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Custom Essays: What Do Prices Depend on at

19 Nov 2018 at 11:22hrs | Views
Each type of custom essay service has their own way of charging their customers. Often times, customers don't really get a say in how much they end up paying for their assignment. At, a brand new kind of custom essay writing service, customers come first! There are several factors that go into how much a student pays for their assignment, which gives them more control over the final cost of the paper. They get to choose whether they get a cheap or expensive paper.
The paper prices on start at $9/page. This is the price of the simplest essay with a long deadline. Since the pricing is per page, longer papers are going to be more expensive than shorter papers.

There are a few basic components that contribute to how cheap or expensive a paper will be. These factors include the type of paper, how complex the paper is, the paper's topic, how long the paper is, and how much time the writer has to work on the paper. Let's take a more detailed look at how each of these factors impacts the price of the paper.

Paper Type and Complexity

On, students can order all types of papers, including simple essays, term papers, dissertations, case studies, and even creative writing projects. Obviously, some of these projects are going to be a bit more complicated than others. For example, it's much easier for a writer to compose a short essay than it is to write an entire dissertation. Because of this, dissertations are one of the more expensive paper types on the site.


On, students will fill out an order form to describe what type of paper they need to be written. When doing this, students can either pick a topic for the paper or let the writer work on any topic. For example, for a creative writing class, a student could either order a general short story on any topic or a short story about a young boy who overcomes his fears by snowshoeing alone in the forest. Since the given topic is much more specific, that assignment would be more expensive. When possible, students can let their writer do any topic to help them save money.

Paper Length

Like mentioned earlier in the article, the prices are based on the number of pages in the paper. A paper that is three pages long will be much less expensive than a paper that is thirty pages long. When possible, students can keep their page amount low to save money. They can also put in fewer pages than they actually need, and then write the remaining pages themselves instead of paying a writer to do it.


Lastly, the deadline is one of the biggest factors that goes into determining the price of the paper. This is because of the "rush" factor. No matter how long a paper is, it will be cheaper if a student sets a deadline of a week, rather than a day. For this reason, it is best that students order their paper as soon as possible. This will give the writer more time to work on the paper and will also help to save the student a few bucks.

Now that this article has covered what goes into making a paper cheap or expensive on, students can know how to get the best paper for their budget. Whether this means setting a longer deadline for their writer or picking a simple topic, students are sure to save money if they keep these facts in mind when ordering a paper from

Source - Agencies
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