Opinion / Columnist
Hands off King Lobengula, he was not a Zimbabwean!
24 Dec 2023 at 04:46hrs | Views

Unformed, ignorant and reckless Zimbabwe satirists, journalists, whatever they call themselves, should be advised that His Majesty, King Lobengula of Matabeleland was not a Zimbabwean. Ingqungqulu Emadolwabomvu, was the King of Matabeleland whose territory was clearly marked, well documented and recognised by its neighbours and nations of the world.
He had nothing to do with the fake, failed and imploding state called Zimbabwe which was formed only on 18 April 1980. He has got nothing to do with the crumbling Chamisa Chete Chete or Wapusa Wapusa.
To drag the good name of our King into petty, self destructive tribal wars within CCC is not only disrespectful but an insult and provocation to every able bodied man in Matabeleland as all of us are members of the King's army, ibutho. We have a duty to protect the good name of the King using whatever means possible. An attack on our King is an attack on Matabele nation for we owe the existence of Matabele nation to him and those who came before him in the Matabeleland royal blood line.
The status of King Lobengula is much higher than that of small boy and exposed political dwarf, Nelson Chamisa, Emmerson Mnangagwa and the spirit mediums, Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi. He belongs to Matabele royal house that created the very Matabele nation. Insulting him by accusing him falsely is like spitting on our face as ibutho lenkosi.
The true history about King Lobengula is that he is our hero that disappeared in 1893 to avoid being captured by the BSA Company which was assisted and abated by 600 Shona soldiers recruited as bat men to invade and destroy the Kingdom of Matabeleland. And the true history about Mbuya Nehanda is that she was hanged for infecting BSA Company soldiers with deadly sexually transmitted diseases while Sekuru Kaguvi was hanged for witch- craft.
Mashonaland was given free of charge, to the BSA Company on 13 September 1890 and became a British protectorate. The Kingdom of Matabeleland which was under King Lobengula who understood that losing one's independence and sovereignty led to slavery and oppression, was occupied on 3 November 1893 after a fierce war of resistance well documented as the first Anglo- Matabele war.
These are hard historical facts that Shona supremacist do not understand because they want to define and redefine us in order to cover up their telling cowardice that runs from generation to generation. No Shona generation passes without an act of its own cowardice. The most humiliating ones being that of giving away the whole country (Mashonaland) to the BSA Company for free. That of assisting the BSA Company to destroy the Kingdom of Matabeleland on 3 November 1893 and that of taking up arms of war to murder more than 40 000 innocent, unarmed Matabele civilians including children and women.
Satirists, journalists and politicians especially Shona supremacist who fail to correcly read the political climate and mood in Matabeleland will, one of the stupid days, spark a war which no one in Southern Africa and the world would be able to stop. Matabeleland should be handled with maximum caution. We are an angry nation seeking the truth and justice for Matabele genocide of 1980- 87. We are an angry nation fighting for the restoration of Matabeleland to liberate ourselves from Zimbabwe tribal hatred and tribal oppression.
Shona supremacists and provocateurs who enjoy playing with the emotions of the people of Matabeleland should be referred to a few tragic incidents in Europe caused by cartoonists and artists. On 7 January 2015, in Paris, France, Charlie Hebdo was targeted by the al- Queda for drawing an offensive Muhammad caricature. His office was attacked and 12 people were murdered.
In 2007, Swedish artist, Lars Vilks, drew Muhammad's head on a dog's body. He survived an arson attack on his home by angry Muslims. Reckless journalists in Zimbabwe should be cautious not start a fire that could consume Zimbabwe.
Chamisa's losing faction must never think that we will take sticks and attack one of our own from Matabeleland, Sengezo Tshabangu, just because they have put a CIO tag on his forehead. Fortunately we have a good understanding of MDC / CCC kindergarten politics which is heavily tainted by tribal hatred for Matabeles.
Before Tshabangu, there was Welshman Ncube who was Secretary General of MDC, Gibson Sibanda, MDC Vice President and Paul Themba Nyathi, MDC Information Secretary and Treasure General, Fletcher Dulini. They bravely stood their ground against Morgan Tsvangirai who wanted to impose a senate boycott in the MDC against the constitution after losing the internal vote.
Armed with the MDC constitution and the votes, Welshman Ncube, in his capacity as Secretary General went on to register the Senate candidates. After consulting his unconstitutional "kitchen cabinet" , Morgan unleashed Shona youth on Welshman Ncube, Gibson Sibanda, Paul Themba Nyathi and Trudy Stevenson. They were labelled Zanupf agents and CIOs, beaten up and chased out of Harare.
Thokozani Khupe thought she was the sweetheart of Shona supremacists within MDC T and she remained in Harare. At first it looked like it was paying off as she was officially elected Vice President in a party congress. But that was the treatment of a "house negro" to make her believe that she had the same rights as Shona people in the MDC which was not the case.
This became clear when Morgan Tsvangirai got terminally ill. He unilaterally and illegally appointed Nelson Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri (both Shona) as VPs so that one of them would succeed him in case of his death. The move was aimed at blocking Thokozani Khupe from constitutionally taking over as MDC T President in her capacity as duly elected Vice President. A tribalist will always be a tribalist!
