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'ShutDownZimbabwe to force Sikhala's release from remand prison'

by Staff reporter
08 Sep 2022 at 12:31hrs | Views
CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) top official, Charlton Hwende has called for mass protests to force the immediate release of incarcerated legislators, Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole, along with14 other political activists.

Hwende, a former secretary-general of the disbanded MDC formation led by Nelson Chamisa, said the dire conditions facing the jailed CCC activists demanded a quick response to rescue the political prisoners, before they die behind bars.

Posting on Twitter Thursday, Hwende described the activists' situation as heartrending.

"The situation of our MPs Hon Job Sikhala & Godfrey Sithole, plus the Nyatsime Cdes is very depressing," Hwende said.

"If we don't act, these Cdes will not be released soon and some might even die in detention. Political prisoners require either mass action or political engagement to be released."

Hwende's sentiments followed similar calls by University of Zimbabwe (UZ) constitutional law lecturer, Lovemore Madhuku, who urged CCC to swallow its pride and engage Zanu-PF and its leader, Emmerson Mnangagwa, to expedite the jailed activists' freedom.

Last weekend, there were security fears after Sikhala fell sick in his D Class detention cell reserved for dangerous criminals.

This was amid unconfirmed reports he was poisoned.

The MP's lawyer, Beatrice Mtetwa was asked to call a private doctor to attend to the politician who was vomiting.

Sikhala and his colleague have been in prison for nearly three months over charges of inciting violence and obstructing the course of justice, both charges emanating from the case of slain CCC activist Moreblessing Ali.

Sikhala has repeatedly been denied bail by both the High Court and Supreme Court.

Source - NewZimbabwe