Search / Doomsday
ANC of Ramaphosa: Obliterating, political cleansing of left leaning socialists
South Africa is witnessing a significant shift in its political landscape after the African National Congress (ANC), under President Cyril Ramaphosa, lost its majority in Parliament. This development ...Published: 23 Jul 2024 at 07:18hrs | 243 | by Marshall Ndlela
ANC members set to picket in protest against possible ANC-DA deal
ANC supporters who voted for the party "in good faith" in the general election on 29 May are expected to picket in Johannesburg on Thursday morning, demanding its leaders reject going into a coalition...Published: 06 Jun 2024 at 08:05hrs | 7 | by Staff reporter
Mark Zuckerberg builds US$100 million underground house as he prepares for Doomsday
In a move that has sparked intense speculation, Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly in the process of constructing a sprawling $100 million compound in Hawaii, featuring an underground bunker a...Published: 18 Dec 2023 at 07:26hrs | 1306 | by Mandla Ndlovu
Big Chamisa changes from Chamisa 2018
THEM: You, Jonso, after the November 2017 military coup, you were very critical of ZanuPF, and you were supporting Nelson Chamisa in 2018 and well after that.&n...Published: 12 Jun 2023 at 18:49hrs | 1 | by Jonathan Moyo
Zimbabwe police move to raid Tetrad Bank directors
THE Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Asset Forfeiture Unit has obtained a warrant of search and seizure against Tetrad Investment Bank (TIB) management and directors in a case of fraud and mone...Published: 09 Dec 2022 at 17:53hrs | 5 | by Staff reporter
Time to protect people from their churches
VERY little is known about one of the worst religion-related mass murders and tragedies that occurred in Uganda in 2000 in which 700 Ugandans died. More is known about the 1978 Jonestown massacre in G...Published: 07 May 2022 at 06:20hrs | 1 | by Miriam Tose Majome
World races to contain new South African variant
Countries around the world are racing to introduce travel bans and restrictions on Southern African countries in an effort to contain a new variant of Covid-19 called Omicron. The moves come after the...Published: 28 Nov 2021 at 07:43hrs | 8 | by Staff reporter
Africa stuck in generational curse
WHOEVER bewitched African leaders probably perished at Nagasaki in 1945, many years before the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was founded in 1963. That person, alongside his tools of trade and hi...Published: 08 Oct 2021 at 19:02hrs | 13 | by Sapien Sapien
We need to repair our sick politics
AS strange as it might sound or seem, you can be sure there is an imbecile somewhere in our beloved teapot-shaped country that is very unhappy the weatherman is forecasting we might have a very good r...Published: 05 Sep 2021 at 06:49hrs | 13 | by Bishop Lazi
Social media driving us to doomsday
Bishop Lazi is convinced that nostalgia is a timeless disease.It is normally associated with selective amnesia and the romanticisation of cherished memories.This is why it is unsurpris...Published: 31 Jan 2021 at 06:51hrs | | by Bishop Lazarue
Zimbabwean linked US hip-ho artists MF Doom dies
MF Doom, one of US hip-hop's most distinctive and respected MCs and producers, has died aged 49.His wife Jasmine posted on his Instagram account:"The ...Published: 02 Jan 2021 at 08:29hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Understanding method to 'madness' in urban councils
Nowadays, hardly a day passes without news headlines relaying salacious details of corrupt goings on in predominantly opposition run urban councils. Often, these headlines are accompanied by t...Published: 12 Oct 2020 at 06:00hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Zanu-PF, ANC in crucial crisis talks
A DELEGATION of the South African ruling African National Congress (ANC) party, which arrived in Harare last night, will today hold a crucial indaba with the Zanu PF Central Committee to discuss chall...Published: 09 Sep 2020 at 06:20hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zanu-PF, ANC to expose detractors' lies
PRESIDENT Mnangagwa and his South African counterpart, President Cyril Ramaphosa, have agreed to periodically engage so as to apprise each other on regional security threats as well as expose machinat...Published: 02 Sep 2020 at 06:31hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Answers still needed for Warriors horror show
THE horror show in Egypt as we succumbed to a 4-0 thumping to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at AFCON on Sunday night sums up the mediocrity in the ranks of Zimbabwean football. We wer...Published: 06 Jul 2019 at 17:11hrs | | by Phillip Zulu
The bane of rabid, frenzied media
Again, dear reader, if ever you are in doubt, if ever you are confused, if ever you need a moral compass, or whenever you find yourself agreeing with Jonathan Moyo, you should know that you are close ...Published: 16 Jun 2019 at 09:35hrs | | by Bishop Lazi
New dispensation turns into a nightmare
What is supposed to be a new dispensation has turned into a nightmare in our society. We were promised a better future which has turned bleak.If only we knew that they are the ones who would l...Published: 28 Apr 2019 at 10:13hrs | 1 | by Silobela Community member
New dispensation turned into nightmare
Dear Editor, What is supposed to be a new dispensation has turned into a nightmare in our society.We were promised a better future, which has turned bleak. If only we knew that they ar...Published: 28 Apr 2019 at 07:54hrs | | by Voice from Silobela
Chibhebhe eyeing Chamisa job?
