Opinion / Columnist
Professor Stephen Rupange, Zimbabweans do not deserve insults. Stop it!
21 Aug 2024 at 16:39hrs | Views

The least that the so-called learned people should do is to insult Zimbabweans for politics that has failed. The professor to tell us that Zimbabweans are cowards and selfish. This is below the pale: insulting the nation to put it mildly. The Professor must retract his article and apologize for insulting Zimbabweans in this manner. I doubt if professor has been following political events on the ground for him to make wild accusations about coward and gullible Zimbabweans who have failed Chamisa. Curiously, the first paragraphs of his article acknowledge the lethal aspect of Zanu PF. To quote him verbatim: "There is no doubt that raising your head against Zanu has serious personal consequences. Everyone knows that ZANU-PF abducts, tortures, and kills opponents without shame". The professor contradicts himself in the second paragraph and talks about Zimbabweans who are cowards, selfish, misguided, unfocused, he goes on: all retch without vomit.
Ko kana musina zvekutaura va Professor madii kunyarara than to insult my nation in this manner. How did we miss the irony, to have you as a Zimbabwean citizen. Your vile and vitriol against Zimbabweans is nothing to comprehend with, unfounded; your article has hallmarks of one-sided unresearched content. After a good Budweiser evening drink with Nelson Chamisa, you pen an article hipping all blame of political blunders to Zimbabweans: creating a narrative about Chamisa to a victim of docile Zimbabweans who failed him, how sad can it go? Does the professor not realize that, in retrospect, it is Chamisa who failed the people.
For your information, the citizens are wholly dependent on their leaders for any political progress: even revolutions. If a leader is weak, a coward, fears to go out and demonstrate, the fault lies solely with the leader who is weak, a coward, fearful of change and wants sacrifice done by Zimbabweans and not him. Such accusations against the nation bare the hallmark of Nelson Chamisa's shortcomings. You talked about the 2018 elections; you say we did nothing when the plebiscite was stolen by Zanu PF and Mnangagwa. That is untrue. Demonstrations took place. For the record, Chamisa, and the lot organized a demonstration, but it was to be staged by the youth. Plenty of drugs and alcohol were seen coming out of the Harvest House to give the youth: our children, to drink and smoke first: demonstration was to take place without Chamisa and the entire MDC-leadership to lead in front. During the demonstrations the MDC leadership safely sat at Harvest House. About 6 people were gunned down dead at the behest of non than General Constantin Chiwenga himself, then commander-in Chief. Ironically, they were not even demonstrators who were gunned down, but street vendors who wanted to move away from the demo path to protect their sales from looting. One woman who was also shot dead was closing her shop early in case of wide-spread looting that accompanies demonstrations in most cases.
Again, on 14th January 2019, the people demonstrated on the streets of several towns and cities. Some people who demonstrated were shot dead and 200 were incarcerated. Does the good Professor know these facts at all? At the funeral of those who lost their lives in those demonstrations, Advocate Nelson Chamisa was not present, even the top members of his party were nowhere to be seen. Advocate Nelson Chamisa wants the masses to go out and demonstrate without him. He gave that impression long ago that he cannot be seen amid rough roughs of demonstrators. Chamisa fears imprisonment. He cannot envisage a stay in Chikurubi. It is for this reason he would rather someone else did it. Chamisa is posh, living in opulence; he loves power for its own sake already before he becomes president. If people who liberated Zimbabwe had traits of lavish lifestyle and opulence cravings like Chamisa, Zimbabwe would not be free today. We know them, we were with them in Zambia and Mozambique. They lived in trenches in the sense of the word, what Chamisa cannot do to live in Mbare to exemplify selflessness and commitment to freeing the nation.
