Opinion / National
Zimbabwe's ingenious intelligence services and a liability Head of State
04 Feb 2019 at 14:36hrs | Views

That shocking erroneous diagnosis grossly lacking real intelligence! Deliberate or otherwise! The inability to see and act on that daily shimmering hot potato pot since the first of August 2018! Both the intelligence services and the sitting president Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa playing absent without official leave (AWOL). They failed to read the bold-print on the walls over the January 2019 protestant national up-risings! They have taken so much comfort in misdirecting their eyes upon The Movement for Democratic Change- Alliance and its youthful leader Nelson Chamisa instead of casting their eyes upon the 15 million most desperate citizens of Zimbabwe.
A false diagnosis naturally yields of a false solution! By design or by default both the Zimbabwe Intelligence Services and The President have taken comfort on cheap and destructive propaganda! Stitching the anus to cure diarrheoa. The scandalous blame-game campaign and the grave misintepretation of events would play as a great recipe for more such up-risings. With or without the steep fuel prices the national January up-risings were forever in the making. The war of the stomach as supermarket basic commodities prices were continuously being pegged beyond the people's reach in Crocodile rule. Mnangagwa is also known as The Crocodile or Garwe in his Shona language. A name derived from the early famous Crocodile combat group that he was a member of, during Zimbabwe's war of liberation.
Former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe was a real mad man who ran over shop counters to control prices with hooligans in white dust coats! And designated some service stations to supply highly subsidised fuel to commuter omni buses in desperate favour of the ordinary citizen. Mad in the sense that he paid no attention on both escalating production and landing costs to the retail outlets. At least such madness symbolised the existence of a living heart for the people! And surely the ordinary man on the street got so cheaply charmed and carried away.
The historic Zimbabwe January 2019 Up-Risings since The Ndebele-Shona Up-Risings of 1890 against settler-colonial invasion were a great success! For the first time it openly sucked-in every Zimbabwean of all walks of life including the ruling ZANU PF, The Police and The Military. In military regalia and vehicles the security personnel would shout-out! "Azitshe (burn)! More and bigger rocks on the road! Ngauye ma tyre (bring more tyres)! Moto mberi (forward with fire)! Tiritese vakomana!" (We are together boys). The military would even take-off and cast their combat gear on fire in broad-daylight! Tikavunzva dodi ndimi matitorera (when asked by command where our combat gear was, we will tell them that you the people of genuine anger took them from us). This was also a grand opportunity for some minority military criminals to assault! Maim! Rape women! And steal from both government and the people on behalf of The Mnangagwa'Second Republic in order to so cheaply soil the reputations of ZANU PF's key contestant to power, The Movement for Democratic Change- Alliance! A most grand moment to get angry on behalf of Mnangagwa! With State Security Minister Owen Ncube and George Charamba still politically and administratively wet behind the ears, frothing and fainting non-stop with misguided anger on behalf of The President. The best and cheap technique to escape a cabinet reshuffle in future as the president leans on such idiotic guidance! While the real truth could be very painful and more telling! Lies! Window-dressing interventions could be both temporarily very exciting but surely carrying self-defeating and short-lived solutions. If The Crocodile rule refuses to see and acknowledge that the 15 million law-abiding citizens of Zimbabwe were caught in excruciating hunger as food prices have continuously escalated beyond the ordinary men/women's reach! And daily depreciating poverty scales surely another national up-rising of new and greater magnitudes was in the making. Zimbabwean citizens have decided to restore quality right to life and escape The Crocodile inhuman death sentence by lethal hunger and poverty. Common sense!
