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More details on Britain's involvement in Chiwenga's coup emerge

by Mandla Ndlovu
23 Apr 2019 at 17:31hrs | Views
High ranking officials in the British government worked tirelessly to make certain that the bloodless coup that as effected by Former Army General Constantino Chiwenga in November 2017 succeeded. 

In a detailed report obtained from the sources at one of the British Development Agencies in Harare it is alleged an elaborate plan to remove former President Robert Mugabe and install President Emerson Mnangagwa was put in place and stamped by former British Ambassador Catriona Laing.

The report details that:

1.    ZANU PF Politiburo member Patrick Chinamasa travelled to the United Kingdom before the November coup and met high ranking officials from the British Government.

2.    In the meeting the officials and Chinamasa's team agreed that Britain will support the transfer of power from Mugabe to Mnangagwa peaceful but if need be they would covertly support an extreme method to effect the change. The meeting was alleged organised by Laing.

3.    Britain is alleged to have began by funding violent protests which took place in 2016 under the banner #ShutdownZimbabwe. The protest were alleged to have had minimum success since they failed to generate into an Arab spring kind of protests that would have unseated President Mugabe.

4.    There was an agreement that the British government will maintain a position of plausible deniability throughout the process so that they are not seen to be directly interfering in the territorial integrity and sovereignty of an Independent country.

5.    The whole coup as it unfolded was endorsed by Laing and the high ranking officials in Britain.

6.     After the coup there was need for the new President to be cleaned and presented as a new person leading a new dispensation in the country. Laing in alleged to have suggested an idea to rope in one Priscilla Misihairabwi to be one of the leaders who will front the cleaning of Mnangagwa particularly in Matabeleland.

7.    Misihairabwi was alleged singled out because she is allegedly to have once ran a business with former Minister Saviour Kasukuwere but they had a nasty fallout hence she was keen on getting back at the G40 members and had become close to Chinamasa and Mnangagwa.

8.    The idea to create the so-called Matabeleland Collective was planted into the mind of Priscilla by Laing and later one Jenny Williams was roped in to be part of the team that started the whole thing whose agenda was to clean Mnangagwa in Matabeleland Provinces.

9.    Laing (who is still involved in project Mnangagwa although she is now in  Nigeria) phoned Mnangagwa and advised him to set up a team of advisors called the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC).

10.    The PAC was to be composed of former critics of Mnangagwa so that they may be used as face that Mnangagwa is uniting the country.

Posting on Facebook earlier on Tuesday China based businessman Shephard Ben Abraham said he will soon expose some document that he has which relate to the Matabeleland.

"I know some of the NGO leaders in Matabeleland  Collective are genuine. What most of them do not know is that some Kingpins within the grouping are receiving seriously huge brown envelops under the cover of donor funds facilitated by a section of rogue British diplomats led by Catriona Liang. I will soon post what is the interest of these 'rogue' British diplomats," he said

Source - Byo24News