Writing this article he penned, the professor exposed his selfishness, cowardly and above all gullible traits: the article is a projection of his personal traits. You do not write an article to insult the insulted. Zimbabweans have been insulted by the government of Zanu PF and opposition parties equally. Chamisa and all these fly-by-the night politicians use the populace as cannon fodder for their personal ambitions. All opposition parties usher empty promises to keep themselves alive politically. Chamisa and all of them are veteran opposition leaders chasing the lie for good two and half decades without success. The exposure that they have failed to unseat Zanu PF, is put paid to us ordinary people: Zimbabweans are insulted, they are said to be the ones that have failed to rise. How do they organize without leadership whose duty is to organize. All retch without vomit. I disagree; it is not true that we are to blame instead, the leaders are chancers, they lack everything in them to lead a people.
Voices that tell Chamisa to step down are saying to Chamisa, "you have failed dismally to unseat Zanu PF, please go". The chaos in MDC, MDC-T, MDC-N, MDC-M, CCC is evidence of fundamental faulty foundations of weak and conceited leadership. In these 121 opposition parties, leaderships were about themselves and not about the people. Blame, according to the professor, must shift from the leaders to the gullible citizens because when Chamisa fails it is the nation who failed him according to the professor. All these political parties even Zanu PF are in the ICU units and will never come out alive again, sooner or later. We look forward to their political deaths, bury them and we give ourselves a fresh start.
Does the Professor know about a rumor making rounds, Chamisa has secret dealings with Zanu PF. Read between the lines of an article written by George Charamba yesterday; he was defending Chamisa. Tshabangu is not the one selling to Zanu PF. The infiltration in CCC, and how it subsequently collapsed as a party sent Chamisa packing! Should we also say Zimbabweans authored CCC downfall? Zimbabweans see unending squabbles from CCC opposition leaders internally among themselves on social media. The professor will blame the masses for these misdemeanors. Professor Ibo Mandaza has warned Chamisa, if he does not step down, he will be exposed. I ask the professor sincerely, what Zimbabweans must do in the event of Chamisa refusing to step down so as not to be smeared with blame for inaction.
1) Where are the citizen protests: My answer to this is that: in a way you are right if you say Zimbabweans are selfish. The citizens realize how they are used by political leaders: Zanu PF and all opposition parties for their personal gains. Selfishness comes from the top going down. Citizens cannot be told to be patriotic if leaders of all divides live in absolute opulence. Chamisa lives in the leafy suburbs of Highlands rubbing shoulders with the Mnangagwas and Chiwengas. Chamisa is seen wearing a three-piece tailor-made photogenic suit. Can you sincerely call him a revolutionary that will usher freedom to all of us? Chamisa needs to visit Ukraine and borrow some wardrobe from President Volodymir Selensky. We do not agree with Selensky's politics, but his dress code gives us an idea about the seriousness of the Ukraine war. The citizens are saying, we can't go to the streets to protest and be harmed at the detriment of our families at home. There is no political party and government who rescue destitution if a mother or a father died during the protests. Citizens have seen it before how bereaved families were left to dry when death struck the family member during protests.
I will leave number 2, 3, and 4: I will go straight to answer your number five question. You asked, Jameson Timba and others, including a one-year-old child, are languishing in jail for nothing. What are we doing about it? My answer is: What did Chamisa do when Sikhala was incarcerated for more than one year in Chikurubi maximum prison. It was evident to all that Chamisa played politics with him. Chamisa never saw Sikhala as a comrade but as a rivalry who must perish in prison at the hands of Zanu PF. Again, Gharivhume and Chinono were also incarcerated for months: Tell me what Chamisa do tangibly to rescue them from Chikurubi prison. Chamisa saw them as rivalries and not comrades fighting one goal to liberate the nation. This is how thin Chamisa is. This is how selfish, cowardly, Chamisa is. To say that Chamisa is a Pastor, and Advocate is a joke and laughable. Both professions of an advocate and Pastor did not assist revolutionaries of the moulds of Sikhala, Gharivhume and Chinono to be released early from prison. Chamisa selectively uses biblical language for his personal gains only. "God is in it" means nothing at the end of the day if he is so callus, selfish, manipulative, arm-twisting in his dealings with Zimbabweans. Does the professor know how Chamisa and Tsvangirai back-stabbed Thokozani Khuphe for Chamisa to get MDC leadership. Using his bible, Chamisa's higher god is punishing him for his past sins, how they treated Thokozani. The god Chamisa worships is for all of us and Thokozani too. Has Nelson Chamisa ever organized a demonstration against the incarceration of Jameson Timba, women, and a child? Chamisa does not lose sleep because his opposition party members are in jail. It is surprising, professor, that you do not see what the general populace is seeing in Chamisa. The population sees a Chamisa that knows Thokozile, their punha and himself at State House: Chamisa's immediate goals. Zimbabwean people have seen the self-aggrandizements of both, government and opposition elite: leaders from political divides cut from the same cloth. We need new names of leaders.
