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Government impose tax on offals

by Staff Reporter
31 Jan 2017 at 22:11hrs | Views
Government cash crises has plunged to new levels as it has  imposed a 15% value-added tax (VAT) on all meat products such as offals with effect from today (Wednesday)

The tax also applies to fish, rice, maheu and margarine.

Opposition MDC-T spokesperson, Obert Gutu, said the tax is "anti-people" and its a stunt  " to raise money to pay for Robert Mugabe's extravagant and wasteful lifestyle".

"The Zanu PF regime has a sordid and cruel reputation of being anti-people. This regime takes a special kind of pleasure in seeing the majority of the people suffer.

" This regime is desperate to raise money using both conventional and unconventional methods," he said.

Reacting to the move, Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions secretary-general, Japhet Ncube condemned the move.

"It is a very sad situation that the government has seen it prudent to tax basics, which the majority of our people survive on, especially at a time wages and salaries have not been increased in a very long time" he said as reported by NewsDay.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Offals, #Tax, #Mugabe