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Some rural shops have rendered e-wallets redundant

by Tondo
11 Sep 2020 at 02:03hrs | Views
Most rural traders and general dealer shop owners order their goods from N. Richards and Mahomed Mussa Wholesalers where they buy using e-wallets.

On reaching the countryside they fleece the masses demanding US$ only sighting 'difficult source of forex'.

Mr. Guvamatanga and Mr Mangudya where are you, all talk without action is driving the rural consumer into the ground? Statutory instrument this, Statutory instrument that but no enforcement what's going on. Are you with us or you are against us?

We ululated and whistled bravo when we had about dual pricing display and implementation but alas, theory abound yet no practice. Is someone hunting with the hounds and running with the hare?

When shall the rural consumer benefit from the forex auction rate price stabilization? Rural traders are literally mocking the system, those who love to make laws are the first to break them.

Failing to enforce statutes is akin to complicity, I smell a 24 inch rate here. Urbanites have started to see benefits of a stabilizing exchange rate yet the rural consumer is roasting wire.

A US$1 item ends up tagged at 140 rtgs, God forbid. Most communal farmers and countryside dwellers are on annual salary payroll (farmers), they have no room for random financial gymnastics and adjustments. Protect the rural consumer, practice what you preach.

We want to see dual price tags pegged at the auction rate conversion. Did you say e-wallets have been rendered redundant, if not why are some shops refusing to accept e-wallet payments. Why not rap them on the knuckles?

Flimsy excuses are in pursuance of a political agenda, trying to sway the rural vote. Have we become blind to that fact, is the Ides of March not closing in and now around the corner? By the way, the NSSA pensioner can now only buy one chicken with the monthly stipend.

Devolution for development.

Tondo. Mash. Central.

Source - Tondo
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