A learned professor should have informed himself why millions of citizens are leaving a Zimbabwe so rich of natural resources. The richness of the nation supposed to give all citizens a decent living, is denied to them because of selfishness of Zanu PF and there are no signs that informs us Chamisa will do better. A learned professor should realize that in Chamisa there is a potential dictator who will be worse than Mugabe and Mnangagwa put together.
I quote you: "My point Zimbabweans is, when we are serious about our nation; when we want collective action; when we are ready to serve and sacrifice; when we are ready to support Chamisa; when we all want a good country - we will come together, sit under a tree and then Chamisa will lead us. For now, we are not ready, and we have not yet suffered. When we have suffered, we will talk less and do more". Reading this paragraph, devoid of academic acumen, so visceral, so gutter, full of emotions but without content. The professor is throwing predicates of hurt to hurt already hurt people. At best this is lazy thinking. Lazy thinking usually takes place in drinking sprees. The Zimbabweans have long passed this raw narrow thinking when on the ground, facts are different. Government and opposition leaders are eating on our behalf. On the other hand, we starve to death on their behalf.
Tell me if Chamisa adopted one street child (to alleviate poverty) in his posh home in Highlands. Zimbabweans are a realistic nation. They will never be taken for a ride again! I doubt if you were born then, when blacks left Rhodesia in thousands answering a call to fight Smith Regime for the betterment of (ruzhinji) many. Very few citizens today enjoy freedom in Zimbabwe. It is Smith's government of few white privilege and large poor black majority. Today, it is the black globalists who assumed the role of white globalists to oppress and suppress the majority poor black citizens. Millions are seeking greener pastures elsewhere because the government failed them all. There are no signs that inform us that Chamisa will do better. If indeed Chamisa was a good leader, he would be in power, no doubt about it. Chamisa is a leader inflicted on us by lesser gods. We wish he should stand down now and we look for a fresh start with bright minds.
Ko kana musina zvekutaura va Professor madii kunyarara than to insult my nation in this manner. How did we miss the irony, to have you as a Zimbabwean citizen. Your vile and vitriol against Zimbabweans is nothing to comprehend with, unfounded; your article has hallmarks of one-sided unresearched content. After a good Budweiser evening drink with Nelson Chamisa, you pen an article hipping all blame of political blunders to Zimbabweans: creating a narrative about Chamisa to a victim of docile Zimbabweans who failed him, how sad can it go? Does the professor not realize that, in retrospect, it is Chamisa who failed the people.
For your information, the citizens are wholly dependent on their leaders for any political progress: even revolutions. If a leader is weak, a coward, fears to go out and demonstrate, the fault lies solely with the leader who is weak, a coward, fearful of change and wants sacrifice done by Zimbabweans and not him. Such accusations against the nation bare the hallmark of Nelson Chamisa's shortcomings. You talked about the 2018 elections; you say we did nothing when the plebiscite was stolen by Zanu PF and Mnangagwa. That is untrue. Demonstrations took place. For the record, Chamisa, and the lot organized a demonstration, but it was to be staged by the youth. Plenty of drugs and alcohol were seen coming out of the Harvest House to give the youth: our children, to drink and smoke first: demonstration was to take place without Chamisa and the entire MDC-leadership to lead in front. During the demonstrations the MDC leadership safely sat at Harvest House. About 6 people were gunned down dead at the behest of non than General Constantin Chiwenga himself, then commander-in Chief. Ironically, they were not even demonstrators who were gunned down, but street vendors who wanted to move away from the demo path to protect their sales from looting. One woman who was also shot dead was closing her shop early in case of wide-spread looting that accompanies demonstrations in most cases.
