Opinion / Columnist
Explanation for the origins of the Aborigines in Australia
27 Jan 2016 at 12:57hrs | Views

"The origins of the Australian Aborigines has never been a mystery to Africans."
As far as Africans are concerned, the Australian Aborigines, Trobian Islanders and Melasesians are all part of the protohistoric African Diaspora. However, what we have is not a mere migration of people to Australia but a wide 'Black belt' that circled the tropical, subtropical and temperate zones even before the 'evolution' of African migrants to Europe and Asia and the gradual change due to climatic adaptation into Caucasiod and Mongolod (sic) 'races'.
The Black belt included an area around the globe as far north as Siberia and as far south as Australian and New Zealand. The entire area was peopled by the protohistoric Negroid racial type, which is what most Africans see Aboriginals and other Blacks in Asia and the Pacific as. Why, because there are tribes in Africa who have features identical to the Australian Aborigines, the Trobian Islanders and the Melanesians. Also, there are cultural traits found in Africa that are also found in Australia and Melanesia, India and other places.
For example, the boomerang was a common weapon for hunting small game in Africa about 10,000 to 20,000 years ago [a fact that may mean Australian Aborigines and Native Africans interacted].
Cave paintings in the Sahara which was wet during that time show hunters with boomerangs as well as bows and arrows. Do the Australian Aborigines use the bow and arrow. If no, then they may have left Africa before its invention.
Another cultural trait is skin scarification. This is common in Africa as well as Melanesia and perhaps Australian as well. [Definitely in Australia].
The language spoken by Australian Aborigines have characteristics in the suffix and prefix forms that are identical to African languages [all 200 Australian Aboriginal languages??] particularly the Mende language family, which was once widespread throughout the Sahara and was spread to India by Blacks who migrated to India in protohistoric times.
The Aborigines are related to a number of ethnic groups in Africa. Among them are the Tibbou, who have characteristics identical to Aborigines, others are the Nagas, who are spread from West Africa to Sudan to South Arabia all the way east to Indo China. The Nagas are Blacks of the Negro type.
The point that the Aborigines currently were a part of a much larger and wider group of people spread around the world and are the same as African Negro types is important. It clearly shows that although Aboriginals migrated to Australia about 100,000 years ago were among the very first groups of people to migrate out of the African continent. (See The Black Untouchables of India by V.T.Rajsher, Runoko Rashidi www.saxakali.com and Y.N.Kly, Clarity Press, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
However, they also migrated to Europe, the Americas, East Asia and other places during the same period. According to many scientists and anthropologists who have done work on this issue, they were along with other Blacks the first people on this planet and were to be found on every continent. In fact Blacks were also in the Americas as early as 75,000BC according to C.S.Gladwin (The Gladwin Thesis, McGraw Hill Books,1947)
The very first Blacks who went to Europe, went there about the same time Aborigines migrated to Asia, Europe and Australia. These Blacks are called 'Grimaldi Negroids'. They were homosapians similar to modern humans and they were basically hunters, however their social organization and culture was quite advanced.
Now, over the many years, the Australian Aborigines were called 'Archaic White', however from the African perspective, it was the Blacks who moved into Europe and Asia who gradually adapted to the temperature and differentiated to suit the climate. Thus, Whites should be called 'archaic black' rather than saying Aborigines are 'archaic white' unless they mean that the present day 'white' population of Europe once looked like the Black Aborigines...that is a common belief already.
The Blacks from whom the Australian Aborigines most likely came from still live in Africa and the migration of the cousins of the Aborigines did not stop about 60,000 years ago, nor did they migrate only to India, SE Asia and Australia in protohistoric times. There is evidence that a group of Black African people called the 'Anu' who lived in northern Africa / Egypt and followed the Bear cult (bout 5000BC and back to protohistoric times, see the book, African Presence in Early Asia, by Ivan Van Sertima, Transaction Publications, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) they made a series of migrations to Asia. That is documented in ancient Egyptian texts. They were related to Aboriginals and were of a 'Negro' type in color, features and origins. Many went to northern Asia and China, others went to Japan.