Mnangagwa'Second Republic has manufactured a criminal and highly defamatory finding against the ordinary citizenry. Has alleged that the January 14 up-risings were a Nelson Chamisa Movement for Democratic Change Alliance (MDC-A) project with all 15 million entire Zimbabwe population supporting it. They have unduly pointed fingures at Professor Jonathan Moyo and The G40 ZANU PF youthful outfit. They deliberately forgot to point fingers at themselves where the matter really was. Political insanity at its worst! Where then were those who voted for Mnangagwa over the July 31 elections over the January 14 national up-risings? Hunger remains as no friend to anyone! ZANU PF or not it remains as worse than a ticking Time Bomb. Mnangagwa remains as an accomplished security item. Any sane reaction to political disorder gets an instant Chamisa label as if the young man was the only cerebral personality in Zimbabwe who thinks and worries about the other 15 million people.. Campaign by default! Building The Chamisa Brand! ZANU PF has loudly claimed that Chamisa at 40 years mwana mudiki haazive hondo! (Chamisa is a small boy who doesn't know the war) when, with the same mouth, they have claimed and boasted of having been to war as early as age 13 years. The most dreaded truth sitting at government enclave was that most raw truth to the effect that all the 15 million Zimbabweans were now fully fatigued of the immeasurable levels of both political and administrative nonsense in the Mnangagwa Second Republic. Political and administrative idiotcy of the worst order.
The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) has called The Zimbabwe January 14 National Non-Partisan Up-Risings a culculated regime change agenda against a fellow liberation movement. And deployed The African National Congress of South Africa upon the situation in favour of the liberation offending party ZANU PF. SADC, an organisation that carries grand paper mandate and yet a hive of tyranny where it plays a most critical role of midwifery in favour of the ruling offenders. Eveready to rise in support of individual tyranny against the citizen ailing majority! And too quick to endorse every fraudulent election as being free and fair in favour of fellow liberation movements. When they rig elections and slaughter their own people through collapsed health services, abductions, kangaroo judicial services, mass-massacres such as Zimbabwe's 20 000 Matabele and various other forms of torture, SADC calls it sovereingty and stands as ready to defend the bloody hands of a fellow tyrant against his people. The real issue can surely never be about the face-value of liberation movements! It remains as all about quality citizen survival! Food on the table! Free and fair elections! Functional electoral colleges! Independent institutions such as The Executive, The Judiciary and The Legislature alongside a vibrant environment conducive to business and press freedom. SADC needs to pay attention to quality parliaments. SADC quality of legislation has remained as highly compromised due to the calibre of candidates drafted into parliament for dictatorial reasons. Literacy levels are sometimes too-too low ranging from zero to semi-literate. Technically, Zimbabwe will run without parliament for the next five years, August 2018 to 2023. Parliament has sunk into a real circus full of hooliganism and zero debate of substance. Wields of zero parliamentary decorum! Lacks the requisite decency and wisdom conducive to quality debate and, therefore, legislation. Wields of no capacity to audit and counsel The Executive. The Executive, therefore, gets to wield a Blank Cheque Anointing to misgovern. Both The SADC and The AU need functional institutions of governance as opposed to Gabbage-into parliament! Gabbage-out of parliament! SADC has got to understand and prioritise human rights beyond the paper mandate. Gambian former president, Yaya Jameh faced imminent arrest by the respective such regional authority when he had sought to impose himself upon the respective citizenry after losing an election in year-end 2015. SADC and The African Union saw no wrong when Mugabe called a female South African diplonat, Lindiwe Zulu, "a stupid street woman" for hercstrong stance over the Zimbabwe's March 2008 electoral stalemate that led to the formation of a Government of National Unity (GNU). Mugabe'sexist attitudes at The African Union as Chairman! And Mugabe's attitude to his then female Vice President, Dr. Joyce Mujuru when she aspired to lawfully succeed him. Mugabe was quoted by The Herald government mouth-piece as saying: "... A woman for that matter! Wanting to succeed me! That has never happened in the history of ZANU PF!" Mujuru was humiliatingly off-loaded from governance. Both SADC and The AU went-on to find the same Mugabe as befitting to ascend into their Chairmanship when one would have thought that they would have found sufficient reason to disqualify him in respect to their most robust paper gender protocols with an officially declared "Decade for Women".
