet the people.
13:10 Acting Manicaland Zanu-PF Provincial Chairman, Samuel Undenge who is also Member of Parliament for the area welcomes Amai Mugabe . He gives brief background of Cashel Valley saying the franchise is owned by Cains Foods but the brand belongs to the people of chimanimani.
"Cashel Valley is known for its backed beans which is one of the most successful brands in Zimbabwe. Horticulture in Manicaland has scaled down but I trust that your visit marks the resuscitation of the industry."
13:20 Manicaland Provincial Affais Minister Mandi Chimene breaks into dance welcoming Amai. She says now is the turn for Manicaland to suck from Amai.
"It is not by mistake that you are here Amai. Here we have remained loyal to the party and I believe your coming is our reward for that. As a province we are endowed with natural resources but we are one of the poorest.
She says Manicaland usually receives very little rainfall and their only trusted source of survival for the people.
13:30 The Provincial minister pleads with Amai to help the people of Manicaland in reviving irrigation projects in the province. She says people have got the land which they were given by President Mugabe but what they do not have is the money to pay for electricity bills.
Chimene says Manicaland is the richest province but they are not even receiving crumbs. "Give us mafufu iwawo.
Min Chimene has spoke strongly against corruption saying she will not hesitate to name and shame those involved in shoddy deals. She says; "if we do not deal with corruption, it will push us out of offices."
13:40 First Lady takes to the podium chanting pamberi neZanu-PF. She castigates those who do not want to work with others before breaking into song: Musaputse Sungano.
Amai Mugabe says she is visiting the people in her capacity as Secretary for Women's League.
"Today I am in Manicaland. This province is important to us in a number of ways. One of the ways is its proximity to Mozambique which welcomed and accommodated freedom fighters. Thank you very much Manicaland. So many people from this province left the comfort of their homes to join the struggle.
She says the history of the liberation is important and the founding values which forced people to take up arms and face the enemy should be instilled in everyone.
Amai Mugabe says people should appreciate the selfless deeds of the war veterans.
"You hear people complaining why are they being given money but if I may say, they have deserve more."
First Lady says there are so many people who are in need of land but bemoans failure by some farmers to fully utilise their pieces. She has urged farmers with idle land to come forward because that land will be repossessed and redistributed.
She says people are wondering why Zimbabwean are stuck with President Mugabe who is 91 years old adding that those who are shocked should know that His Excellency is a man of ideals.
Amai Mugabe says Manicaland is a lucky province because it has most Cabinet ministers.
"Do you know that you have seven cabinet minsters? There is no other province with such a number of ministers. For example, in Mashonaland Central where i am doing most of my works, there are only three."
She gives credit to the people of Manicaland for choosing enlightened representatives who make it easy for President Mugabe when appointing ministers.
First Lady has encouraged the people of Chimanimani to avoid deforestation by planting more trees. "Environmentalists advise that if you cut one tree, please plant 10 more," she says.
She is explaining the country's economic blue print cluster by cluster while introducing ministers and explaining the role of their ministries in the successful implementation of ZimAsset.
She pleads with Min Undenge not to switch off electricity to farmers. "We do not even want prepaid meters. If you see anyone installing electricity prepaid meters, that person wants to destroy the economy."
Amai Mugabe has issued a stern warning to youths saying she knows they can be stubborn but urges them not to be used.
She says Zimbabwe is a stable country. "In December Zimbabwe will be hosting International Conference for AIDS and STIs in Africa because they could not go to Tunisia owing to problems in that country.
First Lady has castigated factionalism. "factionalism yakashata. We don't want it. Those of you who are engaging in factionalism. Please STOP IT forthwith!"
She says last year she blew the whistle and people thought she was joking. And, those people are now in the cold.
Amai Mugabe has also castigated corruption saying one day those people will be exposed.
First Lady says sanctions have destroyed industries in Zimbabwe and Cashel Valley is testimony to that. "Cairns has been working well with farmers here but their operations were greatly affected by sanctions. I am here to see how best we can help each other. Cairns Foods have been importing some of the raw materials but they have now found a partner who is willing to invest.
"I am here as Amai and I know that for Cairns Food and the people of Manicaland to survive, they need to be recapitalised. It is because of this reason that I am here to give you tractors. Cashel Valley will get six tractors, knack sack sprayers, and a harvester ."
She has also donated tractors and other farming equipment to other irrigation projects in the province. There are also food hampers, handbags, clothes and fertilizer.
15:00 Grace has finished her address.
15:04 Zanu-PF supporters break into song and dance. They are singing Amai Mugabe Vanopa.
12:30 Director of ceremonies Savior Kasukuwere has invited Manicaland Zanu-PF Provincial members to introduce themselves. He has also called on visiting comrades from Mozambique's Manica Province.
Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services Chris Mushowe says Amai Mugabe's visit to the province is historic as it marks her commitment in the implementation of ZimAsset.
"We are excited that the First Lady has come to tour a project which is going to add value in as far as the economic blueprint."
12:35 Min Mushowe says the Cashel Valley Estates which Amai Mugabe is set to tour today is toured by former Vice President Joice Mujuru and promised to revive it. "But when she went back to Harare what did she do? She started plotting against the party leader. So we are glad Amai is here to make that commitment. It is an indication that Amai is Amai for everyone."
12:40 Mai Leticia Undenge hails Amai Mugabe's visit to Manicaland saying it marks the rebirth of Cashel Valley Estates. She says 3000 families are going to benefit from the First Lady's initiative and selfless efforts. She adds, "Ava ndiAmai, shuwa Amai ndiAmai. Vanhu vese kunaAmai."
