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2023!! Marginalized Ndebeles should unite and rally behind Hon Tshinga Dube for Presidency

17 May 2018 at 06:40hrs | Views


It is not a secret that the Matabeleland people have been marginalized big time since Zimbabwe got its independence from Britain in 1980.These guys have played second fiddle in Zimbabwe's politics both during and after former president Robert Mugabe's tenure.

The Matabeleland region have been snubbed by the government when it comes to the issues of development and to some extent the Ndebele people are also to blame for this long overdue marginalization.

Issues such as the Gukurahundi still remains as one of the agonizing chapters in the lives of the Ndebele people as they lost their beloved ones through the brutal regime of Robert Mugabe. More so in terms of the current government structure and setup this tribe have been more marginalized than ever.

One thing that the Ndebele people should forget about is to hear Mugabe and President Emmerson Mnangagwa apologizing for the Gukurahundi massacres. These two guys will continue shifting the blame on each other till they both leave the earth. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will never address this burning issue if the real perpetrators are still walking freely in the streets of Harare, hence the only way to solve this issue is to vote for an able statesman Ndebele leader in the capacity of Hon Tshinga Dube.

The question is not to have a Zanu Pf Ndebele leader but to have a capable Ndebele president.

People like Khaya Moyo, Thokozani Khupe, Dumiso Dabengwa, Lovemore Moyo, Welshman Ncube and the leader of Mthwakazi Republic have proven beyond reasonable doubt that they are political armatures who cannot unite the Ndebele people for a common cause hence one can argue that the Ndebele's are also playing a part in their marginalization. With his long and consistence stance on Gukurahundi issue Tshinga Dube is the man that the Ndebele people should rally behind in 2023 and wrestle power from their Shona political god-fathers. With cde Dube in power in 2023 the Gukurahundi matter will be settled once and for all.

It is actually agonizing to see the Ndebele folks queuing to vote for a murderer in the capacity of Mnangagwa in the coming elections. In his recent interview with Zimbabwe Independent Newspaper Dube said I quote "the best way government can solve the Gukurahundi issue is to apologise to the nation for the atrocities which were committed in Matabeleland and Midlands provinces when the state unleashed the notorious North-Korean trained Fifth Brigade in the provinces to supress alleged banditry activities during the early 80s.First let us accept that Gukurahundi happened. We can find a way of apologising through chiefs. Traditional chiefs can come together and make the necessary rituals. In Shona they usual talk of Ngozi (avenging spirits) but that Ngozi is treated. At times, we try to heal the Gukurahundi issue politically but that cannot work because this is purely a spiritual issue," said Dube.

The Mkokoba MP went on to state it clearly that Emmerson Mnangagwa should indeed apologise as he was also involved partly in the butchering of the Ndebele's, It is through such a leader that I believe that if the Ndebele people rally behind him in 2023 the dynamics of politics in Zimbabwe can shift and such a shift will bring development to this marginalised region. In summing up I would like to call upon the Ndebele people to unite in 2023 and put their money on Tshinga Dube if they hope to see any development taking place in their region, more so it is high time that they should woke up from their sleep and also influence political decisions. The office of the presidency should be rotated in Zimbabwe.

2023 its time for a Ndebele President

Knowledge Hakata is an Avant garde political commentator who is also the co-founder of Demos Cratos a political organisation. He can be contacted on

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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