Well, there are people called 'Ainu' in Japan, who seem to have affinities close to Australian Aborigines and Africans and Melanesians. Anu is also a common African name and both the prefix and suffix. Today many are mixed, but a strong 'Negroid' racial characteristics can still be seen, although there is also a strong Mongoloid set of features as well. They have been said to have 'Caucasian' blood, however some experts believe they are among these Blacks who once lived throughout Eastern Asia, and who later mixed with the Mongoloid to create the Polynesians, some Philipinos and other groups in Asia today. (See the text. Susu Economics The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth, ISB# 1-58721-454-7, 1st Books Library, 2511 West Third Street, Suite 1, Bloomington, Indiana 47404 www1stbooks.com
email: 1stbooks@1stbooks.com).
As for the black people of Melanesia, such as the Fijians, New Caledonians and others, they also began settling Asia and the Pacific in protohistoric times back to about 100,000 years ago, most lived in China, SE Asia and the landmass before the Mongoloids began expanding southwards and pushing the Blacks out of Asia. Yet, according to some Fijians (the President of the Fijian community in Los Angeles (California), some of their people were still migrating from Africa about 2000 years before Christ, Whilie Ben Tangghamma, the former Foreign Minister of Papua New Guinea pointed in the book, The Black Untouchables of India, that all the Blacks of Asia have African roots and connections going back to protohistoric times about 100,ooo years ago.
See the Dalit website at www.dalitstan.org
Apart from the Blacks who settled in Asia and Australia from prehistoric Africa, there are a number of tribes and nations right here in the U.S. and the Americans such as the Washitaw Nation, the Afro-Darienite, the Choco Region Blacks of Columbia, the Garifuna who are of pre-columbian and prehistoric origins. The Washitaw Nation built the first empire in the Southern U.S. and the Mississippi Valley and once owned the entire Louisiana Purchase Territories, which were annexed. Recently in 1991, the U.S. returned about 70,000 square acres after the Washitaw won in a court battle. The Washitaw Nations was a great civilization of Pyramid and Mound builders who had a maritime civilization and trade with Africa before Columbus.
By: KUFAKUNESU MAWIRA, mawirak1979@yahoo.com
HWANGE: 0772 322 580
As far as Africans are concerned, the Australian Aborigines, Trobian Islanders and Melasesians are all part of the protohistoric African Diaspora. However, what we have is not a mere migration of people to Australia but a wide 'Black belt' that circled the tropical, subtropical and temperate zones even before the 'evolution' of African migrants to Europe and Asia and the gradual change due to climatic adaptation into Caucasiod and Mongolod (sic) 'races'.
The Black belt included an area around the globe as far north as Siberia and as far south as Australian and New Zealand. The entire area was peopled by the protohistoric Negroid racial type, which is what most Africans see Aboriginals and other Blacks in Asia and the Pacific as. Why, because there are tribes in Africa who have features identical to the Australian Aborigines, the Trobian Islanders and the Melanesians. Also, there are cultural traits found in Africa that are also found in Australia and Melanesia, India and other places.
For example, the boomerang was a common weapon for hunting small game in Africa about 10,000 to 20,000 years ago [a fact that may mean Australian Aborigines and Native Africans interacted].
Cave paintings in the Sahara which was wet during that time show hunters with boomerangs as well as bows and arrows. Do the Australian Aborigines use the bow and arrow. If no, then they may have left Africa before its invention.
Another cultural trait is skin scarification. This is common in Africa as well as Melanesia and perhaps Australian as well. [Definitely in Australia].
The language spoken by Australian Aborigines have characteristics in the suffix and prefix forms that are identical to African languages [all 200 Australian Aboriginal languages??] particularly the Mende language family, which was once widespread throughout the Sahara and was spread to India by Blacks who migrated to India in protohistoric times.
The Aborigines are related to a number of ethnic groups in Africa. Among them are the Tibbou, who have characteristics identical to Aborigines, others are the Nagas, who are spread from West Africa to Sudan to South Arabia all the way east to Indo China. The Nagas are Blacks of the Negro type.