Mnangagwa has made some mickey-mouse cheap bribery moves in favour of the 300 000 strong public service personnel! Artificial concern for the only 300 000 people out of the most desperate, unemployed and hungry15 million with neither money to buy all basics nor send children to school. This remains as the contents of the long shimmering pot of discontent since July 31, 2018. Poverty lept to unprecedented levels and got the 15 million ever intimidated Zimbabweans more agitated as they sat on the crisis of expectation! No-one had expected gabbage-out of the Mnangagwa Second Republic! 15 million Zimbabweans had legitimately expected a most fair return-on-investment (ROI) for their participation in the military ouster of the world strong and most feared man, Robert Mugabe. And all the 15 million Zimbabweans lost contact with their true tradition of caring! They were trained, in this way, to hate visitors as they had been stripped of the such means of care. Mnangagwa has selected to trivialise and confine the historic Zimbabwe National Up-Risings of January 2019 to a fuel crisis. An event much-much larger than a fuel hike crisis. A customised diagnosis remains with the greatest capacity to achieve a more thorny reprieve for Mnangagwa in the immediate future. Mnangagwa has continued into the culture of working with fraudulent numbers, not ideas! And yet resolving conflict of this magnitude demands a meeting of sanity and purposes where even stepping-down as a failed president could be the most brilliant and dignified thing to do.
Still perplexed by Mnangagwa's high desire to market the Zimbabwean economy in flames to the far eastern European AK47 war-monger economic desert nations! Not so sure if we are not dealing with a psychiatric case here! The President needs some special help on that note! First urgent assignment for the recently assembled Presidential Advisory Committee (PAC). Measure levels of sanity first before pouring knowlegde capital into a seeping bowl. Fire and investment remain as permanent sworn enemies! Fire is war! The quickest and most sure mode to scatter investment! Alas! For Mnangagwa it is the reverse! Fire has put him on over-drive "Zimbabwe was open for business" mantra with the world fully amazed with the same Zimbabwe engulfed on fire and a very angry 15 million citizenry. Something really out of place with The President and the ruling ZANU PF sense of judgement. The AK47 host nations protected the lunatic entourage from the correct calibre media! Mnangagwa faced a ruthless on-slaught with the dynamic world media at Davos, Switzerland World Economic Forum 2019 had he proceeded on that route. That time his intelligence service did a good job to divert him back to the raging flames at home. There went the president to scoop The Mampara of the week prize over that week of the January 14, 2019 national up-risings! The Mampara of The Year 2018 for successfully closing Christmas and New Year Celebrations that had prevailed annually in Zimbabwe since civilisation! Mnangagwa left children asking multiple questions and crying about both Christmas and New Year goodies! Mnangagwa'Second Republic took those days out of calendar by force. And by force the same has to be restored. Abductions! Torture! Humiliation! Trumped-up charges and fast-tracked kangaroo trials and judgments! Command Justice! In summary, whatever levels of Crocodile/Garwe State Terrorism could only delay rather than suppress The Freedom From Hunger (FFH), The Freedom From Poverty (FFP), Freedom From State Abuse (FFSA), Freedom From Tainted Hand-outs (FFTH), Freedom From Party Crime And Drunkenness (FFPCD), Freedom From Sponsored Arson (FFSA). The Freedom From Youth Unemployment (FFYU)! Freedom From Poor Health Delivery Services (FFPHDS)! Freedom From Kangaroo Rule (FFKR) revolutions. Former Rhodesian Prime Minister, Ian Douglas Smith never lived to see the declared additional thousand of years of black servitude in a similar way. Ian Smith died a humbled man leaving Mugabe at State House. Mnangagwa long lost any form of capacity to win any free and fair election before the July 31, 2018 plebiscite. I am on record as having crowned Mnangagwa as Zimbabwe's shortest staying president in early 2018 long before the election. This was evidenced in the rejection within the ruling ZANU PF where parliamentary candidates performed by far better than their presidential candidate, and, in some cases, they had openly campaigned for Nelson Chamisa as the preferred presidential candidate against Mnangagwa.
