Opinion / Columnist
Africa'second revolution whose time has come: Breaking-away from oppressive partisan poverty politics
05 Sep 2019 at 21:20hrs | Views

The high-sounding and inspirational liberation of the entire of Africa by political parties and liberation movements that lost its cause! The law-abiding citizens that have been reduced to the level of traumatised hostages by the same hoped-for partisan messiahs! Political parties that have naturally fallen apart with growing internal revolts and cross-overs to other institutions due to citizenry ever-growing political maturity! Time that has come to enshrine the accountable non-partisan all-Africa independent candidates movement at all levels. The revolutionary political parties that have a tendency to rule forever with hook or crook! They become a form of localised Mafia bent on looting everything! The election! Projects finance! Donor funding and social grants! Land.
It has become very difficult to ignore the fact that partisan politics has increasingly out-lived its purpose as party-politics has been reduced into being that most critical vehicle of sustainable poverty and citizen devastating oppression into sustainable poverty! Political parties and liberation movements stop serving the radicalised people on the day that they get elected into power! Such that, given a choice, many Africans would opt for the old colonial authority that knew of lesser poverty and brutality or general lawlessness.
The ruling political parties and liberation movements quickly transform themselves into permanent men-eater unaudited dinosaurs soon after they are either elected or rig their way into power!
In The Democratic Republic of Congo slain former president, and night-club maestro, Laurent Desire Kabila took a partisan short-cut into state house! He opted to over-take the electoral processes and declared himself president over-night in a coup upon former president, Sese Seko Joseph Mobutu. Kabila still got lots of regional partisan loyal friends mainly Zimbabwe'strongman Robert Gabriel Mugabe.
An opportunity not to be missed to join the scramble for the respective country's rich diamond deposits for personal gain with then minister of defence, now sitting Zimbabwe president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, whose coup upon Mugabe knew of no repurcation.
A coup leader had no hassle joining The Southern African Development Community. One was left to wonder as to how such a multi-standards one-size-fits-all organisation would deny Burundi application for membership in its 39th Heads of State Summit in Dar Es Salam in August 2019. Mugabe once ranted when questioned as to why he had continued to draw great applause in these both SADC and AU gatherings with his messy political record!
Boasted to the effect that these participating Heads of State had worse-off situations at home than him. And gave a free lecture to then Botswana youthful Head of State, Ian Khama, who had remained opposed to Mugabe open tyranny and, eventually, threatened Khama with war. That which Khama saw and heard in/about Mugabe, both the regional and the continental democracy and good governance vanguard bodies respectively had neither eyes nor ears to see and hear! Urgent need for institutional evaluation for both The SADC and The AU.
This was the same attitude observed in Mugabe arch prophets Zionist Christian Council of Zimbabwe President, Archbishop Johannes Ndanga and Andrew Utawunashe who prophesied all the glory upon the then head of state and his hoped-for successor, whom Ndanga had prophesied to in front of rolling cameras, to the effect that she had carried the same anointing to rule, wife Grace Mugabe, until the wee hours of the November 15, 2017 coup! And with the same mouths, just carried-on with the same glorious prophecies upon now sitting president and product of the coup, Emmerson Mnangagwa, as if nothing had happened! These prophets should have gone into hiding in immeasurable both shame and grief with the unceremonious Mugabe fall!
Khama went to the extent of boycotting The African Union 25 Heads of State Pretoria Summit in protest against Mugabe attendance and organisational inaction. The Southern African Development Community went for a partisan splendid silence in the spirit of liberation movement sisterhood! The cat hurriedly begins to eat its own bloodline kittens in public! Quality living gets confined to the chosen-few! Or, rather the imposed anointed few! And the majority poor in the hands of the colonial order and poorer in the hands of the reigning partisan revolutionaries get official condemnation into both poverty and hero-worship of the powers of the day. The powers that decide on who lives and who does not! Who prospers and who does not!
Who gets what, when, how, where and why? The cruel allocation of resources to cousinships, uncleships, brotherhoods, sisterhoods and pals! The powers that either ostracise by humiliation, frustration by inciting misgorvened resentment and rejection! Or elimination by either drive-by or through the house window shooting, arson, food poisoning or staged fatal road accidents!
The patriotic warm-bloodied, political and administratively sane who understand that public service was not premised on financial trappings but upon undeterred willingness to sacrifice time, skill and wisdom with all the due care and diligence for public good. The new breed of independent politics wields of no destructive influence! It was known to be most genuine and direct from the people! It would most acurately reject and resent known criminals and political and administrative lackeys with no partisan reprisals! Partisan politics have, for time immemorial, remained as pre-eminently marked by grave corruption! Violence!
Undue protectionism! Electoral rigging! Capture and militarisation of state institutions! Ruling party and state fake synonimity. Warm-bloodied political and administrative animals find themselves intimidated in African parliaments in favour of political and administrative idiots who go to the august house for the purposes of engaging in a presidential praise-singing stampedes or to faint in sleep. Pedigree political animals who resent party idiotcy get quickly labelled as opposition and find themselves in the political paupers grave-yard in the holy name of the party!
The result was misguided poor quality debate, and, therefore, sub-standard legislation culminating into continental Kangaroo governance worse than the former colonial authorities. The independent movement would offer high quality functional oversight to the executive and, inevitably, energise other oversight institutions to execute their mandated functions undeterred alongside high quality management of state-owned enterprises and quality service delivery in all local governance.
The independent movement would naturally command of sufficient prudence to enact the most relevant lesgislation that would simplify the hiring and firing of public servants ranging from the cleaner to the head of state without fear or favour as against partisan protectionism! The independent movement neither carries such devastating personal loyalties nor that retroggressive partisan collective responsibility that forces would-be great political and administrative minds into mediocrity! It was competence driven pre-eminently marked by high-quality servant-master leadership as opposed to the prevailing master-servant leadership where leaders get elected as a means of isolating them from those citizens who elect them.
Elected to get back in limousines, motorcades and private chartered jets over the voters permanently deep-sunk in excruciating poverty. And, therefore, operational and strategic liabilities to the respective institutions and citizenry.
And yet the independent movement runs on true self-introspection, brave peer review and forces the respective elected leader to assume the same heart-beat as those who voted them! Or else they go with minimal red-tape hassle. The independent movent would remain as that institution in true public service directly commanded and instantly appraised by those who voted it into office without fear or favour. This institution would wield of no known tool of repression with a well regulated relationship with state institutions such as the police! The army! The prisons!
And the intelligence services. Partisan politics makes it easy to either incite or hire political criminals to descend upon realistic governance. In Botswana, in justification of tenderpreunership, the ruling party Secretary-General, Mpho Balopi, came-out as so publicly highly energised in defence of such partisan corruption in open declaration to the effect that as leaders they should be allowed to eat! Due to the nature of partisan politics, the organisation saw a no re-call opportunity for such open liability leader.
In the name of the ruling party, Balopi had the guts to seek to humiliate former president, Sir Ketumile Masire, for his sane views on deteriorative politics and administration of the time. Botswana Cabinet Minister and president of the ruling Botswana Democratic Party Women's League, Dorcus Makgato, went on full-trail to discredit women candidacy in the run-up to the respective party primary elections of April the 5th 2019 at Kang.
She heads an institution whose mandate was to groom party women for strategic decision-making positions in Botswana. This was in fulltime defiance of both the SADC and AU gender protocols. Undisputed re-call material protected by patriarchical partisan politics against fellow-women. No independent institution could sink that low. Partisan politics looks at the face and not on factuality driven by existing circumstancies within both the respective institution and in governance. Liberation movements have tended to concertrate more on liberation war credentials than on quality deliverables in the various cadres in state institutions.
In Zimbabwe, at independence, the then general manager of The National Railways, John Avery, went on the ruling ZANU PF forced retirement programme to make way for Farai Masango, a former engine driver with a Junior Certificate as his highest qualification. He was politically drafted-in to head both autocrats and technocrates for partisan reasons in a formerly, employer of choice organisation! The life-blood parastatal nose-dived on auto-pilot from that day to the present close to extinction status. Zimbabwe's opposition Movement for Democratic Change, on finding favour with the urban electorate, went on an unrestricted looting spree of the ruling ZANU PF left-over fragments.
In The Victoria Falls Municipality council prioritised the purchase of a mayoral top-of-the range Mercedes Benz at a time when the respective municipal workers had gone for several months without wages.
In Beit-Bridge Town Council councillors parcelled-out municipal land to each other at the expense of the rate payers. In Zvishavane Town Council Movement for Democratic Change councillors registered companies for the purposes of tenderpreneurship. They won tenders and got paid without any of the contractual deliverables. In The City of Gweru, a Movement for Democratic Change councillor was allowed to purchase a council vehicle at the price of Bearer Cheque equivalent to a quarter bottle of imitated brandy, just to mention a few all in the name of the party. On getting into office Movement for Democratic Change councillors country-wide top-priority, was the unrealistic upping of sitting allowances over a poverty-striken rate-payer!
When opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai went on an aggressive erotic equilibrium that knew of no boundaries! Carried the youth and elderly irrespective of political affiliation! Got dragged to the courts by aggrieved women, a most opportune moment for his re-call, for political partisan reasons, the respective party's women's league went on full-force fund-raising to pay for his out-of-court settlements!
A privilege that an independent would never be found to be entitled to. Tsvangirai hid behind the party and, in this way, obtained the undue collective responsibility in both gross immorality and crime. In this way he became an easy kill within the ruling ZANU PF stable. Tsvangirai had married two women who were both daughters of high-ranking ZANU PF personnel. This was at a time that he had had numerous attempts upon his life.
All crime! Tyranny! Corruption and opportunities remain hidden within the wings of the ruling party! Election time, by and large, remains as a window-dressing exercise! The citizenry is arbitrarily assigned leaders! And no-one has a right to demand accountability! Politicians appear in filthy taxi and bus ranks and substandard trains and equally filthy hospitalis every five years at election time! To squeeze of another fake mandate to go back to Parliament to oppress the citizenry furthermore.
In Zimbabwe, the late Vice President, Dr. Simon Vengesai Muzenda, once told a huge gathering that in the country's ruling ZANU PF, even if the respective party brought a donkey as an electoral candidate, the respective citizenry must just vote accordingly without question.
Then one wonders as to who then would be the target beneficiary! Would it be the respective donkey or the respective constituents! It was the same Robert Gabriel Mugabe government that had massacred over 20 000 Matabele citizens over period 1983 to 1987 and had continued to do so at every stage. Zimbabwe'sitting president, Emmerson Mnangagwa inaugurated his presidency with 20 men electoral gun-fire blood on the 1st of August 2018 following the coup that he had led against veteran leader, Robert Gabriel Mugabe.
A figure that the centrury-long colonial occupation would never reach. In South Africa, state terrorism saw 34 Marikana miners in the North-West province instantly condemned to death by the then senior executive of Lonmin and now sitting head of state, president Cyril Ramaphosa, by gun-fire in the hands of a black police force unleashed by a black government on the 16th of August 2012.
The poor four small men in the police force have been taken to court and yet ruling party big fish who authorised the massacre have, seven years later, never been mentioned. Now sitting president, Cyril Ramaphosa, who gave instruction in his capacity as non-executive director at Lonmin has known no court due to partisan fortified insulation!
Ailing and wailing widows and orphans were instantly manufactured in Marikana on that fateful day. Former Zambian president, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, of The United National Independence Party, unprovoked, unleashed the police upon an Alice Lenshina led Lumpa religious outfit that left over 700 voting citizens dead in desperate desire to safe-guard African partisan evil in 1966. He was irritated by the numbers and loyalty levels. In Uganda! Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo)! Central Africa Republic! Congo! Rwanda! Sierra Leone! Nigeria and Liberia, to mention but just a few! War lordism!
Child soldiers! Rape! Men-made disease! Poverty! Conflict, Ignorance and unlimited massacres were continuously perpetrated upon Africa's own people by the respective ruling African parties governments. Citizens have been deployed upon dissident fellow citizens! Political parties and good governance remain as two most opposite entities. An African ruling political party's immediate known visible power has remained as premised in the art of killing its own citizens as a means of safe-guarding its rule of the jungle. Political partisan governments have orchestrated most sorry deliverables upon their respective citizenry!
They have delivered death! Maimed their own citizens! Championed the wanton looting of public resources both material and financial! Between Zimbabwe's then president, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, and then Vice President, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, 15 Billion United States Dollars worth of proceeds from the country's lucrative Chiadzva Diamond Fields vanished in micro-seconds in 2015! Every fund! Project! Even if it was for widows and orphans, got hurriedly looted in grave competition as all offenders continued to enjoy ruling partisan unlimited protection.
When window-dresser commissions of inquiry got set, they had adopted that standard practice of exonerating ruling party criminals as evidenced in South Africa's Justice Seriti Commission of Inqury that cost One Hundred and Forty Million Rand of tax-payer's money to stage, on The Arms Deal whose findings have had to be overturned by a North Gauteng High Court judgment presided over by Judge President, Dustan Mlambo, on a joint appeal by pressure groups, Corruption Watch and Right To Know, on the 21st of August 2019, 10 years later!
The sitting South African Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane investigation of the community Estina Dairies of 2015/2016 exonerated the criminal ruling party elite. And Zimbabwe's Willogate Scandal of the late 80s, where the elite had ordered motor- vehicles from a state-owned enterprise for re-sale at higher profit margins! A Justive Wilson Sandura Commission with findings that became inconsequential in hands of Mugabe's ruling ZANU PF. And The Marikana incident that left 34 men dead. Elected partisan governments quickly sunk into being the worst form of Kangaroo administration driven by highly personalised interests in supposedly public office. Governments that knew of no bounderies between government and ruling party politics!
The boundary between The Executive! The Legislature! And The Judiciary. The boundary between the respective political party investments and state owned enterprises has remained as non-existent! State owned enterprises have been wantonly looted to advance the multiple financial causes of the respective ruling parties and pals. Liability partisan boards that had no capacity to act as the principal custodians of the respective enterprise, with all the requisite due care and diligence, have been deployed upon these institutions like pick-pocketing hungry vultures in grave competition!
Over-burdened with a plethora of challenges such as the irregular recruitment of partisan employees at obscene salaries. And that most-grave over-lap between state institutions and the respective ruling parties burdens the respective tax-paying citizenry.
The wanton looting of state owned resources in favour of the respective ruling parties! State-owned resources were remorselessly deployed to carry the respective ruling party electioneering, hire of luxury jets, financial sanctuaries for the compliant favoured blue-eyed boys at obscene salaries and perennial sweets for the respective politicians. State-owned enterprises were, in this way, too impoverished to serve their logical mandate! Supposedly the most critical source of funding for the welfare state. The pre-requisite for leading such state institutions has remained as ruling party confirmed subscriptions both material and spiritual!
Recruitment into the police force, the prison service and the army begins at the respective ruling party cells! The best formula for creating a most brutal partisan armed force. Zimbabwe's ruling ZANU PF, in addition to the legitimate security arms of government in the service of the party, created an official partisan state funded Green Bomber youth militia for electoral indimidation purposes that served as the recruitment reservoir into all arms of government. And all state enterprises were militarised to keep them in good tune to create and sustain a strong partisan complexion for looting purposes.
All Africa has fallen into Islamic State capture in fullfilment of an Islamic declaration to the effect that it would eventually conquer the world. To a less sophisticated man such conquer or take-over would suggest violence with lots of high powered gunfire! The Islamic State operation has remained as being multifated!
Ruling or high potential political parties get easily ensnared into such state capture with money and various other strategic Islamic hand-outs such that the state finds itself as fully mortgaged to The Islamic State. Every ruling party, liberation movement or high potential political party remains as so pre-eminently marked by strong an Islamic State presence. In the most recent, was South Africa's Gupta case!
The Islamic State Gupta family obtained both envious access and control of State institutions of strategic value. In Botswana, 0ttapathu Ramachandran romped-in former president, Dr. Festus Mogae into the Choppies Board as a means of keeping a strangle-hold upon both the ruling Botswana Democratic Party and government alongside The Islamic State permanent deployee, Sartar Dada, and the likes of Farouk Ismail, who have continued to remain insulated even at a moment when he had so defiantly persisted in supplying foods beyond shelf-life in his business.
In Zimbabwe The Islamic State's Ramachandran re-energised its presence riding on former Vice President Report Phelekezela Mphoko as non-executive director at US $10 000 per month. In the coming Botswana October general election, Islamic State'South African billionaire, Motti, and alleged leading financier of Botswana's Umbrella for Democratic Change, has allegedly attached strings to his sponsorship to the point of demanding that his preferred candidate, Dumelang Saleshando, stands for the presidency, as against the respective sitting candidate, Duma Boko, as reported by The Sunday Standard of August 18-24, 2019. In this Umbrella for Democratic Change was a former Head of State, Seretse Khama Ian Khama. These ruling parties get to power as most critical guests or willing hostages to The Islamic State, there-by enshring the proclaimed international capture.
In South Africa, the various factions within the ruling party have competed for control of the state's various enterprises and over-sight institutions driven by the multiple such sponsors. Criminal ruling African National Congress strange bed-fellows have become that respective party financial God Fathers with looted state funds which they would have accessed through criminal tenderpreneurship!
And the ruling party got a cut of such proceeds! Bret Keble, for a long time, once lived as principal shareholder in the ruling African National Congress Youth League with his father, Roger Keble. Both of whom died of suspected suicide emanating from crime. At the recent death of fraudster Gavin Watson and key ruling party benefactor, of suspected either suicide or assasination over The Bosasa scandal that paid perennial bribes to both individual ruling party politicians, including heads of state, and the respective institution with state money to secure the fountain of multi-billions of Rand in fake tenders, the ruling African National Congress went into paralytic mourning, and remained just short of declaring national mourning.