Again, on 14th January 2019, the people demonstrated on the streets of several towns and cities. Some people who demonstrated were shot dead and 200 were incarcerated. Does the good Professor know these facts at all? At the funeral of those who lost their lives in those demonstrations, Advocate Nelson Chamisa was not present, even the top members of his party were nowhere to be seen. Advocate Nelson Chamisa wants the masses to go out and demonstrate without him. He gave that impression long ago that he cannot be seen amid rough roughs of demonstrators. Chamisa fears imprisonment. He cannot envisage a stay in Chikurubi. It is for this reason he would rather someone else did it. Chamisa is posh, living in opulence; he loves power for its own sake already before he becomes president. If people who liberated Zimbabwe had traits of lavish lifestyle and opulence cravings like Chamisa, Zimbabwe would not be free today. We know them, we were with them in Zambia and Mozambique. They lived in trenches in the sense of the word, what Chamisa cannot do to live in Mbare to exemplify selflessness and commitment to freeing the nation.
Writing this article he penned, the professor exposed his selfishness, cowardly and above all gullible traits: the article is a projection of his personal traits. You do not write an article to insult the insulted. Zimbabweans have been insulted by the government of Zanu PF and opposition parties equally. Chamisa and all these fly-by-the night politicians use the populace as cannon fodder for their personal ambitions. All opposition parties usher empty promises to keep themselves alive politically. Chamisa and all of them are veteran opposition leaders chasing the lie for good two and half decades without success. The exposure that they have failed to unseat Zanu PF, is put paid to us ordinary people: Zimbabweans are insulted, they are said to be the ones that have failed to rise. How do they organize without leadership whose duty is to organize. All retch without vomit. I disagree; it is not true that we are to blame instead, the leaders are chancers, they lack everything in them to lead a people.
Does the Professor know about a rumor making rounds, Chamisa has secret dealings with Zanu PF. Read between the lines of an article written by George Charamba yesterday; he was defending Chamisa. Tshabangu is not the one selling to Zanu PF. The infiltration in CCC, and how it subsequently collapsed as a party sent Chamisa packing! Should we also say Zimbabweans authored CCC downfall? Zimbabweans see unending squabbles from CCC opposition leaders internally among themselves on social media. The professor will blame the masses for these misdemeanors. Professor Ibo Mandaza has warned Chamisa, if he does not step down, he will be exposed. I ask the professor sincerely, what Zimbabweans must do in the event of Chamisa refusing to step down so as not to be smeared with blame for inaction.
1) Where are the citizen protests: My answer to this is that: in a way you are right if you say Zimbabweans are selfish. The citizens realize how they are used by political leaders: Zanu PF and all opposition parties for their personal gains. Selfishness comes from the top going down. Citizens cannot be told to be patriotic if leaders of all divides live in absolute opulence. Chamisa lives in the leafy suburbs of Highlands rubbing shoulders with the Mnangagwas and Chiwengas. Chamisa is seen wearing a three-piece tailor-made photogenic suit. Can you sincerely call him a revolutionary that will usher freedom to all of us? Chamisa needs to visit Ukraine and borrow some wardrobe from President Volodymir Selensky. We do not agree with Selensky's politics, but his dress code gives us an idea about the seriousness of the Ukraine war. The citizens are saying, we can't go to the streets to protest and be harmed at the detriment of our families at home. There is no political party and government who rescue destitution if a mother or a father died during the protests. Citizens have seen it before how bereaved families were left to dry when death struck the family member during protests.