Regardless of Matabeles being tagged as CIO or ZANUPF agents not even one of the accused has ever joined ZANU PF after being expelled from the MDC.
Oftentimes, we see Shona leaders Nicodimusly luring them back to the organisation. No one goes back to the people to explain what criteria or method they have used to verify that the individuals in question are not CIOs. Welshman Ncube came back via the MDC Allience and the same happened with Thokozani Khupe she joined CCC. Believe it or not, Sengezo Tshabangu who is currently at the receiving end of tribal insults and being referred to as ZANU PF agent, will, in the near future, be regarded as a comrade in the CCC circles.
The Shona supremacist cowards feel so threatened by any Matabele who is bold enough to stand their ground to protect the constitution and their rights. In their view a Matabele should not be equal to Shona, should be submissive to Shona and take instructions from them. Any Matabele who is an independent thinker that questions wrong decisions by Shona leaders like Sengezo Tshabangu, Thokozani Khupe, Welshman Ncube, Khaliphani Phugeni and others is quickly labelled a ZANU PF agent, beaten and chased out of Harare.
Being attentive observers since MDC was formed, we know for certain that the word ZANU PF agent or CIO, in the MDC and its variants that include CCC, refers to a brave Matabele who stands for the truth.
Sengezo Tshabangu is hated for exposing wanton looting of over US$ 3 million funds by Nelson Chamisa meant for paying polling agents who have not received their pay to date. He has exposed tribalism, the issue of lack of structures, constitution, lack of transparency and collective leadership which are pertinent issues that should be looked into. But Shona supremacists would rather kill the messenger (Sengezo Tshabangu) and save the looting little dictator (Nelson Chamisa) just because the former is Matabele and the later is a Shona.
In Nelson Chamisa, the opposition is creating another despot worse than the late Robert Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa. According to Sengezo Tshabangu, Matabeles in the CCC are treated like foreigners from another country. It is useless for Matabeles to attend a CCC meeting as their contributions in the meetings are not valued, their points are not taken and no Shona listens to Matabeles. Only points and ideas raised by Shona people are taken. Thus Matabeles must be spectators while Shonas should be real participants in the meetings.
Tribal discrimination and tribal oppression against Matabeles and Matabele genocide are issues that have divided Zimbabwe into two states. The opposition in Zimbabwe has failed dismally to address these issues. It seems Shona supremacists in the opposition are happy to implement and further the 1979 Shona Grand Plan. They are happy to see Matabeles suffering under Shona oppression. They have missed the great opportunity to correct ZANU PF tribal and divisive policies to save Zimbabwe from imminent implosion!
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
He had nothing to do with the fake, failed and imploding state called Zimbabwe which was formed only on 18 April 1980. He has got nothing to do with the crumbling Chamisa Chete Chete or Wapusa Wapusa.
To drag the good name of our King into petty, self destructive tribal wars within CCC is not only disrespectful but an insult and provocation to every able bodied man in Matabeleland as all of us are members of the King's army, ibutho. We have a duty to protect the good name of the King using whatever means possible. An attack on our King is an attack on Matabele nation for we owe the existence of Matabele nation to him and those who came before him in the Matabeleland royal blood line.
The status of King Lobengula is much higher than that of small boy and exposed political dwarf, Nelson Chamisa, Emmerson Mnangagwa and the spirit mediums, Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi. He belongs to Matabele royal house that created the very Matabele nation. Insulting him by accusing him falsely is like spitting on our face as ibutho lenkosi.
The true history about King Lobengula is that he is our hero that disappeared in 1893 to avoid being captured by the BSA Company which was assisted and abated by 600 Shona soldiers recruited as bat men to invade and destroy the Kingdom of Matabeleland. And the true history about Mbuya Nehanda is that she was hanged for infecting BSA Company soldiers with deadly sexually transmitted diseases while Sekuru Kaguvi was hanged for witch- craft.
Mashonaland was given free of charge, to the BSA Company on 13 September 1890 and became a British protectorate. The Kingdom of Matabeleland which was under King Lobengula who understood that losing one's independence and sovereignty led to slavery and oppression, was occupied on 3 November 1893 after a fierce war of resistance well documented as the first Anglo- Matabele war.
These are hard historical facts that Shona supremacist do not understand because they want to define and redefine us in order to cover up their telling cowardice that runs from generation to generation. No Shona generation passes without an act of its own cowardice. The most humiliating ones being that of giving away the whole country (Mashonaland) to the BSA Company for free. That of assisting the BSA Company to destroy the Kingdom of Matabeleland on 3 November 1893 and that of taking up arms of war to murder more than 40 000 innocent, unarmed Matabele civilians including children and women.
Satirists, journalists and politicians especially Shona supremacist who fail to correcly read the political climate and mood in Matabeleland will, one of the stupid days, spark a war which no one in Southern Africa and the world would be able to stop. Matabeleland should be handled with maximum caution. We are an angry nation seeking the truth and justice for Matabele genocide of 1980- 87. We are an angry nation fighting for the restoration of Matabeleland to liberate ourselves from Zimbabwe tribal hatred and tribal oppression.