12:45 Minister of Youth, Indigestion and Empowerment Patrick Zhuwawo says Amai Mugabe is determined to see the success of ZimAsset and successive implementation of the 10 point plan which was enunciated by President Mugabe in his State of the Nation Address in August. Zhuwawo says the visits are a clear indication that Amai ndiAmai. He adds, Munhu wese kunaAmai because kusina Amai hakuendwi.
12: 47 Deputy Secretary of Zanu-PF Women's League Eunice Sandi sings 'Chiregai atonge' as she moves to the podium to greet the people.
12:50 Kasukuwere invites Thokozile Angela Mathuthu to greet the people and she goes: "Phambili ngeZanu-PF, Phambili ngoMama, Phambili ngobaba uMugabe. Phansi ngamatsotsi
12:54 Mozambican Cdes who have joined Zanu-PF supporters in Manicaland are on stage singing solidarity songs.
13:00 Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko is also in Manicaland accompanying the First Lady. Kasukuwere is inviting him to the podium.
13:05 VP Mphoko says "nxa isikhathi sesifikile, uzacela umama ukuthi akhulume lomphakathi" (when the time comes, he will request Amai to address the people). He goes on to say he is in the province with Amai to meet the people.
13:10 Acting Manicaland Zanu-PF Provincial Chairman, Samuel Undenge who is also Member of Parliament for the area welcomes Amai Mugabe . He gives brief background of Cashel Valley saying the franchise is owned by Cains Foods but the brand belongs to the people of chimanimani.
"Cashel Valley is known for its backed beans which is one of the most successful brands in Zimbabwe. Horticulture in Manicaland has scaled down but I trust that your visit marks the resuscitation of the industry."
13:20 Manicaland Provincial Affais Minister Mandi Chimene breaks into dance welcoming Amai. She says now is the turn for Manicaland to suck from Amai.
"It is not by mistake that you are here Amai. Here we have remained loyal to the party and I believe your coming is our reward for that. As a province we are endowed with natural resources but we are one of the poorest.
She says Manicaland usually receives very little rainfall and their only trusted source of survival for the people.
13:30 The Provincial minister pleads with Amai to help the people of Manicaland in reviving irrigation projects in the province. She says people have got the land which they were given by President Mugabe but what they do not have is the money to pay for electricity bills.
Chimene says Manicaland is the richest province but they are not even receiving crumbs. "Give us mafufu iwawo.
Min Chimene has spoke strongly against corruption saying she will not hesitate to name and shame those involved in shoddy deals. She says; "if we do not deal with corruption, it will push us out of offices."
13:40 First Lady takes to the podium chanting pamberi neZanu-PF. She castigates those who do not want to work with others before breaking into song: Musaputse Sungano.
Amai Mugabe says she is visiting the people in her capacity as Secretary for Women's League.
"Today I am in Manicaland. This province is important to us in a number of ways. One of the ways is its proximity to Mozambique which welcomed and accommodated freedom fighters. Thank you very much Manicaland. So many people from this province left the comfort of their homes to join the struggle.
She says the history of the liberation is important and the founding values which forced people to take up arms and face the enemy should be instilled in everyone.
Amai Mugabe says people should appreciate the selfless deeds of the war veterans.
"You hear people complaining why are they being given money but if I may say, they have deserve more."
First Lady says there are so many people who are in need of land but bemoans failure by some farmers to fully utilise their pieces. She has urged farmers with idle land to come forward because that land will be repossessed and redistributed.
She says people are wondering why Zimbabwean are stuck with President Mugabe who is 91 years old adding that those who are shocked should know that His Excellency is a man of ideals.
Amai Mugabe says Manicaland is a lucky province because it has most Cabinet ministers.
"Do you know that you have seven cabinet minsters? There is no other province with such a number of ministers. For example, in Mashonaland Central where i am doing most of my works, there are only three."
She gives credit to the people of Manicaland for choosing enlightened representatives who make it easy for President Mugabe when appointing ministers.
First Lady has encouraged the people of Chimanimani to avoid deforestation by planting more trees. "Environmentalists advise that if you cut one tree, please plant 10 more," she says.
She is explaining the country's economic blue print cluster by cluster while introducing ministers and explaining the role of their ministries in the successful implementation of ZimAsset.
She pleads with Min Undenge not to switch off electricity to farmers. "We do not even want prepaid meters. If you see anyone installing electricity prepaid meters, that person wants to destroy the economy."
Amai Mugabe has issued a stern warning to youths saying she knows they can be stubborn but urges them not to be used.
She says Zimbabwe is a stable country. "In December Zimbabwe will be hosting International Conference for AIDS and STIs in Africa because they could not go to Tunisia owing to problems in that country.
First Lady has castigated factionalism. "factionalism yakashata. We don't want it. Those of you who are engaging in factionalism. Please STOP IT forthwith!"
She says last year she blew the whistle and people thought she was joking. And, those people are now in the cold.
Amai Mugabe has also castigated corruption saying one day those people will be exposed.
First Lady says sanctions have destroyed industries in Zimbabwe and Cashel Valley is testimony to that. "Cairns has been working well with farmers here but their operations were greatly affected by sanctions. I am here to see how best we can help each other. Cairns Foods have been importing some of the raw materials but they have now found a partner who is willing to invest.
"I am here as Amai and I know that for Cairns Food and the people of Manicaland to survive, they need to be recapitalised. It is because of this reason that I am here to give you tractors. Cashel Valley will get six tractors, knack sack sprayers, and a harvester ."
She has also donated tractors and other farming equipment to other irrigation projects in the province. There are also food hampers, handbags, clothes and fertilizer.
15:00 Grace has finished her address.
15:04 Zanu-PF supporters break into song and dance. They are singing Amai Mugabe Vanopa.
Source - the herald