I will leave number 2, 3, and 4: I will go straight to answer your number five question. You asked, Jameson Timba and others, including a one-year-old child, are languishing in jail for nothing. What are we doing about it? My answer is: What did Chamisa do when Sikhala was incarcerated for more than one year in Chikurubi maximum prison. It was evident to all that Chamisa played politics with him. Chamisa never saw Sikhala as a comrade but as a rivalry who must perish in prison at the hands of Zanu PF. Again, Gharivhume and Chinono were also incarcerated for months: Tell me what Chamisa do tangibly to rescue them from Chikurubi prison. Chamisa saw them as rivalries and not comrades fighting one goal to liberate the nation. This is how thin Chamisa is. This is how selfish, cowardly, Chamisa is. To say that Chamisa is a Pastor, and Advocate is a joke and laughable. Both professions of an advocate and Pastor did not assist revolutionaries of the moulds of Sikhala, Gharivhume and Chinono to be released early from prison. Chamisa selectively uses biblical language for his personal gains only. "God is in it" means nothing at the end of the day if he is so callus, selfish, manipulative, arm-twisting in his dealings with Zimbabweans. Does the professor know how Chamisa and Tsvangirai back-stabbed Thokozani Khuphe for Chamisa to get MDC leadership. Using his bible, Chamisa's higher god is punishing him for his past sins, how they treated Thokozani. The god Chamisa worships is for all of us and Thokozani too. Has Nelson Chamisa ever organized a demonstration against the incarceration of Jameson Timba, women, and a child? Chamisa does not lose sleep because his opposition party members are in jail. It is surprising, professor, that you do not see what the general populace is seeing in Chamisa. The population sees a Chamisa that knows Thokozile, their punha and himself at State House: Chamisa's immediate goals. Zimbabwean people have seen the self-aggrandizements of both, government and opposition elite: leaders from political divides cut from the same cloth. We need new names of leaders.
A learned professor should have informed himself why millions of citizens are leaving a Zimbabwe so rich of natural resources. The richness of the nation supposed to give all citizens a decent living, is denied to them because of selfishness of Zanu PF and there are no signs that informs us Chamisa will do better. A learned professor should realize that in Chamisa there is a potential dictator who will be worse than Mugabe and Mnangagwa put together.
I quote you: "My point Zimbabweans is, when we are serious about our nation; when we want collective action; when we are ready to serve and sacrifice; when we are ready to support Chamisa; when we all want a good country - we will come together, sit under a tree and then Chamisa will lead us. For now, we are not ready, and we have not yet suffered. When we have suffered, we will talk less and do more". Reading this paragraph, devoid of academic acumen, so visceral, so gutter, full of emotions but without content. The professor is throwing predicates of hurt to hurt already hurt people. At best this is lazy thinking. Lazy thinking usually takes place in drinking sprees. The Zimbabweans have long passed this raw narrow thinking when on the ground, facts are different. Government and opposition leaders are eating on our behalf. On the other hand, we starve to death on their behalf.
Tell me if Chamisa adopted one street child (to alleviate poverty) in his posh home in Highlands. Zimbabweans are a realistic nation. They will never be taken for a ride again! I doubt if you were born then, when blacks left Rhodesia in thousands answering a call to fight Smith Regime for the betterment of (ruzhinji) many. Very few citizens today enjoy freedom in Zimbabwe. It is Smith's government of few white privilege and large poor black majority. Today, it is the black globalists who assumed the role of white globalists to oppress and suppress the majority poor black citizens. Millions are seeking greener pastures elsewhere because the government failed them all. There are no signs that inform us that Chamisa will do better. If indeed Chamisa was a good leader, he would be in power, no doubt about it. Chamisa is a leader inflicted on us by lesser gods. We wish he should stand down now and we look for a fresh start with bright minds.
Source - Nomazulu Thata
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