Reginald Thabani Gola
A false diagnosis naturally yields of a false solution! By design or by default both the Zimbabwe Intelligence Services and The President have taken comfort on cheap and destructive propaganda! Stitching the anus to cure diarrheoa. The scandalous blame-game campaign and the grave misintepretation of events would play as a great recipe for more such up-risings. With or without the steep fuel prices the national January up-risings were forever in the making. The war of the stomach as supermarket basic commodities prices were continuously being pegged beyond the people's reach in Crocodile rule. Mnangagwa is also known as The Crocodile or Garwe in his Shona language. A name derived from the early famous Crocodile combat group that he was a member of, during Zimbabwe's war of liberation.
Former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe was a real mad man who ran over shop counters to control prices with hooligans in white dust coats! And designated some service stations to supply highly subsidised fuel to commuter omni buses in desperate favour of the ordinary citizen. Mad in the sense that he paid no attention on both escalating production and landing costs to the retail outlets. At least such madness symbolised the existence of a living heart for the people! And surely the ordinary man on the street got so cheaply charmed and carried away.
The historic Zimbabwe January 2019 Up-Risings since The Ndebele-Shona Up-Risings of 1890 against settler-colonial invasion were a great success! For the first time it openly sucked-in every Zimbabwean of all walks of life including the ruling ZANU PF, The Police and The Military. In military regalia and vehicles the security personnel would shout-out! "Azitshe (burn)! More and bigger rocks on the road! Ngauye ma tyre (bring more tyres)! Moto mberi (forward with fire)! Tiritese vakomana!" (We are together boys). The military would even take-off and cast their combat gear on fire in broad-daylight! Tikavunzva dodi ndimi matitorera (when asked by command where our combat gear was, we will tell them that you the people of genuine anger took them from us). This was also a grand opportunity for some minority military criminals to assault! Maim! Rape women! And steal from both government and the people on behalf of The Mnangagwa'Second Republic in order to so cheaply soil the reputations of ZANU PF's key contestant to power, The Movement for Democratic Change- Alliance! A most grand moment to get angry on behalf of Mnangagwa! With State Security Minister Owen Ncube and George Charamba still politically and administratively wet behind the ears, frothing and fainting non-stop with misguided anger on behalf of The President. The best and cheap technique to escape a cabinet reshuffle in future as the president leans on such idiotic guidance! While the real truth could be very painful and more telling! Lies! Window-dressing interventions could be both temporarily very exciting but surely carrying self-defeating and short-lived solutions. If The Crocodile rule refuses to see and acknowledge that the 15 million law-abiding citizens of Zimbabwe were caught in excruciating hunger as food prices have continuously escalated beyond the ordinary men/women's reach! And daily depreciating poverty scales surely another national up-rising of new and greater magnitudes was in the making. Zimbabwean citizens have decided to restore quality right to life and escape The Crocodile inhuman death sentence by lethal hunger and poverty. Common sense!