And judiciary bribery as an effective means of keeping tenderpreneurs insulated against the wheels of justice. Gavin Watson had been viewed as one star witness in The Justice Raymond Zondo chaired State Capture Commission. It was not just Gavin Watson dead, but information destroyed! Non-partisan institutions have no capacity to enshrine corruption of such magnitudes due to its inevitable self-oversight role.
This sort of conduct has reduced all-African democracy to a pipe dream as the state has remained in fulltime ransome, and, therefore, too paralysed to render any quality service delivery. African health services have, in this way, long been reduced into being that multi-national multi-million silent holocaust superior in numbers to that second world-war six million Jews of former German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler. Empty dispensaries!
Over-worked, and, therefore, fatigued hospital personnel, blocked toilets! Maggot infested non-functional morgues! Broken-down equipment! Consistent Power and water-cuts! Lack of sundries even in theatres and maternity! A horrific death-hole!
Former cabinet minister, sitting president of the African National Congress Women's League and looter of state social welfare grants destined for the poor old-aged, the disabled, widows and orphans, Bathabile Dlamini, bravely stood her ground with no shame and made it public knowledge in front of cameras that every one in the ruling African National Congress had their own bit of political and administrative transgressions and was, in this way, able to cling-on to her ministerial post till the next election on May 8, 2019.
Within the ruling African National Congress Women's League, a faction has called for her return to cabinet. One of the key State Capture activists and Guptas ally and key character in The Estina Dairies saga, former premier of The Free State, and now sitting ruling African National Congress Secretary-General, Ace Magashule, whose office was known not to see eye-to-eye with the same African National Congress party presidency, has drawn lots of inspiration from Jewish prophet Jesus The Christ's "he who is clean cast the first stone" approach within the respective party!
He has made it very clear that within the respective party, that what was known was just a tip of the iceberg, and, therefore, nothing to write home about. And, surely, so far, none has shown any willingness to cast that first corrective stone upon the aggressors for partisan reasons so detrimentally over-laping into state functions, there-by rendering the respective institution full paralysis and increasing such vulnerability.
The independent movement would not have such grave protectionist loop-holes and would not make any such bearer of public office any better than those who elect them. The independent movement, would naturally remain as mandated deliverable-driven with no such unwarranted excesses.
When caught red-handed ruling party politicians at lightining speed mobilise the same poverty-weary abused citizens to take camp at the respective court-yards and on the streets to intimidate both the victims and the judiciary!
In some cases by the respective court dates all witnesses would either had been systematically eliminated or fully intimidated! Obscene power that the independent movement would not be able to amass. In South Africa, former president Zuma's rape case was suppressed by fellow women mobilised against another woman! All the political murders and other forms of crime! Looting in South Africa's municipalities trigger instant partisan misinformed protests in favour of the suspect/s ahead of court processes! Partisan criminals rule the roost!
And yet independent candidates have no access to such scope of detrimental influence. Partisan authority naturally kills the rule of law and quality legislature. Former South African president, Jacob Zuma, desperately tried to intimidate the illustrious former public protector, Thuli Madonsela, for finding his office and the various ministries wanting in their mandates over his R240 million Nkandla homestead investment with public funds in a severely all-round malnourished society with school children continuously dying in government delapidated pit latrines in mud schools with no text books and a devastating national health service! And most grave service delivery protests with the bucket toilet system in the reign decades after independence! Madonsela was repeatedly reminded of her war veteran status within fellow war veterans as a form of both ransome and open demand for partisan attitude to justice.
The Zuma camp assumed that Madonsela could have been unleashing the former disgraced president Mbeki venom, not justice! The end of the Madonsela term of office marked of a great moment of relief for Zuma and entourage!
And her replacement by sitting public protector, Busisiwe Mkhwebane, was more of a damning damage control exercise for the Zuma faction of The African National Congress. It could be this sort of complexion that has caused Mkhwebane the continuously mounting on-the-job legal woes that have put her competence credentials in the spotlight with her poorly researched findings that have, in some cases, been found to be customised to protect partisan interests.
Mkhwebane went on an unjustified public spat with her predecessor and banned her from ever setting foot at Public Protector House for obviously partisan reasons in favour of an aggrieved pro-Zuma faction of the ruling African National Congress! Or, as a means of massaging her relationship with the Zuma administration and possible job security and a possible means of gaining uncontested access into the looting grounds.
This was how Mkhwebane fell out of gear with her mandate on the on-set! It remains as no surprise that the Bathabile Dlamini faction of the African National Congress Women's League has come-out in uncalculated favour of Mkhwebane. Dlamini has a hot potato logged in her trachea swallowed at social services and the only wise, good and safe way out would be that of taking the partisan route! In the mayor of Ethekwini multi-million Rand tender scandal, arrest and re-call respectively, the party hooliganism was, as usual, mobilised to besiege the respective court!
And yet another faction of the same party, the ruling African National Congress, was also mobilised to come-out in full support of the respective mayor's recall and arrest respectively. It was the rate-payer who remained in limbo with poor service delivery as partisan politics continued to crumble. A scenario that would have no room in the independent movement.
In The Southern Africa Development Community and Africa as a whole, there exists partisan/factional high traffic at The Prosecutor-General's office which naturally would compromise the justice delivery system, there-by ensuring that even the innocent deemed as politically incorrect could be undully drafted into prisons! While the guilty could remain on the rampage umpurtabed.
South Africa and Zimbabwe office of the Public Prosecutor directorate has seen detrimental traffic with devastating partisan and criminal allegations in a corruption-fertile partisan environment of mediocre accountability as per Zondo Commission 2019, State Capture,19 August 2019.
Mxolisi Nxasana, former director of South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Advocates Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi, disgraced former deputy directors in The National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa! Bulelani Ngcuka, South Africa's founding director of public prosecutions.
Former president Jacob Zuma. And Zimbabwe's Johannes Tomana, Sobusa Gula-Ndebele, Kumbirai Hodzi, having been politicised and some having served in that office for time spanning from micro-seconds to a few years. These offices have remained in wholistic paralysis torn apart in divided ruling elite in-party loyalties.
In Africa, courts and prisons were made for the small inconsequential fish! And those big fish that fall-out of favour within the enshrined George Orwell Animal Farm system! Where some animals remain as more equal than others! Prison remains as that place where the big criminals look after the small criminals. Zimbabwe's President Mnangagwa'slogan of fashion summarises it all: ZANU PF we are the police! ZANU PF we are the army! We are the prison service! ZANU PF we are the courts! This serves to explain as to the reason why the respective party cadres who fall-out of favour with the system have fled!
They flee from party Kangaroo justice in the courts in the hands of their respective enermies. Mnangagwa as disgraced Vice President, fled Zimbabwe through an ungazzetted point to South Africa when he faced imminent imprisonment at his moment of fall-out with Mugabe. He feared that the same Kangaroo justice system that he had long been partisan to, would be turned-on him! Former Mugabe Co- Vice President, Report Phelekezela Mphoko also fled suspectably through another ungazzetted point when his imprisonment in the hands of his fellow Co-Vice President cum-sitting president, had become imminent! Mphoko was a former senior state intelligence personnel, also known as The Guillotine Machine for manslaughter.
Skidded-out of a Bulawayo police station where he had been summoned to meet The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission. Fled from the same Kangaroo justice system that he had co-presided-over with an allegation to the effect that he feared the possibility of being abducted and being injected with a lethal substance. In The Judiciary, when sanity prevailed, judges were quickly reminded of the fact that they owed their appointments to politicians which serves as a direct demand for unquestionable loyalty or compliance as he who appoints continues to wield of sufficient power to disappoint.
Time to check on which side of the bread was buttered! The independent movement would successfully enact of a true non-partisan and competent public service and play effective oversight over all state institutions.
In all-Africa wanton looting takes place at the expense of quality service delivery to the citizenry. And the same citizenry gets deployed into the streets and the respective court-yards in support of the respective criminals.
Trade unions have been deliberately captured and assigned to ruling party cadres for purposes of hi-jacking the workers and limiting their aspirations. Former Zambian president, former long-distance bus conductor and secretary-general of The Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) Frederick Chiluba, on becoming head of state, went into grave conflict with fellow trade unionists who had rightfully expected more harmony with the state. Zimbabwe's Morgan Tsvangirai and former secretary-general of The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, fell out of favour with fellow trade unionists on becoming Prime Minister in The Global Political Agreement that followed the 2008 electoral impasse following a rigged election by Mugabe.
Tsvangirai's interests had, at that stage, varied from those of the majority. In South Africa, veteran trade unionist, Zwelinzima Vavi, then secretary-general of The Congress of South African Trade Unions, came-out guns blazzing full-force with an open declaration to the effect that the trade union movement would kill for the ruling party's president Zuma over his multiple trials and tribulations that varied from corruption to rape.
