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Mudzuri visits detained MDC cadres

by Luke Tamborinyoka
22 Jan 2018 at 09:38hrs | Views
Acting MDC President Hon. Engineer Elias Mudzuri today spent over three hours with the three MDC activists currently languishing at Chikurubi Maximum security prison on trumped-up charges of murder.

The three prisoners, Tungamirai Madzokere, Last Maengahama and Yvonne Musarurwa were in high spirits and expressed their hope that the forthcoming elections would usher in a new government that will bring positive change in the lives of the people. They told the acting MDC leader and his delegation that they had a constitutional right to vote like every other Zimbabwean and hoped that all prisoners will be allowed to enjoy this basic constitutional right.

The acting MDC President  and his delegation first met Maengahama and Madzokere before proceeding to the female section of the prison where they met Musarurwa. The acting party leader, who brought the three political prisoners groceries and other basic requirements, said the party leadership was aware that the three did not commit any crime and hoped that the Mnangagwa administration would consider them as political prisoners and grant them amnesty. He briefed the detained party activists about the situation in the country and assured that the party will continue to give priority to their welfare and that of their families.

It was uplifting that the three have not allowed their contrived predicament to dampen their spirits. The detained party cadres said they were optimistic about the next election. Madzokere and Maengahama, who are currently pursuing degree programmes in Development Studies and Theology respectively, said they were hopeful that they would soon rejoin their families.

Musarurwa was so upbeat that instead of the acting President and his delegation praying for her, she offered to pray for the delegation as well as party president Morgan Tsvangirai, who is currently on a routine medical visit to South Africa.

Acting president Mudzuri also had a chance to exchange greetings with incarcerated Zanu PF MP, Munyaradzi Kereke.

The prisoners told the acting MDC leader that there had been no running water at the male section of the prison for the past one week while the electricity transformer has since broken down at the female section and the prisoners have no light during the night.
Engineer Mudzuri was accompanied by the party's secretary for Welfare Hon. Concilia Chinanzvavana, the chief of staff Hon. Sessel Zvidzai, secretary for security Giles Mutsekwa and senior directors in the Office of the President.

Luke Tamborinyoka
Presidential spokesperson and Director of Communications

Source - Luke Tamborinyoka