Search / Militarism
Zanu-PF's crude path
When things become unbelievably smooth on the trot, you just need to do a reality check by tuning into ZTV, for there you will certainly find the dose that will wake you up from your island siesta....Published: 10 Mar 2024 at 06:59hrs | 69 | by Tawanda Majoni
Tribalism and politics in Zimbabwe
Tribalism regularly comes into play in Zimbabwe. sometimes it is in terms of political rivalry and competition. at other times it is based on a friendly joking relationship between different tribes....Published: 14 May 2021 at 07:00hrs | | by Fay Chung
Zimbabwe among 7 African governments using Israeli cyber-espionage tools
As internet penetration and smartphone usage increases across Africa, digital spaces have become increasingly important in organising opposition movements. In response, several governments have at tim...Published: 25 Feb 2021 at 20:17hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
MDC Alliance dismantling patriarchy towards a people’s movement
Zimbabwe is in the throes of a deep economic and political crisis, further worsened by Cyclone Idai that has ravaged the eastern parts of the country leaving scores dead, hundreds injured and thousand...Published: 19 Mar 2019 at 05:19hrs | | by Grace Kwinjeh
The immediate aim of the Nov 2017 coup leaders, Mnangagwa & Chiwenga is to put on the garment of legitimacy.
The coup junta led by interim President Mnangagwa and interim vice President Chiwenga seized power from dethroned former president Mugabe insisting that it was a necessary evil to deal with the crimin...Published: 20 Jul 2018 at 06:47hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Chiwenga unpacks military's role in peace-building
I feel honoured to speak on "The role of the military in peac-building and national reconciliation" itself a topic under the broad theme "A Reflection on Ethical Leadership. The theme honours the 100t...Published: 02 Jul 2018 at 07:27hrs | | by Dr Constantino Chiwenga
Zanu-PF enemy dependency politics is an erosion of peace and security
Zanu-PF has a rampant and untreated case of enemy dependency syndrome to politics. By far, the greatest threat to Zimbabwe right now comes from within Zanu-PF political obstructionists and the know-no...Published: 01 Jul 2018 at 15:20hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
Outrage over Mukupe, Hungwe's utterances
Masvingo Provincial Affairs minister Josiah Hungwe and deputy Finance minister Terrence Mukupe have been roundly condemned for their controversial statements which are out of step with what President ...Published: 26 May 2018 at 18:34hrs | | by Staff reporter
Nurses scandal reveals new govt's smart authoritarianism
When Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga dramatically "expelled" striking nurses last Tuesday, the responses from different quarters were somewhat predictable. Understandably so. Because the move was ...Published: 22 Apr 2018 at 10:30hrs | | by Tawanda Majoni
Chamisa: Zimbabwe's rising young hope
As the day ended on February 18, MDC-T acting president Nelson Chamisa, who had arrived from the late Morgan Tsvangirai's home, jumped out of his car. He was eased, by a group of youths, through a sea...Published: 09 Mar 2018 at 12:19hrs | | by Simukai Tinhu
Mudzuri to Replace Tsvangirai, or Who Else?
The opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change (MDCT), has found itself in an ugly quandary yet again. It is a crisis symptomatic of the post - 2013 general election which splintered the MDC and...Published: 17 Jan 2018 at 06:12hrs | | by Raphael Gore
'With or without Mugabe, Zanu PF the same'
Zimbabweans in the City of Kings yesterday woke up to a shock new Cabinet announcement by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.The sentiments expressed in the streets here were that of clear disapprov...Published: 02 Dec 2017 at 12:00hrs | | by Staff reporter
Militarism in Zimbabwe: Which way forward Zimbabwe?
It will be amiss if we do not applaud the Zimbabwe military high command for cutting down on the length of suffering that people of Zimbabwe went through unnecessarily and the wasted opportunity the c...Published: 16 Nov 2017 at 05:14hrs | 2 | by Andrew M Manyevere
President Trump a threat to world peace
US President Donald Trump's inaugural address of the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday shocked many political players the world over due to the American government's intransigence and threat ...Published: 21 Sep 2017 at 06:19hrs | 1 | by Tererai Danga
Mugabe juggling balls in the air
THE current situation in Zanu-PF is fragmented and fractious; it needs a unifier. There is serious factionalism, infighting and political hostilities. It's a dog-eat-dog affair.So President Ro...Published: 17 Sep 2017 at 12:01hrs | | by Staff reporter
14 reasons why Mugabe is an unquestionable dictator-in-chief
1. Mugabe believes he is the only one who is able to lead Zimbabwe with the help of his minions.Dictatorship involves the rule of one person or one small group led by one person.2. Mug...Published: 07 Jun 2017 at 06:30hrs | | by Patson Dzamara
Why the Third World must be responsible for 'World War 3' outbreak!
With the majority of the world's population under-resourced, political and religious tensions and strife, in general, continue to escalate on a daily basis. It requires not an above average IQ mind to...Published: 23 Sep 2016 at 11:42hrs | | by Tawanda Madamombe
Spot ON Dabengwa!
