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Bulawayo's new councillors sworn in

by Staff reporter
05 Apr 2022 at 06:45hrs | Views
THE eight newly-elected Bulawayo City Council (BCC) councillors who won in the just-ended by-elections, were yesterday sworn in and subsequently took their oath of loyalty to both Government and the local authority.

The swearing-in of the councillors, five of whom are returning ones, comes at a time when ratepayers are expecting the new members to deliver on their election promises.

The swearing-in ceremony, which was held at the council chambers, was attended by other councillors, heads of council departments, relatives and friends of the newly-elected councillors.

First to take the oath of office was Ward 8 Councillor Edwin Ndlovu followed by his Ward 9 counterpart Clr Donaldson Mabutho. Others were Councillors Lilian Mlilo (Ward 12), Concilia Mlalazi (Ward 13), Christopher Dube (Ward 19), Alderman Earnest Rafamoyo (Ward 20), Tinevimbo Maphosa (Ward 21) and Mpumelelo Moyo (Ward 26).

BCC town clerk Mr Christopher Dube presided over the swearing in ceremony while council chamber secretary Mrs Sikhangele Zhou assisted the councillors in reciting the oath.

The new councillors were sworn in, in terms of Section 47(3) of the Urban Councils Act Chapter 29:15, which stipulates that before undertaking any duty, a councillor shall take and subscribe before the town clerk of the council such oath of loyalty and office as may be prescribed.

Speaking on behalf of Bulawayo Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Judith Ncube, District Co-ordinator for Imbizo in the metropolitan province, Ms Tswagai Fikike Marovatsanga urged the new councillors to embrace

Government programmes in discharging their duties in line with the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1).

"On behalf of the Minister of State for Bulawayo Provincial Affairs and Devolution, we would to welcome the new councillors and congratulate them. You have been entrusted with the responsibility to serve people. We have the National Development Strategy 1 that we are all working towards and again council also has its own strategic plan, that feeds into NDS1 as we try to build our nation," she said.

"We should sing from the same hymn book when it comes to national development issues."

Giving his remarks soon after the swearing-in ceremony, Bulawayo Mayor Clr Solomon Mguni urged the new councillors to put political differences aside and focus on spearheading development in the city as well as implementing Government programmes.

"For the first time in 20 years, we now have a multi-party chamber and we should work together as councillors for the City of Bulawayo. We have been given a mandate to serve our people and we call upon unity in the cockpit and serve everyone equally and equitably and the committees should embrace each and everyone of us," he said.

"Our mandate is to serve the people of Bulawayo. Our main mandate is carrying upon our shoulders the vision of the city, which is to be smart and transformative city by year 2024 and we expect all of us to champion this vision and be guided by the values of the city that is integrity, transparency, innovation, accountability, fairness and consultation."

Clr Mguni urged the new councillors to embody the spirit of ubuntu and strive to pursue their obligations and responsibilities.

"We have collective responsibility to diligently serve our people and meet their expectations. We serve one Government and therefore, there has to be that holistic approach in terms of supporting Government programmes since we are a tier of Government," he said.

Source - The Chronicle
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