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Zimbabwe slowly going down under the new dispensation

17 Nov 2020 at 08:52hrs | Views
The livelihoods of the people of Zimbabwe had been brought back and down to the levels of 1953.

For the last fourty years ZANU PF government has lept from one corruption scandal to the other. Its not a secret that graft starts from the top and cascades down to the lower rungs. Corruption has significantly retarded the infrastructural development of the country.

Everyone who wants to join politics is not doing it for people but for themselves. Some have discovered and found a niche to survive through politics.

The government of the day continue to put the blame on the Anglo-Saxon powers and accusing them of slapping the country with economic embargoes and ignore corruption which is wrecking the country apart.

When President Emmerson Mnangagwa came into power, he encouraged the people to work very hard and ignore the sanctions.

Three years later the Zanu PF led government started shouldering the blame on one of the biggest opposition party MDC- Alliance of working in cahoots with Western powers in maintaining the sanctions in place.

Ironically Thokozani Khupe who is a leader of another MDC-T faction was sworn in as the leader of opposition in President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government.

The reports from the state sponsored newspapers that Zimbabwe is on course to an unparalleled economic rebound built on the foundations of Government's reform programme, which has stabilised the economy over the second half of the year are false and full of propaganda.

People are not excited by producing new economic blueprints. People want to see the performance of the economy to uplift their standards of living. Zimbabweans have found pride in celebrating mediocrity like commissioning skip bins and bakeries.

The state of Zimbabwe's infrastructure currently is an eyesore. I can describe it as "embarrassing" and "pathetic".

The country's infrastructure is in a dire state!. Although many Zimbabweans might not agree with this, the one notably positive thing that Zimbabwe benefitted from colonial master Britain was the same infrastructure which we are seeing today.

High Glen shopping centre is now a ghost complex without any serious business taking place serve for a few shops which are operating at a slow pace. More than 90% of the shops have closed business and we hear the government claiming that it is open for business.

A very good example is in Chinhoyi, Marondera, Gweru , Bulawayo and Mutare were we see just a few buildings.

Ironically, while the British have been subject to much attack for their role in colonising the country and all that came with it, the infrastructure they left in place still makes up much of the infrastructure in present day Zimbabwe.

Commissions have siphoned and embezzled millions of dollars from ratepayers and offer themselves hefty allowances.

Only Zanu PF and their affiliates are pushing for commissions to run the councils.

Facebook - Leonard Koni
Twitter - @Leokoni
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Source - Leonard Koni
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