FORMER Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) secretary general Wellington Chibhebhe could be a surprise inclusion among politicians vying to become MDC president.This is according to inside...Published: 03 Mar 2019 at 00:56hrs | 1 | by newzimbabwe
Southern Africa's problem of political elite impunity
Former South African deputy foreign affairs minister Aziz Pahad's support for the Maduro regime in Venezuela throws into sharp relief the acceptance by political elites in Southern Africa of die-hard ...Published: 15 Feb 2019 at 08:25hrs | 1 | by Tendai Biti and Mills
Tsvangirai family’s pre-emptive masterstroke the way to go
The funeral service in December 2018 for the late 41st President of the United States, George H Bush, who was in office from 1989 to 1993 (not to be confused with his son, George W Bush, the 43rd Pres...Published: 04 Jan 2019 at 09:23hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Which way Prof. Ncube?
Somebody observed rather poignantly ,that every cobbler , house wife ,vendor and taxi driver in Zimbabwe is a spontaneous master of economic phenomena , aerodynamics ,football formations and medicine!...Published: 25 Nov 2018 at 07:50hrs | 1 | by Zifiso Masiye
Of prophets-cum-political activists
A few senior Government officials have taken ill over the past few months, which in itself is not an unusual event. What is unusual is the birthing of a new menace in Zimbabwe which this writer opts t...Published: 22 Oct 2018 at 11:46hrs | 2 | by Nicole Hondo
Mnangagwa's new political order
South African anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko and black consciousness icon once said, "It is better to die for an idea that will live, than to live for an idea that will die". President Mnangagwa o...Published: 26 Sep 2018 at 06:50hrs | 1 | by Keith Guzah
Married workmates busted for sex in office
THEY were caught in their birthday suits during working hours enjoying the adult game!Business came to a halt at Turk Mine when two married workmates were caught indulging in sex in the office...Published: 31 Aug 2018 at 06:32hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Keep calm, Zanu-PF will remain strong and united
LIBERATION movements such as Zanu-PF, the African National Congress of South Africa, Swapo of Namibia, MPLA of Angola and Frelimo of Mozambique often go through episodes of internal turmoil where ther...Published: 09 Nov 2017 at 05:34hrs | | by Zimpapers editorial
Mugabe leaves for Russia, '1 day before he dies'
PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe, battling a vicious succession war and a comatose economy back home, is today expected to leave for a low-key youth summit - World Festival of Youth and Students - in Sochi, Ru...Published: 16 Oct 2017 at 06:32hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabweans have lost faith in RBZ
The past weekend was characterised by massive panic buying, while efforts by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) to assuage fears of shortages and price hikes have so far drawn a blank.Fearing ...Published: 25 Sep 2017 at 08:19hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Zimbabwe army to decide Mugabe successor'
Daily News chief writer Fungi Kwaramba sat down with respected University of Zimbabwe Political Science lecturer, Eldred Masunungure, to unpack the thorny succession issue in Zanu-PF, which has caused...Published: 23 Jul 2017 at 12:26hrs | | by Staff reporter
PDP shocked by the arrest of Harare Mayor
We as PDP Harare Province have received with shock, the news of the arrest of the mayor of Harare Clr. Bernard Manyenyeni soon after the High Court dismissed his dismal as mayor by the Minister of Loc...Published: 01 Jul 2016 at 12:01hrs | | by Khumalo: Cde. Nqobizitha Khumalo. and Vince Musewe
TB Joshua's terrifying prophecy that shook Ghana
On Sunday 10th April 2016, Nigerian 'Prophet' T.B. Joshua warned the nation of Ghana of an impending foreign terrorist attack, prompting a furious storm of reactions nationwide."Pray for t...Published: 12 Apr 2016 at 21:57hrs | 1 | by Ihechukwu Njoku
This and that with Mal'phosa - You fired, god!
