Search / Aborigines
How to kill a country
Nearly forty years ago Ian Smith, the Prime Minister of Rhodesia, became the first and only white colonial ruler to break away from the British Crown. He had tired of London's nagging about the subjug...Published: 13 Jan 2021 at 16:49hrs | 3 | by Samantha Power
Bulawayo, the Umthwakazi African City Concept
Bulawayo, the Umthwakazi African City ConceptAuthor: Prince Zwide KhumaloDate: 26 June 2019Isilo seNtuthuko Bulawayo and the identity of Umthwakazi or the Ndebele nation are inseparabl...Published: 17 Jul 2019 at 20:57hrs | 1 | by Prince Zwide Khumalo
Ndebele 'King' addresses the nation
I would like to make it known that I, as King of Matabeleland alias Mthwakazi, am very much committed to the Restoration of my Kingdom. I also want the whole world to know that the whole Inter-cultura...Published: 04 Jul 2019 at 13:19hrs | 1 | by Stanley Khumalo
An inherited crisis of imagination: A Long Essay concerning the understanding of Zimbabwe - Pt1
If it is a despot you would dethrone, see first his throne erected within you is destroyed lest what you call freedom is the strongest of chains. The Gibranian perception sums the November 201...Published: 27 Jul 2018 at 19:02hrs | 3 | by Tshepo Mabalane Mabalane
Close ancient doors of exploitation of Ndebele, Shona - Move on, be like the British, English, Welsh or Scottish
Tribe is a strong precipitant to weaken inferior Nations and rule over them. It constricts them to perpetual poverty where their worthlessness is only beneficial to other strong Nations. W...Published: 17 Dec 2016 at 18:59hrs | 2 | by Ryton Dzimiri
Shona speaking teacher locked up in a Ndebele lessons classroom: A linguistic genocide
The politics, language, ethnic and culture problems began soon after the independence of Zimbabwe leading to the Gukurahundi atrocities in the 1980s in Matabeleland precipitated mainly by the ideologi...Published: 23 Sep 2016 at 20:48hrs | 2 | by Themba Mthethwa
Britain 'invaded, occupied and colonised' Australia
A top Australian university has rejected claims it is trying to rewrite the nation's colonial history.Students are being encouraged to use the term "invaded" rather than "settled" or "discover...Published: 30 Mar 2016 at 12:55hrs | 1 | by BBC
Explanation for the origins of the Aborigines in Australia
"The origins of the Australian Aborigines has never been a mystery to Africans." As far as Africans are concerned, the Australian Aborigines, Trobian Islanders and Melasesians are all part of ...Published: 27 Jan 2016 at 12:57hrs | 2 | by Kufakunesu Mawira
Why Gukurahundi atrocities in Matabeleland and Midland is genocide
This article can be read in conjunction with the following documents: 'Breaking the silence, Building true peace', a report by the Catholic Commission for justice and peace (1997); Dr M.P. Guduza ...Published: 14 Jan 2015 at 23:27hrs | 10 | by Themba Mthethwa
The future of opposition politics in Zimbabwe with Dr Tsvangirai
My good friend from Zambia once recounted to me a stormy encounter between President Sata and a dismissed senior Patriotic Front party official who proceeded to join the opposition Movement for Multip...Published: 19 Jul 2014 at 10:17hrs | 1 | by Nathaniel Manheru
Mzilikazi the Sequel U-X Ongasolveki: The Shona are by no means enemies of the Ndebele nation!
This threatens to be a long piece. Besides the two primary texts, Andrew Giddens Bain's 'Moselekatse the Bull Elephant and Moffat's Matabeleland Journals' edited by AJR Wallis, the piece h...Published: 14 Mar 2013 at 20:04hrs | 1 | by Tshepo Mabalane Mabalane
Indigenisation and the myth of inefficient African production systems
THERE has been talk, debate, and many times bad talk across and within the political divide over the Indigenisation Act and its implementation. Nobody has really given convincing explanation a...Published: 13 Jul 2012 at 08:00hrs | 1 | by Adolf Mavheneke
Zimbabwe, DUSOSA the perfect 2014 solution.
Having identified the almost perpetual failure of our country to fully exploit its potential, DUSOSA has committed itself to employing unique robust solutions.Zimbabwe is a rich country with h...Published: 06 Apr 2012 at 04:31hrs | 1 | by Dudu Masaiti
South African white youths taught to hate 'black enemy'
Johannesburg - A rightwing Afrikaner camp in South Africa's Mpumalanga province is teaching boys as young as 13 that the black population in South Africa is the enemy, according to a report on Friday...Published: 24 Feb 2012 at 11:03hrs | | by Sapa
Matopos Hills, the other Heroes' Acre
THE month of September is very significant for Zimbabweans in general and for the Ndebele people in particular, not only because it is the month in which the annual Inxwala Reed dance is supposed t...Published: 29 Apr 2011 at 05:26hrs | | by Colls Ndlovu
Malema gets solidarity message from Zimbabwe's AAG
Zimbabwe’s militant black empowerment movement has sent its support and encouragement to ANC’s Youth league President Julius Malema currently on trial in the Equal...Published: 15 Apr 2011 at 07:24hrs | 1 | by Tafadzwa Musarara
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