Shona supremacists and provocateurs who enjoy playing with the emotions of the people of Matabeleland should be referred to a few tragic incidents in Europe caused by cartoonists and artists. On 7 January 2015, in Paris, France, Charlie Hebdo was targeted by the al- Queda for drawing an offensive Muhammad caricature. His office was attacked and 12 people were murdered.
In 2007, Swedish artist, Lars Vilks, drew Muhammad's head on a dog's body. He survived an arson attack on his home by angry Muslims. Reckless journalists in Zimbabwe should be cautious not start a fire that could consume Zimbabwe.
Chamisa's losing faction must never think that we will take sticks and attack one of our own from Matabeleland, Sengezo Tshabangu, just because they have put a CIO tag on his forehead. Fortunately we have a good understanding of MDC / CCC kindergarten politics which is heavily tainted by tribal hatred for Matabeles.
Before Tshabangu, there was Welshman Ncube who was Secretary General of MDC, Gibson Sibanda, MDC Vice President and Paul Themba Nyathi, MDC Information Secretary and Treasure General, Fletcher Dulini. They bravely stood their ground against Morgan Tsvangirai who wanted to impose a senate boycott in the MDC against the constitution after losing the internal vote.
Armed with the MDC constitution and the votes, Welshman Ncube, in his capacity as Secretary General went on to register the Senate candidates. After consulting his unconstitutional "kitchen cabinet" , Morgan unleashed Shona youth on Welshman Ncube, Gibson Sibanda, Paul Themba Nyathi and Trudy Stevenson. They were labelled Zanupf agents and CIOs, beaten up and chased out of Harare.
Thokozani Khupe thought she was the sweetheart of Shona supremacists within MDC T and she remained in Harare. At first it looked like it was paying off as she was officially elected Vice President in a party congress. But that was the treatment of a "house negro" to make her believe that she had the same rights as Shona people in the MDC which was not the case.
This became clear when Morgan Tsvangirai got terminally ill. He unilaterally and illegally appointed Nelson Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri (both Shona) as VPs so that one of them would succeed him in case of his death. The move was aimed at blocking Thokozani Khupe from constitutionally taking over as MDC T President in her capacity as duly elected Vice President. A tribalist will always be a tribalist!
Regardless of Matabeles being tagged as CIO or ZANUPF agents not even one of the accused has ever joined ZANU PF after being expelled from the MDC.
Oftentimes, we see Shona leaders Nicodimusly luring them back to the organisation. No one goes back to the people to explain what criteria or method they have used to verify that the individuals in question are not CIOs. Welshman Ncube came back via the MDC Allience and the same happened with Thokozani Khupe she joined CCC. Believe it or not, Sengezo Tshabangu who is currently at the receiving end of tribal insults and being referred to as ZANU PF agent, will, in the near future, be regarded as a comrade in the CCC circles.
The Shona supremacist cowards feel so threatened by any Matabele who is bold enough to stand their ground to protect the constitution and their rights. In their view a Matabele should not be equal to Shona, should be submissive to Shona and take instructions from them. Any Matabele who is an independent thinker that questions wrong decisions by Shona leaders like Sengezo Tshabangu, Thokozani Khupe, Welshman Ncube, Khaliphani Phugeni and others is quickly labelled a ZANU PF agent, beaten and chased out of Harare.
Being attentive observers since MDC was formed, we know for certain that the word ZANU PF agent or CIO, in the MDC and its variants that include CCC, refers to a brave Matabele who stands for the truth.
Sengezo Tshabangu is hated for exposing wanton looting of over US$ 3 million funds by Nelson Chamisa meant for paying polling agents who have not received their pay to date. He has exposed tribalism, the issue of lack of structures, constitution, lack of transparency and collective leadership which are pertinent issues that should be looked into. But Shona supremacists would rather kill the messenger (Sengezo Tshabangu) and save the looting little dictator (Nelson Chamisa) just because the former is Matabele and the later is a Shona.
In Nelson Chamisa, the opposition is creating another despot worse than the late Robert Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa. According to Sengezo Tshabangu, Matabeles in the CCC are treated like foreigners from another country. It is useless for Matabeles to attend a CCC meeting as their contributions in the meetings are not valued, their points are not taken and no Shona listens to Matabeles. Only points and ideas raised by Shona people are taken. Thus Matabeles must be spectators while Shonas should be real participants in the meetings.
Tribal discrimination and tribal oppression against Matabeles and Matabele genocide are issues that have divided Zimbabwe into two states. The opposition in Zimbabwe has failed dismally to address these issues. It seems Shona supremacists in the opposition are happy to implement and further the 1979 Shona Grand Plan. They are happy to see Matabeles suffering under Shona oppression. They have missed the great opportunity to correct ZANU PF tribal and divisive policies to save Zimbabwe from imminent implosion!
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
Source - Israel Dube
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