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It's a puppet show at townhouse
Zimbabwe is now well and truly a banana republic,nay, it has moved a notch up to become a certified armpit of the world , thanks largely to ZANU PF's authoritarian rule It is abundantly clear ...Published: 29 Aug 2024 at 16:15hrs | 881 | by Wonder Bvungura
Angry Zimbabweans throw brickbats at Mnangagwa top comms aide
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa's top communications aide has come under fire after posting a seemingly innocuous tweet announcing procurement of a new presidential podium.Chief director responsi...Published: 13 May 2023 at 18:55hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
WATCH: Chamisa says he has won the presidential vote
Africa correspondent for Al Jazeera English, Haru Mutasa has Twitted that, "Nelson Chamisa says he is confident he has won the popular presidential vote and says he has the evidence to prove it. He is...Published: 02 Aug 2018 at 15:42hrs | 1 | by Ndou Paul
If I can be Chamisa’s advisor only for a day
Nelson kindly allow me to be your advisor only for today. In Shona they say ‘vamwe vakaudzwa hondo nemurwere wepfungwa’ which can be loosely translated as, in life you can get advice even from the...Published: 17 Jun 2018 at 11:39hrs | 1 | by Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyoo
Tytan pays lobola for Olinda, but was it his money?
Rapper Tytan who is in love with United Kingdom-based businesswoman, Olinda Chapel, over the weekend shared a video of him paying bride price (lobola) for his fiancée setting the ball rolling for the...Published: 26 Mar 2018 at 06:43hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
MDC alliance will get its untainted mandate to rule Zimbabwe from the people in 2018
It is not abnormal for someone to quickly shift blame even before he or she has finally failed to deliver. At times it will be proper to simply request for assistance in a more formal and honest way i...Published: 06 Dec 2017 at 13:33hrs | 2 | by Tinashe Gumbo (University of KwaZulu Natal)
Dokora was 'hugely misunderstood'
Former Primary and Education minister Lazarus Dokora has said he gave it his best despite public distrust while his predecessor Paul Mavima believes Dokora was "hugely misunderstood."Dokora al...Published: 05 Dec 2017 at 10:10hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mugabe's age can't be a manifesto or an ideology
TODAY'S sermon comes from Leviticus 19 vs 32 and Isiah 46 vs 4. This sermon was inspired by comments that followed the statement by Presidential spokesman Mr George Charamba who last week took time to...Published: 14 May 2017 at 15:09hrs | | by Bishop Lazarus
Fake doctorates: Jonathan Moyo; person to face jail is 'Dr.' Grace Mugabe
It is indeed selective morality: a travesty of justice: it is ludicrous to the highest order. Jonathan Moyo tells us that those who fake degrees or purchase degrees should face jail. By that same logi...Published: 16 Apr 2017 at 11:26hrs | 8 | by Nomazulu Thata
Ruvheneko's Platform canned by ZiFM!
POPULAR ZiFM Stereo personality Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa has opened up about being canned from her current affairs programme - The Platform.Ruvheneko was last heard presenting The Platform on Ma...Published: 18 Aug 2016 at 06:16hrs | 2 | by Melissa Mpofu
Readers' reaction to police harassment
Last week, we ran a story on the frequency and spacing of road blocks and the seemingly extortionate behaviour of the police at these road blocks. The story, which was widely received, drew mixed reac...Published: 05 Jun 2016 at 11:11hrs | | by Staff reporter
MDC Tsvangirai celebrates the 'Spirit' of Nelson Mandela
The MDC T South Africa Province and President Tsvangirai join South Africa and the rest of the...Published: 05 Dec 2014 at 10:09hrs | 1 | by Dr. Wangu Mazodze
'Ray Kaukonde faked O-level certificate'
Addressing thousands of students at her Mazowe Children's Home on November 17, First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe said ousted Zanu-PF Mashonaland East chair and factional kingpin Ray Joseph Kaukonde had for...Published: 30 Nov 2014 at 13:06hrs | 4 | by Staff reporter
Zhakata's gospel mission fails to take off
Zora music icon Leonard Zhakata, who sometime this year announced he would focus more on his gospel calling than secular music, failed to take up his new mission. Zhakata, who released h...Published: 23 Dec 2013 at 18:53hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Deployment of army personnel to parastatals to continue
PRESIDENT Mugabe yesterday said deployment of ex-military officers in civil positions like State enterprises would continue as they have the skills and are role models of valour, patriotism, honesty,...Published: 27 Aug 2013 at 04:32hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Mugabe ridicules 'ignorant' Tsvangirai who was a pain to work with
President Mugabe yesterday ridiculed MDC leader, Morgan Tsvangirai saying he was an ignorant leader who was a pain to work with.Addressing mourners at the burial of Retired Air Commodore Mike ...Published: 26 Aug 2013 at 08:17hrs | 5 | by Staff reporter
Mugabes speech at Karakadzai's burial: Full text
Full Text of President Mugabe's Address At The Burial Of Retired Air Commodore Mike Tichafa Karakadzai At The National Heroes Acre in Harare, August 25, 2013...Published: 26 Aug 2013 at 04:27hrs | 1 | by Robert Mugabe
Tsvangirai to remember Chiweshe 2008 victims on Saturday
The Movement for Democratic Change leadership led by Morgan Tsvangirai will on Saturday join MDC-T members and families of 14 slain MDC-T members at a memorial rally to be addressed at Chaona Busines...Published: 26 Oct 2012 at 11:01hrs | | by Ndou Paul
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