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Mugabe appoints Permanent Secretaries

by Staff reporter
24 Sep 2013 at 02:22hrs | Views
President Robert Mugabe has appointed Permanent Secretaries to serve in various ministries following the re-organisation and re-configuration of government ministries and the appointment of cabinet ministers.

Making the announcement, the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr Misheck Sibanda said the appointments for the 24 ministries were made in terms of Section 205(1) of the new constitution of Zimbabwe, adding that Permanent Secretaries are appointed on performance contracts and their re-appointment is dependent upon good performance in line with the Results-Based Management System which is now guiding the operations of the new government.

Dr Sibanda urged former Permanent Secretaries whose names are not on the list of those appointed to immediately contact the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission.

Those who retained their positions as Permanent Secretaries include Mr George Charamba (Media, Information and Broadcasting Services), Dr Washington Mbizvo (Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology), Dr Gerald Gwinji (Health ad Child Care) and Mr Partson Mbiriri (Energy and Power Development), among others.

The appointments are as follows:

Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development: Mr Ringson J.Chitsiko
Defence: Mr Martin Rushwaya
Primary and Secondary Education: Mrs Constance Chigwamba
Energy and Power Development: Mr Partson Mbiriri
Environment, Water and Climate: Mr Prince Mupazviriho
Finance: Mr Willard Manungo
Foreign Affairs: Ambassador Joey, M. Bimha
Health and Child Care: Dr Gerald Gwinji
Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology: Dr Washington Mbizvo
Home Affairs: Mr Melusi Matshiya
Industry and Commerce: Mrs Abigail Shonhiwa
Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services: Engineer Samuel Kundishora
Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs: Mrs Virginia Mabiza
Lands and Rural Resettlement: Mrs S. Tsvakwi
Media, Information and Broadcasting Services: Mr George Charamba
Mines and Mining Development: Professor Francis Gudyanga
Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare: Mr Ngoni Masoka
Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development: Mrs Evelyn Ndlovu
Sports, Arts and Culture: Dr Thokozile Chitepo
Tourism and Hospitality Industry; Ms Florence Nhekairo
Transport and Infrastructural Development: Mr Munesushe Munodawafa
Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development: Dr Perpetua Gumbo
Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment: Mr George Magosvongwe
Local Govt, Public Works and National Housing: Mr Killian Mupingo

Source - zbc