This was the most correct moment for the trade union movement to effect a re-call of the secretary-general. Vavi abandoned the pressing workers bread and butter issues in favour of partisan politics! And the clergy too had to be customised in such a way that it served and subscribed to state tyranny as evidenced in Zimbabwe's Anglican Archbishop and the ruling ZANU PF activist, Nolbert Kunonga.
Ruling parties and liberation movements have successfully created an idiotic political robot society that has remained as barred from using its own brains at the expense of the real prevailing political discourses. This idiotic society has continued to suffer from self-inflicted stomach aches and with no right to complain.
In Zimbabwe, the ruling ZANU PF Women's League was unleashed by male presidential aspirant, now sitting president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, to crucify Zimbabwe's first woman Vice President, Dr. Joyce Mujuru, to make way for himself. Mujuru's blood is unduly in the hands of fellow partisan women, one Oppah Muchinguri-Rushesha-Kashiri and former first Lady, Grace Mugabe.
The same went for The African National Congress stalwart, Winnifreda Madikizela-Mandela, where the partisan respective women's league was assigned to go against its own mandate of grooming feminine talent for senior decision-making roles by destroying her to entrench patriarchy in the ruling African National Congress. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's blood remains in the hands of fellow women in the likes of Angie Motshekga, Bathabile Dlamini, Maite Nkoane Mashabane, among others!
But at Winnie's grave-side, most surprisingly, they were on time not to be out-done with angelic eulogies! And for the first time, nations were favoured with the truth over Winnie's partisan-manufactured devastating allegations over the slain child activist Stompie Seipei that had estranged both her marriage to iconic first black democratically elected head of state, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the political career that she had slaved-for over many-many years of internal high risk and unlimited activism in support to the liberation struggle. Winnie lost both her marriage and her political career at the stroke of an unjust partisan pen.
The Southern Africa Development Community Heads of State met for the 39th summit over period 15-18 August 2019 in Tanzania with new chair of the block, Tanzanian president, John Magufuli calling on the block to rally on the call to the world to lift sanctions against Zimbabwe despite the fact that at that very moment Zimbabwe capital, Harare, was being beamed live on fire with tear-gas canisters and brutal assault upon the defenceless citizenry that drew instant attention of The United Nations Secretary-General farther-away.
One wonders as to what on earth of Mnangagwa administration, so resented on the home-front, so inspired such atrocious thought in The Southern African Development Community! Former Zambian president, the late Levy Mwanawasa, remains as the only other game-changer man of mantle straight talker second to former Botswana's president Khama, who confronted former Zimbabwe president Robert Gabriel Mugabe over similar governance style. The departures of these two high potential game-changers who had posed a live threat to both SADC and AU window-dresser long prevailing complexion, marked two retrogressive steps backward deeper into the usual oblivion!
The Southern African Development Community, with new leadership, seems to have sunk deeper into being a fulltime window-dresser tyrants tea, coffee and whiskey club masquarading as a functional vanguard of regional peace for unholy partisan reasons. To re-stamp the prevailing SADC culture, Botswana's sitting president went out-of-tune with great love at first-sight for Mnangagwa soon after his inauguration in desperation to undo all The Khama gains by bedding that hungry and vicious man-eater crocodile for both personal and partisan gain.
A most drastic departure from Botswana constructive politics since the days of its founding president, Sir Seretse Khama. Botswana had always resented and openly rejected the high-levels of blood-spill in Zimbabwe by both the colonial masters and the hoped-for, post-independence black messiahs cum most-vicious crocodiles. The sane expectation was that Mnangagwa would have, at this summit, been called to order and reprimanded accordingly, for playing that man-eater crocodile over his people since assuming power.
Mnangagwa went into The SADC 39th Heads of State Summit with a fountain of fresh citizen blood dripping in his hands! That cat that feeds on its kittens! And The SADC still conveniently had neither eyes nor ears to see and hear those most desperate lambs bleating in Mnangagwa's brutish and nasty rule! Where life-expectancy has contiued to get short and shoter, as was, in The Hobbesian state of nature.
Instead, Mnangagwa got most undue accolades for his Atrocious Governance! Atrocious Cost of Living! And Atrocious Service Delivery! Mnangagwa System 3A. This same summit found it fit to assign Mnangagwa the custodianship of the organ of politics and security without the same security at home! Citizenry protesting against bad governance, state brutality, alarming poverty and poor service delivery.
Similarly, Mnangagwa went on a long-haul hired private jet to eastern Europe on an aggressive investment drive over the Zimbabwe January 2019 national uprisings that saw the whole country beamed-live in international media shimmering on fire over poverty riots! He continued to sell the jewel on fire! Never occurred to him that fire and investment were as different as day and night.
SADC remains as equally blind to reality to sustain its flimsy liability commitment to the ruling fellow liberation movement, ZANU PF. The Southern African Development Community has narrowed its scope to hypocritically see nothing beyond president Mnangagwa's face and that of the fellow liberation movement ZANU PF in the same manner that it did with Mugabe over a period of 37 years!
And the regional block could not rise in Mugabe's favour at the November 2017 coup orchestrated by Mnangagwa. The independent movement would truely change the face of such regional vanguard bodies as it would not have such liability retroggressive allegiances.
The African Union as principal custodian of the respective continent good governance was, in early 2019, confirmed as an active sex trafficker in its head quarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Women were victims of sex for employment scandal. Shuttled into the organisation's Addis Ababa headquarters mafia style for sex purposes in the pretex of employment. Part of its mandate was to police and end all forms of human trafficking.
Both The Southern Africa Development Community and The African Union have continued to thrive as regional and continental white elephants of no constructive or mandated function with window-dressing full-fledged human rights and gender non-functional desks that have so far failed to respond to Mugabe's public unrepentant hardline mantra on gays and lesbians describing them as a little worse than pigs and dogs!
And yet The South African Human Rights Commission has pursued columnist and talk-show host, John Qwelane, in the courts to the present, for openly subscribing to Mugabe views in an article published in a 2008 Sunday Times newspaper. Both The Southern Africa Development Community and The African Union remained as mum when Mugabe descended on his female Vice President, Dr. Joyce Mujuru for expressing a lawful ambition to succeed the president should he think of retirement.
Mugabe was quoted in the state mouth-piece, The Herald, as saying "a woman for that matter." Instead of being found to be wanting and, therefore, candidate for reprimand at both the regional and continental institutions, Mugabe was still found as most suitable to chair both The Southern African Development Community and The African Union, a strange co-incidence with both institutions strategic moves on gender parity marked by the formal declaration of The Decade for Women 2010- 2020. And the SADC Women in Political Decision-Making Desk suffered an avoidable grave setback in silence.
And the AU 25th Summit theme, Year of Women's Empowerment and Development towards Agenda 2063. One then wonders as to what sort of deliverables the respective institutions would make under the leadership of Mugabe! Mugabe had a duty as chair, to inspire and champion these mandates with all the due care and diligence. Partisan and fellow liberation comradeship had taken precedence over the respective institutional mandates.
The two institutions, to this day, have still not made sense of that Mugabe most unfortunate presence over the respective organisations mandates. One never stops as to wondering as to what sort of developmental role or relevance both institutions played for their respective constituents.
Peace, prosperity and integrity are products of the prevalence of justice! Brave fight! Uncompromised stances against poverty, wars, hunger, ignorance, corruption or unlimited greed! The five worst inseparable trinities in the making of a devastatingly agitated world! The high desire for world peace has energised the emergence of the non-partisan creation of Korean True Mother Moon initiated Universal Peace Federation (UPF).
This desperate search whose time of manifestation was long overdue has seen Christianity and Islam converge in Morocco, that was sitting Pope Francis and King Mohamed V1, over a humanitarian cause for the first-time since creation. Korean True Mother Moon has most bravely risen to both market and promote universal peace with a most critical argument to the effect that there would be no peace without integrity! There would be no prosperity in man-made poverty! In war! In disease! In ignorance!
In child-labour and child marriages. The world should seek to industrialise and create employment rather than having to sink into being that greed-driven open war theatre! Good health with shrinking grave yards! With more schools and pharmaceutical companies than armerment factories and wars that feed on the blood and wisdom of the peoples of the world! Korean True Mother Moon has taken that most brave stance to dream and speak peace to the world and seek to both inspire and energise the world's honest citizens to rise and champion quality peace and true development rather than narrowing such noble effort to religion or culitism!
Korean True Mother Moon strongly believes, sees, values and loves the rule of law and the creation of peace and international prosperity beyond family poverty! Wars! Hunger! Ignorance!
And corruption. Korean True Mother Moon dreams of a SADC! An African Union! An Islam! Christianity! An African religion! All other religions! And a world with good health! Abundant food processing plants! Smaller grave yards! Silent guns! And sound economies. True Mother Moon long assumed the same heart-beat and saw a most functional common denominator with all other peace and genuine development crusaders of both the past and our time without fear or favour, irrespective of religion, cult, race, colour or creed.
