Search / Warveterans
Zimbabwe war vets bay for minister's blood
WAR veterans are demanding the axing of Matebeleland North Provincial Affairs minister Richard Moyo over a basket of charges that include disrespecting the Zanu-PF leadership.Moyo, who is also...Published: 07 Apr 2024 at 10:35hrs | 20 | by Staff reporter
War Veterans attack ZANU PF councillor
ZANU PF ward 30 candidate councillor Dickson Mucherwa is reported under attack from war Veterans who want him arrested for allegedly stealing Presidential inputs in 2019.The beef is emanating ...Published: 03 Jun 2023 at 22:34hrs | 2 | by Simbarashe Sithole
Will the war veterans deliver?
A political commentator Vince Musewe has questioned if the war veterans has a capacity to deliver the nation from the dictatorship[p they have been supporting until they themselves were chucked out of...Published: 26 Mar 2017 at 07:52hrs | | by Stephen Jakes
An open letter to Saviour Kasukuwere
Godwin Gomwe is the former Zanu PF Harare youth league leader, who was once feared and reportedly instrumental in the dramatic downfall of former Vice-President Joice Mujuru and several other top offi...Published: 09 Sep 2016 at 01:17hrs | 2 | by Godwin S Gomwe
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