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Govt has no plans to surface 'rocky' Gwanda-Maphisa road says Mpofu

by Mafu Sithabile
20 May 2015 at 21:45hrs | Views
The Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development Dr Obert Mpofu on Wednesday said the government has no plans to surface Gwanda-Maphisa road.

Gwanda-Maphisa road is a 56,8 km gravel road.

Dr Mpofu was responding to a question by member of parliament Mr M. Sibanda who asked: "when the Ministry is going to surface the Gwanda/Maphisa road?"
"The road is rocky in some sections but it was last motorised graded in January, 2015 to improve the ridability of the road. The Ministry does not have immediate plans to surface this road because of funding constraints. However, the road will be upgraded to a surfaced one when funds are available," Dr Mpofu Responded.

In 2014 Matabeleland South ZANU PF leadership stopped a 14 year old primary school girl from recitation of a some what controversial poem in front of first lady Grace Mugabe in Gwanda. The poem closed off by asking the first lady to get government to put tar on the Gwanda - Maphisa Road and a bridge over Mtshabezi River exiting the town on the old Bulawayo Road.

Rumours have been spreading around Gwanda town for years that the Gwanda - Maphisa Road which is arguably the worst road in the country is recorded in the national road network in Harare as being a tarred highway. The rumours claim that funds for the construction of the road were diverted elsewhere and government was misinformed.

Source - Byo24News