Korean True Mother has a dream! Dreams of secured and prosperous family life as that most critical unit to religion, street, town, district, province, country, region, continent and the world peace, security and, therefore, quality prosperity. Charity or tyranny surely begins at home and then overspills to the entire neighbourhood to either make or unmake the world at a tremendous speed!
Korean True Mother Moon dreams of high quality family love for family as the real cornerstone to international peace with governance of good conscience in the SADC, Africa and the world.
Reginald Thabani Gola.
Cell. 00263775184749.E-mails:regtgola@gmail.com
It has become very difficult to ignore the fact that partisan politics has increasingly out-lived its purpose as party-politics has been reduced into being that most critical vehicle of sustainable poverty and citizen devastating oppression into sustainable poverty! Political parties and liberation movements stop serving the radicalised people on the day that they get elected into power! Such that, given a choice, many Africans would opt for the old colonial authority that knew of lesser poverty and brutality or general lawlessness.
The ruling political parties and liberation movements quickly transform themselves into permanent men-eater unaudited dinosaurs soon after they are either elected or rig their way into power!
In The Democratic Republic of Congo slain former president, and night-club maestro, Laurent Desire Kabila took a partisan short-cut into state house! He opted to over-take the electoral processes and declared himself president over-night in a coup upon former president, Sese Seko Joseph Mobutu. Kabila still got lots of regional partisan loyal friends mainly Zimbabwe'strongman Robert Gabriel Mugabe.
An opportunity not to be missed to join the scramble for the respective country's rich diamond deposits for personal gain with then minister of defence, now sitting Zimbabwe president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, whose coup upon Mugabe knew of no repurcation.
A coup leader had no hassle joining The Southern African Development Community. One was left to wonder as to how such a multi-standards one-size-fits-all organisation would deny Burundi application for membership in its 39th Heads of State Summit in Dar Es Salam in August 2019. Mugabe once ranted when questioned as to why he had continued to draw great applause in these both SADC and AU gatherings with his messy political record!
Boasted to the effect that these participating Heads of State had worse-off situations at home than him. And gave a free lecture to then Botswana youthful Head of State, Ian Khama, who had remained opposed to Mugabe open tyranny and, eventually, threatened Khama with war. That which Khama saw and heard in/about Mugabe, both the regional and the continental democracy and good governance vanguard bodies respectively had neither eyes nor ears to see and hear! Urgent need for institutional evaluation for both The SADC and The AU.
This was the same attitude observed in Mugabe arch prophets Zionist Christian Council of Zimbabwe President, Archbishop Johannes Ndanga and Andrew Utawunashe who prophesied all the glory upon the then head of state and his hoped-for successor, whom Ndanga had prophesied to in front of rolling cameras, to the effect that she had carried the same anointing to rule, wife Grace Mugabe, until the wee hours of the November 15, 2017 coup! And with the same mouths, just carried-on with the same glorious prophecies upon now sitting president and product of the coup, Emmerson Mnangagwa, as if nothing had happened! These prophets should have gone into hiding in immeasurable both shame and grief with the unceremonious Mugabe fall!
Khama went to the extent of boycotting The African Union 25 Heads of State Pretoria Summit in protest against Mugabe attendance and organisational inaction. The Southern African Development Community went for a partisan splendid silence in the spirit of liberation movement sisterhood! The cat hurriedly begins to eat its own bloodline kittens in public! Quality living gets confined to the chosen-few! Or, rather the imposed anointed few! And the majority poor in the hands of the colonial order and poorer in the hands of the reigning partisan revolutionaries get official condemnation into both poverty and hero-worship of the powers of the day. The powers that decide on who lives and who does not! Who prospers and who does not!
Who gets what, when, how, where and why? The cruel allocation of resources to cousinships, uncleships, brotherhoods, sisterhoods and pals! The powers that either ostracise by humiliation, frustration by inciting misgorvened resentment and rejection! Or elimination by either drive-by or through the house window shooting, arson, food poisoning or staged fatal road accidents!
The patriotic warm-bloodied, political and administratively sane who understand that public service was not premised on financial trappings but upon undeterred willingness to sacrifice time, skill and wisdom with all the due care and diligence for public good. The new breed of independent politics wields of no destructive influence! It was known to be most genuine and direct from the people! It would most acurately reject and resent known criminals and political and administrative lackeys with no partisan reprisals! Partisan politics have, for time immemorial, remained as pre-eminently marked by grave corruption! Violence!
Undue protectionism! Electoral rigging! Capture and militarisation of state institutions! Ruling party and state fake synonimity. Warm-bloodied political and administrative animals find themselves intimidated in African parliaments in favour of political and administrative idiots who go to the august house for the purposes of engaging in a presidential praise-singing stampedes or to faint in sleep. Pedigree political animals who resent party idiotcy get quickly labelled as opposition and find themselves in the political paupers grave-yard in the holy name of the party!
The result was misguided poor quality debate, and, therefore, sub-standard legislation culminating into continental Kangaroo governance worse than the former colonial authorities. The independent movement would offer high quality functional oversight to the executive and, inevitably, energise other oversight institutions to execute their mandated functions undeterred alongside high quality management of state-owned enterprises and quality service delivery in all local governance.
The independent movement would naturally command of sufficient prudence to enact the most relevant lesgislation that would simplify the hiring and firing of public servants ranging from the cleaner to the head of state without fear or favour as against partisan protectionism! The independent movement neither carries such devastating personal loyalties nor that retroggressive partisan collective responsibility that forces would-be great political and administrative minds into mediocrity! It was competence driven pre-eminently marked by high-quality servant-master leadership as opposed to the prevailing master-servant leadership where leaders get elected as a means of isolating them from those citizens who elect them.
Elected to get back in limousines, motorcades and private chartered jets over the voters permanently deep-sunk in excruciating poverty. And, therefore, operational and strategic liabilities to the respective institutions and citizenry.
And yet the independent movement runs on true self-introspection, brave peer review and forces the respective elected leader to assume the same heart-beat as those who voted them! Or else they go with minimal red-tape hassle. The independent movent would remain as that institution in true public service directly commanded and instantly appraised by those who voted it into office without fear or favour. This institution would wield of no known tool of repression with a well regulated relationship with state institutions such as the police! The army! The prisons!
And the intelligence services. Partisan politics makes it easy to either incite or hire political criminals to descend upon realistic governance. In Botswana, in justification of tenderpreunership, the ruling party Secretary-General, Mpho Balopi, came-out as so publicly highly energised in defence of such partisan corruption in open declaration to the effect that as leaders they should be allowed to eat! Due to the nature of partisan politics, the organisation saw a no re-call opportunity for such open liability leader.
In the name of the ruling party, Balopi had the guts to seek to humiliate former president, Sir Ketumile Masire, for his sane views on deteriorative politics and administration of the time. Botswana Cabinet Minister and president of the ruling Botswana Democratic Party Women's League, Dorcus Makgato, went on full-trail to discredit women candidacy in the run-up to the respective party primary elections of April the 5th 2019 at Kang.
She heads an institution whose mandate was to groom party women for strategic decision-making positions in Botswana. This was in fulltime defiance of both the SADC and AU gender protocols. Undisputed re-call material protected by patriarchical partisan politics against fellow-women. No independent institution could sink that low. Partisan politics looks at the face and not on factuality driven by existing circumstancies within both the respective institution and in governance. Liberation movements have tended to concertrate more on liberation war credentials than on quality deliverables in the various cadres in state institutions.
In Zimbabwe, at independence, the then general manager of The National Railways, John Avery, went on the ruling ZANU PF forced retirement programme to make way for Farai Masango, a former engine driver with a Junior Certificate as his highest qualification. He was politically drafted-in to head both autocrats and technocrates for partisan reasons in a formerly, employer of choice organisation! The life-blood parastatal nose-dived on auto-pilot from that day to the present close to extinction status. Zimbabwe's opposition Movement for Democratic Change, on finding favour with the urban electorate, went on an unrestricted looting spree of the ruling ZANU PF left-over fragments.
In The Victoria Falls Municipality council prioritised the purchase of a mayoral top-of-the range Mercedes Benz at a time when the respective municipal workers had gone for several months without wages.
In Beit-Bridge Town Council councillors parcelled-out municipal land to each other at the expense of the rate payers. In Zvishavane Town Council Movement for Democratic Change councillors registered companies for the purposes of tenderpreneurship. They won tenders and got paid without any of the contractual deliverables. In The City of Gweru, a Movement for Democratic Change councillor was allowed to purchase a council vehicle at the price of Bearer Cheque equivalent to a quarter bottle of imitated brandy, just to mention a few all in the name of the party. On getting into office Movement for Democratic Change councillors country-wide top-priority, was the unrealistic upping of sitting allowances over a poverty-striken rate-payer!
When opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai went on an aggressive erotic equilibrium that knew of no boundaries! Carried the youth and elderly irrespective of political affiliation! Got dragged to the courts by aggrieved women, a most opportune moment for his re-call, for political partisan reasons, the respective party's women's league went on full-force fund-raising to pay for his out-of-court settlements!
A privilege that an independent would never be found to be entitled to. Tsvangirai hid behind the party and, in this way, obtained the undue collective responsibility in both gross immorality and crime. In this way he became an easy kill within the ruling ZANU PF stable. Tsvangirai had married two women who were both daughters of high-ranking ZANU PF personnel. This was at a time that he had had numerous attempts upon his life.
All crime! Tyranny! Corruption and opportunities remain hidden within the wings of the ruling party! Election time, by and large, remains as a window-dressing exercise! The citizenry is arbitrarily assigned leaders! And no-one has a right to demand accountability! Politicians appear in filthy taxi and bus ranks and substandard trains and equally filthy hospitalis every five years at election time! To squeeze of another fake mandate to go back to Parliament to oppress the citizenry furthermore.
In Zimbabwe, the late Vice President, Dr. Simon Vengesai Muzenda, once told a huge gathering that in the country's ruling ZANU PF, even if the respective party brought a donkey as an electoral candidate, the respective citizenry must just vote accordingly without question.
Then one wonders as to who then would be the target beneficiary! Would it be the respective donkey or the respective constituents! It was the same Robert Gabriel Mugabe government that had massacred over 20 000 Matabele citizens over period 1983 to 1987 and had continued to do so at every stage. Zimbabwe'sitting president, Emmerson Mnangagwa inaugurated his presidency with 20 men electoral gun-fire blood on the 1st of August 2018 following the coup that he had led against veteran leader, Robert Gabriel Mugabe.
A figure that the centrury-long colonial occupation would never reach. In South Africa, state terrorism saw 34 Marikana miners in the North-West province instantly condemned to death by the then senior executive of Lonmin and now sitting head of state, president Cyril Ramaphosa, by gun-fire in the hands of a black police force unleashed by a black government on the 16th of August 2012.
The poor four small men in the police force have been taken to court and yet ruling party big fish who authorised the massacre have, seven years later, never been mentioned. Now sitting president, Cyril Ramaphosa, who gave instruction in his capacity as non-executive director at Lonmin has known no court due to partisan fortified insulation!
Ailing and wailing widows and orphans were instantly manufactured in Marikana on that fateful day. Former Zambian president, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, of The United National Independence Party, unprovoked, unleashed the police upon an Alice Lenshina led Lumpa religious outfit that left over 700 voting citizens dead in desperate desire to safe-guard African partisan evil in 1966. He was irritated by the numbers and loyalty levels. In Uganda! Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo)! Central Africa Republic! Congo! Rwanda! Sierra Leone! Nigeria and Liberia, to mention but just a few! War lordism!
Child soldiers! Rape! Men-made disease! Poverty! Conflict, Ignorance and unlimited massacres were continuously perpetrated upon Africa's own people by the respective ruling African parties governments. Citizens have been deployed upon dissident fellow citizens! Political parties and good governance remain as two most opposite entities. An African ruling political party's immediate known visible power has remained as premised in the art of killing its own citizens as a means of safe-guarding its rule of the jungle. Political partisan governments have orchestrated most sorry deliverables upon their respective citizenry!
They have delivered death! Maimed their own citizens! Championed the wanton looting of public resources both material and financial! Between Zimbabwe's then president, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, and then Vice President, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, 15 Billion United States Dollars worth of proceeds from the country's lucrative Chiadzva Diamond Fields vanished in micro-seconds in 2015! Every fund! Project! Even if it was for widows and orphans, got hurriedly looted in grave competition as all offenders continued to enjoy ruling partisan unlimited protection.
When window-dresser commissions of inquiry got set, they had adopted that standard practice of exonerating ruling party criminals as evidenced in South Africa's Justice Seriti Commission of Inqury that cost One Hundred and Forty Million Rand of tax-payer's money to stage, on The Arms Deal whose findings have had to be overturned by a North Gauteng High Court judgment presided over by Judge President, Dustan Mlambo, on a joint appeal by pressure groups, Corruption Watch and Right To Know, on the 21st of August 2019, 10 years later!
The sitting South African Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane investigation of the community Estina Dairies of 2015/2016 exonerated the criminal ruling party elite. And Zimbabwe's Willogate Scandal of the late 80s, where the elite had ordered motor- vehicles from a state-owned enterprise for re-sale at higher profit margins! A Justive Wilson Sandura Commission with findings that became inconsequential in hands of Mugabe's ruling ZANU PF. And The Marikana incident that left 34 men dead. Elected partisan governments quickly sunk into being the worst form of Kangaroo administration driven by highly personalised interests in supposedly public office. Governments that knew of no bounderies between government and ruling party politics!
The boundary between The Executive! The Legislature! And The Judiciary. The boundary between the respective political party investments and state owned enterprises has remained as non-existent! State owned enterprises have been wantonly looted to advance the multiple financial causes of the respective ruling parties and pals. Liability partisan boards that had no capacity to act as the principal custodians of the respective enterprise, with all the requisite due care and diligence, have been deployed upon these institutions like pick-pocketing hungry vultures in grave competition!
Over-burdened with a plethora of challenges such as the irregular recruitment of partisan employees at obscene salaries. And that most-grave over-lap between state institutions and the respective ruling parties burdens the respective tax-paying citizenry.
The wanton looting of state owned resources in favour of the respective ruling parties! State-owned resources were remorselessly deployed to carry the respective ruling party electioneering, hire of luxury jets, financial sanctuaries for the compliant favoured blue-eyed boys at obscene salaries and perennial sweets for the respective politicians. State-owned enterprises were, in this way, too impoverished to serve their logical mandate! Supposedly the most critical source of funding for the welfare state. The pre-requisite for leading such state institutions has remained as ruling party confirmed subscriptions both material and spiritual!
Recruitment into the police force, the prison service and the army begins at the respective ruling party cells! The best formula for creating a most brutal partisan armed force. Zimbabwe's ruling ZANU PF, in addition to the legitimate security arms of government in the service of the party, created an official partisan state funded Green Bomber youth militia for electoral indimidation purposes that served as the recruitment reservoir into all arms of government. And all state enterprises were militarised to keep them in good tune to create and sustain a strong partisan complexion for looting purposes.
All Africa has fallen into Islamic State capture in fullfilment of an Islamic declaration to the effect that it would eventually conquer the world. To a less sophisticated man such conquer or take-over would suggest violence with lots of high powered gunfire! The Islamic State operation has remained as being multifated!
Ruling or high potential political parties get easily ensnared into such state capture with money and various other strategic Islamic hand-outs such that the state finds itself as fully mortgaged to The Islamic State. Every ruling party, liberation movement or high potential political party remains as so pre-eminently marked by strong an Islamic State presence. In the most recent, was South Africa's Gupta case!
The Islamic State Gupta family obtained both envious access and control of State institutions of strategic value. In Botswana, 0ttapathu Ramachandran romped-in former president, Dr. Festus Mogae into the Choppies Board as a means of keeping a strangle-hold upon both the ruling Botswana Democratic Party and government alongside The Islamic State permanent deployee, Sartar Dada, and the likes of Farouk Ismail, who have continued to remain insulated even at a moment when he had so defiantly persisted in supplying foods beyond shelf-life in his business.
In Zimbabwe The Islamic State's Ramachandran re-energised its presence riding on former Vice President Report Phelekezela Mphoko as non-executive director at US $10 000 per month. In the coming Botswana October general election, Islamic State'South African billionaire, Motti, and alleged leading financier of Botswana's Umbrella for Democratic Change, has allegedly attached strings to his sponsorship to the point of demanding that his preferred candidate, Dumelang Saleshando, stands for the presidency, as against the respective sitting candidate, Duma Boko, as reported by The Sunday Standard of August 18-24, 2019. In this Umbrella for Democratic Change was a former Head of State, Seretse Khama Ian Khama. These ruling parties get to power as most critical guests or willing hostages to The Islamic State, there-by enshring the proclaimed international capture.
In South Africa, the various factions within the ruling party have competed for control of the state's various enterprises and over-sight institutions driven by the multiple such sponsors. Criminal ruling African National Congress strange bed-fellows have become that respective party financial God Fathers with looted state funds which they would have accessed through criminal tenderpreneurship!
And the ruling party got a cut of such proceeds! Bret Keble, for a long time, once lived as principal shareholder in the ruling African National Congress Youth League with his father, Roger Keble. Both of whom died of suspected suicide emanating from crime. At the recent death of fraudster Gavin Watson and key ruling party benefactor, of suspected either suicide or assasination over The Bosasa scandal that paid perennial bribes to both individual ruling party politicians, including heads of state, and the respective institution with state money to secure the fountain of multi-billions of Rand in fake tenders, the ruling African National Congress went into paralytic mourning, and remained just short of declaring national mourning.