However, they also migrated to Europe, the Americas, East Asia and other places during the same period. According to many scientists and anthropologists who have done work on this issue, they were along with other Blacks the first people on this planet and were to be found on every continent. In fact Blacks were also in the Americas as early as 75,000BC according to C.S.Gladwin (The Gladwin Thesis, McGraw Hill Books,1947)
The very first Blacks who went to Europe, went there about the same time Aborigines migrated to Asia, Europe and Australia. These Blacks are called 'Grimaldi Negroids'. They were homosapians similar to modern humans and they were basically hunters, however their social organization and culture was quite advanced.
Now, over the many years, the Australian Aborigines were called 'Archaic White', however from the African perspective, it was the Blacks who moved into Europe and Asia who gradually adapted to the temperature and differentiated to suit the climate. Thus, Whites should be called 'archaic black' rather than saying Aborigines are 'archaic white' unless they mean that the present day 'white' population of Europe once looked like the Black Aborigines...that is a common belief already.
The Blacks from whom the Australian Aborigines most likely came from still live in Africa and the migration of the cousins of the Aborigines did not stop about 60,000 years ago, nor did they migrate only to India, SE Asia and Australia in protohistoric times. There is evidence that a group of Black African people called the 'Anu' who lived in northern Africa / Egypt and followed the Bear cult (bout 5000BC and back to protohistoric times, see the book, African Presence in Early Asia, by Ivan Van Sertima, Transaction Publications, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) they made a series of migrations to Asia. That is documented in ancient Egyptian texts. They were related to Aboriginals and were of a 'Negro' type in color, features and origins. Many went to northern Asia and China, others went to Japan.
Well, there are people called 'Ainu' in Japan, who seem to have affinities close to Australian Aborigines and Africans and Melanesians. Anu is also a common African name and both the prefix and suffix. Today many are mixed, but a strong 'Negroid' racial characteristics can still be seen, although there is also a strong Mongoloid set of features as well. They have been said to have 'Caucasian' blood, however some experts believe they are among these Blacks who once lived throughout Eastern Asia, and who later mixed with the Mongoloid to create the Polynesians, some Philipinos and other groups in Asia today. (See the text. Susu Economics The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth, ISB# 1-58721-454-7, 1st Books Library, 2511 West Third Street, Suite 1, Bloomington, Indiana 47404 www1stbooks.com
email: 1stbooks@1stbooks.com).
As for the black people of Melanesia, such as the Fijians, New Caledonians and others, they also began settling Asia and the Pacific in protohistoric times back to about 100,000 years ago, most lived in China, SE Asia and the landmass before the Mongoloids began expanding southwards and pushing the Blacks out of Asia. Yet, according to some Fijians (the President of the Fijian community in Los Angeles (California), some of their people were still migrating from Africa about 2000 years before Christ, Whilie Ben Tangghamma, the former Foreign Minister of Papua New Guinea pointed in the book, The Black Untouchables of India, that all the Blacks of Asia have African roots and connections going back to protohistoric times about 100,ooo years ago.
See the Dalit website at www.dalitstan.org
Apart from the Blacks who settled in Asia and Australia from prehistoric Africa, there are a number of tribes and nations right here in the U.S. and the Americans such as the Washitaw Nation, the Afro-Darienite, the Choco Region Blacks of Columbia, the Garifuna who are of pre-columbian and prehistoric origins. The Washitaw Nation built the first empire in the Southern U.S. and the Mississippi Valley and once owned the entire Louisiana Purchase Territories, which were annexed. Recently in 1991, the U.S. returned about 70,000 square acres after the Washitaw won in a court battle. The Washitaw Nations was a great civilization of Pyramid and Mound builders who had a maritime civilization and trade with Africa before Columbus.
By: KUFAKUNESU MAWIRA, mawirak1979@yahoo.com
HWANGE: 0772 322 580
Source - Kufakunesu Mawira
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