Zapu President Speech in Jotsholo over the weekend attracted all sorts of comments some of which included individuals that just oppose whatever he says. It's a deliberate ploy trying to prevent the pe...Published: 07 Jun 2016 at 10:16hrs | 2 | by Mkhululi Zulu
German multiculturalism and Xenophobia
Part 4. 1. 2. How West Germany fought Xenophobia and racial prejudices Be it East Germany or West Germany, the economy of these countries was...Published: 22 May 2016 at 11:45hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
MDC cast doubt on Biometric voting system
Opposition MDC has cautiously welcomed the planned Biometric voting system. It said it is important to note that the biometric system alone cannot address the plethora of challenges currently affectin...Published: 12 May 2016 at 10:20hrs | | by Thobekile Zhou
MDC welcomes Biometric voting system
The MDC has welcome plans by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to introduce the biometric voting system for the 2018 elections.In a statement MDC spokesperson Kurauone Chihwayi said however wh...Published: 12 May 2016 at 08:23hrs | 1 | by Stephen Jakes
Seeking ethnic solutions in Zimbabwe is going global - Part four
We are in Germany today! Understanding the concept of multi-culturalism in German political landscape Is she now going crazy to think that African...Published: 30 Apr 2016 at 15:29hrs | 1 | by Nomazulu Thata
American democracy is rigged
In the United States presidential elections, there are two towering political parties – the Democratic and the Republican – that during the course of their "primary" elections get to choose who wi...Published: 29 Apr 2016 at 06:51hrs | 2 | by Hamish Dabashi
Militarism and Corruption in Zimbabwe: Evidence of why Elections cannot be a free/fair tool
Militarism connotes predominance of military class, exultation of military values including force of violence and distancing of the army much further from the people for purposes of controlling power ...Published: 08 Nov 2015 at 18:35hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
'Free and fair elections not possible in Zimbabwe,' says Mandaza
Zimbabwe is far from holding peaceful, fair and legitimate elections because institutions have been put in place to violate the people's rights and political processes.Political analyst Ibbo M...Published: 13 Nov 2014 at 19:42hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Around 75 000 people in need of ARVs in Bulawayo
GENDER-BASED Violence (GBV) has been identified as a leading cause of HIV prevalence among women in Bulawayo where about 75 000 people are in need of Anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs). This comes ...Published: 25 Nov 2013 at 19:44hrs | | by Staff Reporter
South Africa:- A foreign policy quicksand in the heart of Africa
How do you measure South Africa in foreign policy terms? I do not offer here an analysis but a common sense view. And it is commonsensical not because I have no access to South African foreign...Published: 11 Apr 2013 at 12:34hrs | | by Martin Mlevu
National youth document set to transform the country's youths
MASVINGO - The newly crafted national youth policy document is a benchmark widely expected to purge hooliganism and unruly behaviour among the country's youth, Deputy Minister for Youth Development, I...Published: 28 Jan 2013 at 07:02hrs | | by Honest Makanyire
Zim women want harder sentences on rapists
Women have condemned the year 2012 as the worst saying it witnessed the perpetration of numerous cases of gender based violence and sexual offences against them and the girl child.The chairper...Published: 01 Jan 2013 at 16:44hrs | | by Staff Reporter
MDC becoming a blunt instrument of history
Two weeks ago I penned a piece which used an esoteric term - zeitgeist - to make my point. I got a few calls from angry readers who wanted to know what kind of English that was, and why I thought it w...Published: 18 Feb 2012 at 09:15hrs | 2 | by Nathaniel Manheru
Young women call for increase in resource allocation to VFUs
Young women in Bulawayo have called for the increase of manpower and allocation of more resources to the Victim Friendly Units (VFU) of all police stations, as a way of facilitating easier reporting o...Published: 30 Dec 2011 at 08:53hrs | 1 | by NYDT
Obama, the arrogant voice of imperialism
US president Barack Obama delivered an empty and arrogant sermon to the United Nations on Wednesday, laced with platitudes about "peace" that were designed to mask Washington's predatory policies....Published: 24 Sep 2011 at 13:18hrs | | by Bill Van Auken
Expose Second World War genocide to stop terrorism: Ahmadinejad
Tehran - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday the real dimensions of the September 2001 terrorist attacks on the US as well as genocide in the Second World War should be exposed in o...Published: 25 Jun 2011 at 16:18hrs | | by Moyio Roy
Libya: Africa and the Victorians - Libya and Zimbabwe
As I write, Libya is burning. It is in the throes of war, more accurately, of a "righteous" aggression. The list of the aggressor nations is as familiar as it is predictable: US, ...Published: 30 Mar 2011 at 05:58hrs | | by Nathaniel Manheru
Challenging Western Distortions about Zimbabwe's Land Reform
For years, Western journalists have castigated Zimbabwe's land reform program. From afar, they pronounced land ...Published: 22 Feb 2011 at 07:01hrs | | by Gregory Elich
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