And judiciary bribery as an effective means of keeping tenderpreneurs insulated against the wheels of justice. Gavin Watson had been viewed as one star witness in The Justice Raymond Zondo chaired State Capture Commission. It was not just Gavin Watson dead, but information destroyed! Non-partisan institutions have no capacity to enshrine corruption of such magnitudes due to its inevitable self-oversight role.
This sort of conduct has reduced all-African democracy to a pipe dream as the state has remained in fulltime ransome, and, therefore, too paralysed to render any quality service delivery. African health services have, in this way, long been reduced into being that multi-national multi-million silent holocaust superior in numbers to that second world-war six million Jews of former German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler. Empty dispensaries!
Over-worked, and, therefore, fatigued hospital personnel, blocked toilets! Maggot infested non-functional morgues! Broken-down equipment! Consistent Power and water-cuts! Lack of sundries even in theatres and maternity! A horrific death-hole!
Former cabinet minister, sitting president of the African National Congress Women's League and looter of state social welfare grants destined for the poor old-aged, the disabled, widows and orphans, Bathabile Dlamini, bravely stood her ground with no shame and made it public knowledge in front of cameras that every one in the ruling African National Congress had their own bit of political and administrative transgressions and was, in this way, able to cling-on to her ministerial post till the next election on May 8, 2019.
He has made it very clear that within the respective party, that what was known was just a tip of the iceberg, and, therefore, nothing to write home about. And, surely, so far, none has shown any willingness to cast that first corrective stone upon the aggressors for partisan reasons so detrimentally over-laping into state functions, there-by rendering the respective institution full paralysis and increasing such vulnerability.
The independent movement would not have such grave protectionist loop-holes and would not make any such bearer of public office any better than those who elect them. The independent movement, would naturally remain as mandated deliverable-driven with no such unwarranted excesses.
When caught red-handed ruling party politicians at lightining speed mobilise the same poverty-weary abused citizens to take camp at the respective court-yards and on the streets to intimidate both the victims and the judiciary!
In some cases by the respective court dates all witnesses would either had been systematically eliminated or fully intimidated! Obscene power that the independent movement would not be able to amass. In South Africa, former president Zuma's rape case was suppressed by fellow women mobilised against another woman! All the political murders and other forms of crime! Looting in South Africa's municipalities trigger instant partisan misinformed protests in favour of the suspect/s ahead of court processes! Partisan criminals rule the roost!
And yet independent candidates have no access to such scope of detrimental influence. Partisan authority naturally kills the rule of law and quality legislature. Former South African president, Jacob Zuma, desperately tried to intimidate the illustrious former public protector, Thuli Madonsela, for finding his office and the various ministries wanting in their mandates over his R240 million Nkandla homestead investment with public funds in a severely all-round malnourished society with school children continuously dying in government delapidated pit latrines in mud schools with no text books and a devastating national health service! And most grave service delivery protests with the bucket toilet system in the reign decades after independence! Madonsela was repeatedly reminded of her war veteran status within fellow war veterans as a form of both ransome and open demand for partisan attitude to justice.
The Zuma camp assumed that Madonsela could have been unleashing the former disgraced president Mbeki venom, not justice! The end of the Madonsela term of office marked of a great moment of relief for Zuma and entourage!
And her replacement by sitting public protector, Busisiwe Mkhwebane, was more of a damning damage control exercise for the Zuma faction of The African National Congress. It could be this sort of complexion that has caused Mkhwebane the continuously mounting on-the-job legal woes that have put her competence credentials in the spotlight with her poorly researched findings that have, in some cases, been found to be customised to protect partisan interests.
Mkhwebane went on an unjustified public spat with her predecessor and banned her from ever setting foot at Public Protector House for obviously partisan reasons in favour of an aggrieved pro-Zuma faction of the ruling African National Congress! Or, as a means of massaging her relationship with the Zuma administration and possible job security and a possible means of gaining uncontested access into the looting grounds.
This was how Mkhwebane fell out of gear with her mandate on the on-set! It remains as no surprise that the Bathabile Dlamini faction of the African National Congress Women's League has come-out in uncalculated favour of Mkhwebane. Dlamini has a hot potato logged in her trachea swallowed at social services and the only wise, good and safe way out would be that of taking the partisan route! In the mayor of Ethekwini multi-million Rand tender scandal, arrest and re-call respectively, the party hooliganism was, as usual, mobilised to besiege the respective court!
And yet another faction of the same party, the ruling African National Congress, was also mobilised to come-out in full support of the respective mayor's recall and arrest respectively. It was the rate-payer who remained in limbo with poor service delivery as partisan politics continued to crumble. A scenario that would have no room in the independent movement.
In The Southern Africa Development Community and Africa as a whole, there exists partisan/factional high traffic at The Prosecutor-General's office which naturally would compromise the justice delivery system, there-by ensuring that even the innocent deemed as politically incorrect could be undully drafted into prisons! While the guilty could remain on the rampage umpurtabed.
South Africa and Zimbabwe office of the Public Prosecutor directorate has seen detrimental traffic with devastating partisan and criminal allegations in a corruption-fertile partisan environment of mediocre accountability as per Zondo Commission 2019, State Capture,19 August 2019.
Mxolisi Nxasana, former director of South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Advocates Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi, disgraced former deputy directors in The National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa! Bulelani Ngcuka, South Africa's founding director of public prosecutions.
Former president Jacob Zuma. And Zimbabwe's Johannes Tomana, Sobusa Gula-Ndebele, Kumbirai Hodzi, having been politicised and some having served in that office for time spanning from micro-seconds to a few years. These offices have remained in wholistic paralysis torn apart in divided ruling elite in-party loyalties.
In Africa, courts and prisons were made for the small inconsequential fish! And those big fish that fall-out of favour within the enshrined George Orwell Animal Farm system! Where some animals remain as more equal than others! Prison remains as that place where the big criminals look after the small criminals. Zimbabwe's President Mnangagwa'slogan of fashion summarises it all: ZANU PF we are the police! ZANU PF we are the army! We are the prison service! ZANU PF we are the courts! This serves to explain as to the reason why the respective party cadres who fall-out of favour with the system have fled!
They flee from party Kangaroo justice in the courts in the hands of their respective enermies. Mnangagwa as disgraced Vice President, fled Zimbabwe through an ungazzetted point to South Africa when he faced imminent imprisonment at his moment of fall-out with Mugabe. He feared that the same Kangaroo justice system that he had long been partisan to, would be turned-on him! Former Mugabe Co- Vice President, Report Phelekezela Mphoko also fled suspectably through another ungazzetted point when his imprisonment in the hands of his fellow Co-Vice President cum-sitting president, had become imminent! Mphoko was a former senior state intelligence personnel, also known as The Guillotine Machine for manslaughter.
Skidded-out of a Bulawayo police station where he had been summoned to meet The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission. Fled from the same Kangaroo justice system that he had co-presided-over with an allegation to the effect that he feared the possibility of being abducted and being injected with a lethal substance. In The Judiciary, when sanity prevailed, judges were quickly reminded of the fact that they owed their appointments to politicians which serves as a direct demand for unquestionable loyalty or compliance as he who appoints continues to wield of sufficient power to disappoint.
Time to check on which side of the bread was buttered! The independent movement would successfully enact of a true non-partisan and competent public service and play effective oversight over all state institutions.
In all-Africa wanton looting takes place at the expense of quality service delivery to the citizenry. And the same citizenry gets deployed into the streets and the respective court-yards in support of the respective criminals.
Trade unions have been deliberately captured and assigned to ruling party cadres for purposes of hi-jacking the workers and limiting their aspirations. Former Zambian president, former long-distance bus conductor and secretary-general of The Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) Frederick Chiluba, on becoming head of state, went into grave conflict with fellow trade unionists who had rightfully expected more harmony with the state. Zimbabwe's Morgan Tsvangirai and former secretary-general of The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, fell out of favour with fellow trade unionists on becoming Prime Minister in The Global Political Agreement that followed the 2008 electoral impasse following a rigged election by Mugabe.
Tsvangirai's interests had, at that stage, varied from those of the majority. In South Africa, veteran trade unionist, Zwelinzima Vavi, then secretary-general of The Congress of South African Trade Unions, came-out guns blazzing full-force with an open declaration to the effect that the trade union movement would kill for the ruling party's president Zuma over his multiple trials and tribulations that varied from corruption to rape.
This was the most correct moment for the trade union movement to effect a re-call of the secretary-general. Vavi abandoned the pressing workers bread and butter issues in favour of partisan politics! And the clergy too had to be customised in such a way that it served and subscribed to state tyranny as evidenced in Zimbabwe's Anglican Archbishop and the ruling ZANU PF activist, Nolbert Kunonga.
Ruling parties and liberation movements have successfully created an idiotic political robot society that has remained as barred from using its own brains at the expense of the real prevailing political discourses. This idiotic society has continued to suffer from self-inflicted stomach aches and with no right to complain.