Mnangagwa'Second Republic has manufactured a criminal and highly defamatory finding against the ordinary citizenry. Has alleged that the January 14 up-risings were a Nelson Chamisa Movement for Democratic Change Alliance (MDC-A) project with all 15 million entire Zimbabwe population supporting it. They have unduly pointed fingures at Professor Jonathan Moyo and The G40 ZANU PF youthful outfit. They deliberately forgot to point fingers at themselves where the matter really was. Political insanity at its worst! Where then were those who voted for Mnangagwa over the July 31 elections over the January 14 national up-risings? Hunger remains as no friend to anyone! ZANU PF or not it remains as worse than a ticking Time Bomb. Mnangagwa remains as an accomplished security item. Any sane reaction to political disorder gets an instant Chamisa label as if the young man was the only cerebral personality in Zimbabwe who thinks and worries about the other 15 million people.. Campaign by default! Building The Chamisa Brand! ZANU PF has loudly claimed that Chamisa at 40 years mwana mudiki haazive hondo! (Chamisa is a small boy who doesn't know the war) when, with the same mouth, they have claimed and boasted of having been to war as early as age 13 years. The most dreaded truth sitting at government enclave was that most raw truth to the effect that all the 15 million Zimbabweans were now fully fatigued of the immeasurable levels of both political and administrative nonsense in the Mnangagwa Second Republic. Political and administrative idiotcy of the worst order.
The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) has called The Zimbabwe January 14 National Non-Partisan Up-Risings a culculated regime change agenda against a fellow liberation movement. And deployed The African National Congress of South Africa upon the situation in favour of the liberation offending party ZANU PF. SADC, an organisation that carries grand paper mandate and yet a hive of tyranny where it plays a most critical role of midwifery in favour of the ruling offenders. Eveready to rise in support of individual tyranny against the citizen ailing majority! And too quick to endorse every fraudulent election as being free and fair in favour of fellow liberation movements. When they rig elections and slaughter their own people through collapsed health services, abductions, kangaroo judicial services, mass-massacres such as Zimbabwe's 20 000 Matabele and various other forms of torture, SADC calls it sovereingty and stands as ready to defend the bloody hands of a fellow tyrant against his people. The real issue can surely never be about the face-value of liberation movements! It remains as all about quality citizen survival! Food on the table! Free and fair elections! Functional electoral colleges! Independent institutions such as The Executive, The Judiciary and The Legislature alongside a vibrant environment conducive to business and press freedom. SADC needs to pay attention to quality parliaments. SADC quality of legislation has remained as highly compromised due to the calibre of candidates drafted into parliament for dictatorial reasons. Literacy levels are sometimes too-too low ranging from zero to semi-literate. Technically, Zimbabwe will run without parliament for the next five years, August 2018 to 2023. Parliament has sunk into a real circus full of hooliganism and zero debate of substance. Wields of zero parliamentary decorum! Lacks the requisite decency and wisdom conducive to quality debate and, therefore, legislation. Wields of no capacity to audit and counsel The Executive. The Executive, therefore, gets to wield a Blank Cheque Anointing to misgovern. Both The SADC and The AU need functional institutions of governance as opposed to Gabbage-into parliament! Gabbage-out of parliament! SADC has got to understand and prioritise human rights beyond the paper mandate. Gambian former president, Yaya Jameh faced imminent arrest by the respective such regional authority when he had sought to impose himself upon the respective citizenry after losing an election in year-end 2015. SADC and The African Union saw no wrong when Mugabe called a female South African diplonat, Lindiwe Zulu, "a stupid street woman" for hercstrong stance over the Zimbabwe's March 2008 electoral stalemate that led to the formation of a Government of National Unity (GNU). Mugabe'sexist attitudes at The African Union as Chairman! And Mugabe's attitude to his then female Vice President, Dr. Joyce Mujuru when she aspired to lawfully succeed him. Mugabe was quoted by The Herald government mouth-piece as saying: "... A woman for that matter! Wanting to succeed me! That has never happened in the history of ZANU PF!" Mujuru was humiliatingly off-loaded from governance. Both SADC and The AU went-on to find the same Mugabe as befitting to ascend into their Chairmanship when one would have thought that they would have found sufficient reason to disqualify him in respect to their most robust paper gender protocols with an officially declared "Decade for Women".
