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Coup to remove Mnangagwa by August 2020 to consolidate dictatorship

26 Aug 2019 at 12:27hrs | Views
"So dire is the situation and boiling tensions in the corridors of power, that Mnangagwa is said to have pleaded for a political grace period of until August 2020 to step down, as a faction aligned to Vice President Rtd General Constantino Chiwenga, wanted him gone by December this year," reported Spotloght Zimbabwe.
"The presidency insiders said indications are that Mnangagwa might actually be forced out early, and the military was likely to tap into the oppositions series of protests and stayaways, as a vehicle to show Mnangagwa the door."
MDC leaders had a taste of gravy-train lifestyles during the 2008 to 2013 GNU, they completely forgot about implementing the democratic reforms, and ever since they have participated in flawed and illegal elections just to win the few gravy-train seats Zanu PF gave away as bait. They will do anything to get back on the gravy-train. Anything!
Of course, the November 2017 military coup was high treason, even if it was to remove a vote rigging tyrant. Two wrongs do not make a right! Besides, the coup was setting a dangerous precedence no nation should never ever allow.
Tsvangirai and his fellow MDC leaders overlook all that as soon as Chris Mutsvangwa, Mnangagwa and the coup plotters' envoy, assured the MDC leaders Mnangagwa was going to form a new GNU in which MDC would play a part. Tsvangirai left his SA Hospital bed in a huff, convinced he was going to be appointed in a senior position in the post Mugabe government.
As soon as Mnangagwa and his putsch had Mugabe and his G40 faction neutralized, they share the spoils amongst themselves; Chiwenga became VP, Perence Shiri and Sibusiso Moyo were appointed ministers, etc. Mnangagwa announced that there would be no GNU and the planed elections would go ahead. Tsvangirai felt betrayed and died a few weeks later "a very disappointed man!" according to Nelson Chamisa.
As expected, MDC participated in the 2018 elections knowing fully well Zanu PF would rig the elections; MDC participated even when ZEC failed to produce something as basic as a verified voters' roll. Beggars are no choosers; the party was after the bait seats and did not care about the blatant vote rigging.
MDC has withheld the endorsement of Mnangagwa as the legitimate president to take advantage of the EU, Americans, Commonwealth and everybody else with any democratic credentials who have all dismiss the elections as a farce. MDC wants Mnangagwa to appoint Chamisa and a few other MDC leaders cabinet ministers in return for the legitimacy endorsement.
The MDC planned demos starting 16 August 2019 are geared at piling the pressure on Mnangagwa to share the spoils of the rigged elections.
MDC leaders are want power sharing arrangement, National Transition Authority (NTA), a watered down version of the 2008 to 2013 GNU which failed to implement even one democratic reform and hence the reason Zanu PF has continued to blatantly rig the elections. The NTA will not do any better.
Nelson Chamisa and his fellow MDC leaders are thrilled to read there is yet another military coup on the cards especially when the MDC is promised a share of the spoils.
"They're advanced plans to turn these opposition protests and stayaway campaigns into a military managed and sponsored path to get rid of Mnangagwa, and the opposition will take shared credit for the process," said the Spotlight Zimbabwe source.
Some Zimbabweans are aware of the sheer futility of the NTA as a vehicle for change and hence the reason they have not supported the MDC demos. The military backing of MDC demos will therefore be welcomed by Chamisa and company. Whether the new putsch will share power with MDC is academic what matters is the arrangement will never restore the people's freedoms and rights. Never!

The nation should be using the economic meltdown to press for meaningful political change and not just to help MDC leaders get back on the gravy-train.
The real story to tell here is that the Zanu PF hardliners still view themselves as the only people fit to govern Zimbabwe regardless of the mountain of evidence of the country's economic mess under their rule. Whichever Zanu PF faction emerges the winner in the on-going war each is counting on MDC support in return for a share of the spoils of power.
If the people of Zimbabwe are serious about implementing the reforms and finally end the Zanu PF dictatorship, then we must demand that vote rigging and illegitimate Zanu PF regime steps down. We need Zanu PF to step down to create the political space for the appointment of an interim administration tasked to implement the reforms.

Allowing Zanu PF to remain in office until 2023, on its own or in a Mnangagwa or Chiwenga led NTA, then we can be certain no reforms will be implemented and the party will rig the 2023 election. This will be insane just as the consequences to the nation will be catastrophic!   

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