If the Greek lord of the sky and rain had been a real person with a job and family to support, he'd have found himself searching for another job and being disowned because of negligence and ineptitude...Published: 15 Nov 2015 at 18:01hrs | 1 | by Clerk Ndlovu
Zanu PF UK Chapter ask for peace among members ahead of National Conference in December
The Zanu PF United Kingdom chapter has appealed for peace among the party members as the ruling party gears for its national conference scheduled to take place in Victoria Falls next month.The...Published: 15 Nov 2015 at 07:34hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Sangoma predicts war in SA
Sangoma predicts war in SAStephen JakesA South African traditional seer (sangoma) has predicted that doomsday is about to befall South Africa.Tefo Modise (64) from Thaba Nchu o...Published: 28 May 2015 at 06:16hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
Former Rhodesian soldiers release videos showing raids on guerrilla camps
Pretoria - Some former members of the Rhodesian special forces who took part in daring cross border raids on guerrilla camps in Zambia and Mozambique towards the end of the liberation war have re...Published: 12 May 2015 at 15:21hrs | 27 | by Thabo Kunene
Mutasa sounded like a diehard MDC-T activist
What Mutasa and company, together with the MDC-T forget is that political power in Zimbabwe can only be attained through the ballot box. All efforts to attract or appeal to regional, international or ...Published: 19 Jan 2015 at 20:21hrs | | by Benny Tsododo
New SA visa rules force 250k Zimbabweans to decide on returning home
Strict new South African immigration laws have sparked confusion and panic among foreign residents in this "Gateway to Africa" and forced 250,000 Zimbabweans to decide whether to return home.W...Published: 13 Jan 2015 at 09:13hrs | | by Sapa-AFP
SA visa rules hit Zimbabweans hardest
Strict new South African immigration laws have sparked confusion and panic among foreign residents in this "Gateway to Africa" and forced 250 000 Zimbabweans to decide whether to return home.W...Published: 14 Jul 2014 at 09:30hrs | 1 | by Citizen
Mass deportation fears as South Africa gets tough
STRICT new South African immigration laws have sparked confusion and panic among foreign residents in the "Gateway to Africa" and forced 250,000 Zimbabweans to decide whether to return home.Wa...Published: 10 Jul 2014 at 18:36hrs | 1 | by AFP
Daily News peddling falsehoods
THE MDC Renewal Team notes with serious concern the false stories being peddled almost on a daily by The Daily News that are portraying the party as being in turmoil.It has now become true to ...Published: 21 Jun 2014 at 13:52hrs | | by MDC Renewal Team
Tsvangirai an 'ignorant' man, says Mugabe
PRESIDENT Mugabe says his opponents must use elections and not call for security sector reforms in a bid to effect regime change.In an interview with Namibia's New Era newspaper early this wee...Published: 28 Jun 2013 at 07:39hrs | 2 | by New Era
Sidelining of Ncube not a guarantee 2013 election victory
Having noted mixed reactions some of which make anyone collapse with laughter, I meant to make a comment about the Mugabe-Mutambara-Tsvangirai tripartite talks on the constitution this last Thurs...Published: 18 Jan 2013 at 04:39hrs | | by Chris Tongogara
This and that with Mal'phosa - Doomsday, again and again
Got an e-mail from a client the other day; "I will be back in the office first week of January- - - unless of course the Mayans got it right this time and the world ends on 21 December 2012; then it's...Published: 13 Jan 2013 at 09:15hrs | | by Clerk Ndlovu
The power of convergence
In this article, I argue for the location of points of convergence from our historical, everyday socio-political and cultural experiences which shape our perceptions and worldviews as Zimbabweans, how...Published: 31 Dec 2012 at 21:16hrs | 1 | by Bigboy Mthombeni
Will the world come to an end tomorrow?
According to some doomsday theorists and their interpretations of the Mayan calendar, the world will end on Friday 21 December 2012.The earth will apparently go out with a bang either crashing...Published: 20 Dec 2012 at 11:27hrs | 2 | by Moyo Roy
MDC-T at pains to dismiss the 'concocted' power struggles story
The Movement for Democratic Change led by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said it dismisses as malicious and unfounded reports in the discredited Zanu-PF flier, ...Published: 23 Apr 2012 at 11:33hrs | | by Ndou Paul
US Christian ministry has again predicted the end of the world
San Francisco - A California ministry has again predicted the end of the world is at hand.The Oakland-based Family Radio International that stirred a global frenzy when it predicted the raptur...Published: 21 Oct 2011 at 13:14hrs | 1 | by -
Hwange demolish Shooting Stars
Hwange..............(3) 5 Shooting Stars...(1) 2 RELEGATION stalked Shooting Stars inched closer to the season-end doomsday after sweating in vain at the Colliery Stadium yesterday...Published: 02 Dec 2010 at 09:27hrs | 2 | by Tobias Mandoreba in Hwange
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