In Zimbabwe, the ruling ZANU PF Women's League was unleashed by male presidential aspirant, now sitting president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, to crucify Zimbabwe's first woman Vice President, Dr. Joyce Mujuru, to make way for himself. Mujuru's blood is unduly in the hands of fellow partisan women, one Oppah Muchinguri-Rushesha-Kashiri and former first Lady, Grace Mugabe.
The same went for The African National Congress stalwart, Winnifreda Madikizela-Mandela, where the partisan respective women's league was assigned to go against its own mandate of grooming feminine talent for senior decision-making roles by destroying her to entrench patriarchy in the ruling African National Congress. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's blood remains in the hands of fellow women in the likes of Angie Motshekga, Bathabile Dlamini, Maite Nkoane Mashabane, among others!
But at Winnie's grave-side, most surprisingly, they were on time not to be out-done with angelic eulogies! And for the first time, nations were favoured with the truth over Winnie's partisan-manufactured devastating allegations over the slain child activist Stompie Seipei that had estranged both her marriage to iconic first black democratically elected head of state, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the political career that she had slaved-for over many-many years of internal high risk and unlimited activism in support to the liberation struggle. Winnie lost both her marriage and her political career at the stroke of an unjust partisan pen.
The Southern Africa Development Community Heads of State met for the 39th summit over period 15-18 August 2019 in Tanzania with new chair of the block, Tanzanian president, John Magufuli calling on the block to rally on the call to the world to lift sanctions against Zimbabwe despite the fact that at that very moment Zimbabwe capital, Harare, was being beamed live on fire with tear-gas canisters and brutal assault upon the defenceless citizenry that drew instant attention of The United Nations Secretary-General farther-away.
One wonders as to what on earth of Mnangagwa administration, so resented on the home-front, so inspired such atrocious thought in The Southern African Development Community! Former Zambian president, the late Levy Mwanawasa, remains as the only other game-changer man of mantle straight talker second to former Botswana's president Khama, who confronted former Zimbabwe president Robert Gabriel Mugabe over similar governance style. The departures of these two high potential game-changers who had posed a live threat to both SADC and AU window-dresser long prevailing complexion, marked two retrogressive steps backward deeper into the usual oblivion!
The Southern African Development Community, with new leadership, seems to have sunk deeper into being a fulltime window-dresser tyrants tea, coffee and whiskey club masquarading as a functional vanguard of regional peace for unholy partisan reasons. To re-stamp the prevailing SADC culture, Botswana's sitting president went out-of-tune with great love at first-sight for Mnangagwa soon after his inauguration in desperation to undo all The Khama gains by bedding that hungry and vicious man-eater crocodile for both personal and partisan gain.
A most drastic departure from Botswana constructive politics since the days of its founding president, Sir Seretse Khama. Botswana had always resented and openly rejected the high-levels of blood-spill in Zimbabwe by both the colonial masters and the hoped-for, post-independence black messiahs cum most-vicious crocodiles. The sane expectation was that Mnangagwa would have, at this summit, been called to order and reprimanded accordingly, for playing that man-eater crocodile over his people since assuming power.
Mnangagwa went into The SADC 39th Heads of State Summit with a fountain of fresh citizen blood dripping in his hands! That cat that feeds on its kittens! And The SADC still conveniently had neither eyes nor ears to see and hear those most desperate lambs bleating in Mnangagwa's brutish and nasty rule! Where life-expectancy has contiued to get short and shoter, as was, in The Hobbesian state of nature.
Instead, Mnangagwa got most undue accolades for his Atrocious Governance! Atrocious Cost of Living! And Atrocious Service Delivery! Mnangagwa System 3A. This same summit found it fit to assign Mnangagwa the custodianship of the organ of politics and security without the same security at home! Citizenry protesting against bad governance, state brutality, alarming poverty and poor service delivery.
Similarly, Mnangagwa went on a long-haul hired private jet to eastern Europe on an aggressive investment drive over the Zimbabwe January 2019 national uprisings that saw the whole country beamed-live in international media shimmering on fire over poverty riots! He continued to sell the jewel on fire! Never occurred to him that fire and investment were as different as day and night.
SADC remains as equally blind to reality to sustain its flimsy liability commitment to the ruling fellow liberation movement, ZANU PF. The Southern African Development Community has narrowed its scope to hypocritically see nothing beyond president Mnangagwa's face and that of the fellow liberation movement ZANU PF in the same manner that it did with Mugabe over a period of 37 years!
And the regional block could not rise in Mugabe's favour at the November 2017 coup orchestrated by Mnangagwa. The independent movement would truely change the face of such regional vanguard bodies as it would not have such liability retroggressive allegiances.
The African Union as principal custodian of the respective continent good governance was, in early 2019, confirmed as an active sex trafficker in its head quarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Women were victims of sex for employment scandal. Shuttled into the organisation's Addis Ababa headquarters mafia style for sex purposes in the pretex of employment. Part of its mandate was to police and end all forms of human trafficking.
Both The Southern Africa Development Community and The African Union have continued to thrive as regional and continental white elephants of no constructive or mandated function with window-dressing full-fledged human rights and gender non-functional desks that have so far failed to respond to Mugabe's public unrepentant hardline mantra on gays and lesbians describing them as a little worse than pigs and dogs!
And yet The South African Human Rights Commission has pursued columnist and talk-show host, John Qwelane, in the courts to the present, for openly subscribing to Mugabe views in an article published in a 2008 Sunday Times newspaper. Both The Southern Africa Development Community and The African Union remained as mum when Mugabe descended on his female Vice President, Dr. Joyce Mujuru for expressing a lawful ambition to succeed the president should he think of retirement.
Mugabe was quoted in the state mouth-piece, The Herald, as saying "a woman for that matter." Instead of being found to be wanting and, therefore, candidate for reprimand at both the regional and continental institutions, Mugabe was still found as most suitable to chair both The Southern African Development Community and The African Union, a strange co-incidence with both institutions strategic moves on gender parity marked by the formal declaration of The Decade for Women 2010- 2020. And the SADC Women in Political Decision-Making Desk suffered an avoidable grave setback in silence.
And the AU 25th Summit theme, Year of Women's Empowerment and Development towards Agenda 2063. One then wonders as to what sort of deliverables the respective institutions would make under the leadership of Mugabe! Mugabe had a duty as chair, to inspire and champion these mandates with all the due care and diligence. Partisan and fellow liberation comradeship had taken precedence over the respective institutional mandates.
The two institutions, to this day, have still not made sense of that Mugabe most unfortunate presence over the respective organisations mandates. One never stops as to wondering as to what sort of developmental role or relevance both institutions played for their respective constituents.
Peace, prosperity and integrity are products of the prevalence of justice! Brave fight! Uncompromised stances against poverty, wars, hunger, ignorance, corruption or unlimited greed! The five worst inseparable trinities in the making of a devastatingly agitated world! The high desire for world peace has energised the emergence of the non-partisan creation of Korean True Mother Moon initiated Universal Peace Federation (UPF).
This desperate search whose time of manifestation was long overdue has seen Christianity and Islam converge in Morocco, that was sitting Pope Francis and King Mohamed V1, over a humanitarian cause for the first-time since creation. Korean True Mother Moon has most bravely risen to both market and promote universal peace with a most critical argument to the effect that there would be no peace without integrity! There would be no prosperity in man-made poverty! In war! In disease! In ignorance!
In child-labour and child marriages. The world should seek to industrialise and create employment rather than having to sink into being that greed-driven open war theatre! Good health with shrinking grave yards! With more schools and pharmaceutical companies than armerment factories and wars that feed on the blood and wisdom of the peoples of the world! Korean True Mother Moon has taken that most brave stance to dream and speak peace to the world and seek to both inspire and energise the world's honest citizens to rise and champion quality peace and true development rather than narrowing such noble effort to religion or culitism!
Korean True Mother Moon strongly believes, sees, values and loves the rule of law and the creation of peace and international prosperity beyond family poverty! Wars! Hunger! Ignorance!
And corruption. Korean True Mother Moon dreams of a SADC! An African Union! An Islam! Christianity! An African religion! All other religions! And a world with good health! Abundant food processing plants! Smaller grave yards! Silent guns! And sound economies. True Mother Moon long assumed the same heart-beat and saw a most functional common denominator with all other peace and genuine development crusaders of both the past and our time without fear or favour, irrespective of religion, cult, race, colour or creed.
Korean True Mother has a dream! Dreams of secured and prosperous family life as that most critical unit to religion, street, town, district, province, country, region, continent and the world peace, security and, therefore, quality prosperity. Charity or tyranny surely begins at home and then overspills to the entire neighbourhood to either make or unmake the world at a tremendous speed!
Korean True Mother Moon dreams of high quality family love for family as the real cornerstone to international peace with governance of good conscience in the SADC, Africa and the world.
Reginald Thabani Gola.
Cell. 00263775184749.E-mails:regtgola@gmail.com
Source - Reginald Thabani Gola
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