Mnangagwa has made some mickey-mouse cheap bribery moves in favour of the 300 000 strong public service personnel! Artificial concern for the only 300 000 people out of the most desperate, unemployed and hungry15 million with neither money to buy all basics nor send children to school. This remains as the contents of the long shimmering pot of discontent since July 31, 2018. Poverty lept to unprecedented levels and got the 15 million ever intimidated Zimbabweans more agitated as they sat on the crisis of expectation! No-one had expected gabbage-out of the Mnangagwa Second Republic! 15 million Zimbabweans had legitimately expected a most fair return-on-investment (ROI) for their participation in the military ouster of the world strong and most feared man, Robert Mugabe. And all the 15 million Zimbabweans lost contact with their true tradition of caring! They were trained, in this way, to hate visitors as they had been stripped of the such means of care. Mnangagwa has selected to trivialise and confine the historic Zimbabwe National Up-Risings of January 2019 to a fuel crisis. An event much-much larger than a fuel hike crisis. A customised diagnosis remains with the greatest capacity to achieve a more thorny reprieve for Mnangagwa in the immediate future. Mnangagwa has continued into the culture of working with fraudulent numbers, not ideas! And yet resolving conflict of this magnitude demands a meeting of sanity and purposes where even stepping-down as a failed president could be the most brilliant and dignified thing to do.
Still perplexed by Mnangagwa's high desire to market the Zimbabwean economy in flames to the far eastern European AK47 war-monger economic desert nations! Not so sure if we are not dealing with a psychiatric case here! The President needs some special help on that note! First urgent assignment for the recently assembled Presidential Advisory Committee (PAC). Measure levels of sanity first before pouring knowlegde capital into a seeping bowl. Fire and investment remain as permanent sworn enemies! Fire is war! The quickest and most sure mode to scatter investment! Alas! For Mnangagwa it is the reverse! Fire has put him on over-drive "Zimbabwe was open for business" mantra with the world fully amazed with the same Zimbabwe engulfed on fire and a very angry 15 million citizenry. Something really out of place with The President and the ruling ZANU PF sense of judgement. The AK47 host nations protected the lunatic entourage from the correct calibre media! Mnangagwa faced a ruthless on-slaught with the dynamic world media at Davos, Switzerland World Economic Forum 2019 had he proceeded on that route. That time his intelligence service did a good job to divert him back to the raging flames at home. There went the president to scoop The Mampara of the week prize over that week of the January 14, 2019 national up-risings! The Mampara of The Year 2018 for successfully closing Christmas and New Year Celebrations that had prevailed annually in Zimbabwe since civilisation! Mnangagwa left children asking multiple questions and crying about both Christmas and New Year goodies! Mnangagwa'Second Republic took those days out of calendar by force. And by force the same has to be restored. Abductions! Torture! Humiliation! Trumped-up charges and fast-tracked kangaroo trials and judgments! Command Justice! In summary, whatever levels of Crocodile/Garwe State Terrorism could only delay rather than suppress The Freedom From Hunger (FFH), The Freedom From Poverty (FFP), Freedom From State Abuse (FFSA), Freedom From Tainted Hand-outs (FFTH), Freedom From Party Crime And Drunkenness (FFPCD), Freedom From Sponsored Arson (FFSA). The Freedom From Youth Unemployment (FFYU)! Freedom From Poor Health Delivery Services (FFPHDS)! Freedom From Kangaroo Rule (FFKR) revolutions. Former Rhodesian Prime Minister, Ian Douglas Smith never lived to see the declared additional thousand of years of black servitude in a similar way. Ian Smith died a humbled man leaving Mugabe at State House. Mnangagwa long lost any form of capacity to win any free and fair election before the July 31, 2018 plebiscite. I am on record as having crowned Mnangagwa as Zimbabwe's shortest staying president in early 2018 long before the election. This was evidenced in the rejection within the ruling ZANU PF where parliamentary candidates performed by far better than their presidential candidate, and, in some cases, they had openly campaigned for Nelson Chamisa as the preferred presidential candidate against Mnangagwa.
Reginald Thabani Gola
Source - Reginald Thabani Gola
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