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Mliswa tasked with finding a Ndebele puppet that will replace Kembo Mohadi?

14 Jun 2022 at 07:15hrs | Views
The position of 2nd vice president that is imposed on Matabele people in Zimbabwe is a symbol of capture, oppression, mockery and an insult to Matabele nation. The children of the stars and the sons and daughters of warriors like His Majesty King Mzilikazi ka Matshobane who never tasted defeat, and King Lobengula who refused to be captured by the white invaders, must reject this humiliating position with contempt it deserves. We must shun Zimbabwe which treats us like second class citizens and slaves to be butchered wantonly and embrace The Republic of Matabeleland.

We must emulate the founder of Matabele Nation King Mzilikazi. Who,  when his time had come , wala ukudla umlenze kwa Bulawayo. Our time to restore our statehood is now. Let us shun genocide, tribal oppression, human rights abuse, corruption, witchcraft, humiliation and dehumanization in Zimbabwe and rebuild Matabeleland.

The Shona supremacist who mistakenly believe that it is their responsibility to write our history, define and redefine us, lead us and choose leaders for us, are at it again.

We hear that Shona supremacists are in a stampede to chose the 2nd Vice President on our behalf. Mnangagwa's choice for a good puppet who will make a good VP to represent Matabeles in the office of the president is Mthuli Ncube. Not to be outdone, Temba Mliswa, Member of Parliament for Norton's choice for the 2nd VP is Zimbabwe National Armed Forces Commander, General Valerio Sibanda. 1st Vice President, Constantino Chiwenga has his own choice too. It is none other than Obert Mpofu.

 What does a Member of Parliament for Norton Constituency which is in the heart of Mashonaland has to do with choosing 2nd Vice President on behalf of the people of Matabeleland?

The only good thing about Shona people is that when they do not like you they tell you the truth. Then it's all up to you to take action or live in denial and face the consequences. Hence most Matabele people are suffering tribal oppression in Zimbabwe because they want to live in denial.

In the 1980s, former Information Minister, the late Nathan Shamuyarira went public and declared that Matabeles are "unwanted extras" in Zimbabwe. During Matabeleland genocide, Emmerson Mnangagwa who is the current President of Zimbabwe said Matabeles were "cocroaches that needed to be annihilated with pesticide."
Two years back, Deputy Minister of Information Energy Mutoti said Matabeles were "foreigners from South Africa". It is crystal clear that Matabeles are not wanted in Zimbabwe. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs the help of a competent doctor.

Now, take note of the following: the VP position in Zimbabwe is an extra post created for the extras, foreigners or cockroaches as described by Nathan Shamuyarira, Energy Mutodi and Emmerson Mnangagwa, who have never attempted to hide their tribal hate for Matabeles. It (the 2nd VP position) is a dummy meant to hoodwink Matabeles and the world that there is unity in Zimbabwe yet there is none.  Anyone who occupies it has no say in the day to day running of political business in Zimbabwe. That is why former 2nd VP Kembo Mohadi ended up entertaining  young women in his office because there is nothing to do there.

 Cde Joshua Nkomo led the struggle that ushered in the so called first republic but due to the fact that he was regarded as an extra, foreigner or cockroach he was appointed 2nd Vice President and the real Deputy President of Zimbabwe was Simon Muzenda. Kembo Mohadi played a pivotal role in the coup that delivered the so called 2nd republic. But due to the fact that he was regarded as an extra, foreigner or cockroach he was made 2nd Vice President of Zimbabwe. The real deputy President of Zimbabwe being Constantino Chiwenga.

When it comes to important national matters the President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa and his Deputy, Constantino Chiwenga meet at any venue of their choice anywhere in the country and discuss, sidelining the 2nd VP. The 2nd VP only attends public rallies without failure to play the role of praise singer to the President.

Should the President of Zimbabwe die in office or be incapacitated the 1st Vice President must take over power. The reason why the 1st Vice President of Zimbabwe is always a Shona and he or she is speedily replaced in case of death or resignation. The 2nd VP position is meaningless, useless and only meant to mock Matabeles. That is why they take time to replace a sacked or resigned 2nd Vice President.

This is how the Shona supremacists guard and secure political power and keep it in the hands of Shona tribes. Matabeles must be shut out at all costs!

We are happy that Matabeles are not as gullible as Shona supremacists think. Oppressive Shona supremacists, their supporters and enablers would have realised that when Zimbabwe 2nd Vice President, Kembo Mohadi, was unceremoniously fired from his position, no single person in Matabeleland sheded a single tear. They should note as well that it is a full year now after the incident ,no single Matabele within ZANUPF and without the ruling party has demanded his replacement.

They understand and know that the position is a symbol of capture, oppression and mockery and an insult to Matabeles.

However, the people of Matabeleland must learn that tribal oppression of Matabeles in Zimbabwe will not end through supporting ZANUPF and it's copycat, CCC, with the hope that Shona supremacists will feel pity for them and accept them as Zimbabweans.

No oppressor in the world, black or white, has ever voluntarily given freedom to the oppressed. The oppressed must fight for it.  

Fellow Matabeles, there is no shortcut  to freedom. The road to freedom should be wet with the blood of the enemy and our own.

Izenzo kungemazwi!

Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs

Source - Israel Dube
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