Opinion / Columnist
Zimbabwe a safe haven for wanted genocidists
07 Jun 2022 at 06:54hrs | Views

The Zimbabwe government is known for deploying the Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade in Matabeleland to commit genocide in which over 40 000 Matabele civilians including women and children were dastardly slaughtered, over 100 000 Matabele women raped, over 100 000 Matabele homes burnt down, some with people inside, over 300 000 Matabeles maimed and over 1 million Matabeles displaced. Over 4 million Matabeles that remain in Zimbabwe face tribal segregation, hegemony and marginalization.
But no one ever thought Zimbabwe also acted as a secrete safe haven for wanted genocide fugitives from the African continent until the grave and remains of the most wanted Rwandan genocide perpetrator Protais Mpiranya was discovered in Granville Cemetery just outside Harare by the UN investigators.
Another genocidist, the former President of Ethiopia, Mengistu Haile Mariam is well and living large in Zimbabwe with an estimated net worth of US$ 1-5 million. That is according to Wikipedia, Forbes, IMDb and other on line sources.
The question is, how many more brutal killers and genocidists are hiding in Zimbabwe and treated like kings and queens when their victims are suffering?
This shows that genocidists look after each other and share notes on how to kill more innocent people. It is also evidence that the government of Zimbabwe continues to be a danger to humanity in general and Matabeles in particular as it does not only support genocides in the world but gives sanctuary and protection to most wanted brutal murderers. This, because the Zimbabwe government does not view genocide as a crime against humanity instead it hails genocide perpetrators as heroes.
The continent of Africa and the whole world must realise that as long as the Zimbabwe government remains unpunished for committing genocide against Matabeles, it will keep on harbouring dangerous genocidists from other African countries and beyond. Moreover, it will continue to kill innocent Matabeles as it sees nothing wrong about it.
The former President of Ethiopia, Mengistu Haile Mariam, was in 2007 found guilty in absentia of genocide by the Ethiopian court verdict after a 12 year trial of one of Africa's bloodiest government while he was in Zimbabwe, his hideout. His government is responsible for the death of about 2 million people.
Protais Mpiranya, former commander of Rwandan presidential guard was indicted for genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
As head of Rwandan presidential guard in 1994 , he provided the hit list of prominent Tutsis and ordered their families to be killed too. He armed and trained the notorious Interahamwe Hutu militia responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. He was given a safe haven by the Zimbabwe government until he died without facing justice for killing innocent people.
Shonas originate from Burundi and are Hutus who like their Hutu cousins in Rwanda are the only Africans in the continent to have committed genocide against fellow africans.
It is for that reason why the Hutu genocidists fled in their thousands to their Shona cousins in Zimbabwe and received with both arms and given houses and bases in eastern half of the country which are areas only occupied by Shona speakers. This was carefully done by the Zimbabwe government to provide the Hutu genocidist with better security and deter infiltration by Paul Kagame intelligence agents.
The government of Zimbabwe may deny it but is a well known fact that some of the Hutu genocidist have been integrated into Shona communities and given Zimbabwean citizenship.
Serge Brammertz prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals ( IRMCT) spoke very well when he said "survivors and victims of the Rwandan genocide want an answer...to say this person is dead it means they can't cause further harm and they aren't living this nice life as a fugitive somewhere while the victims try to rebuild their lives."
The victims and survivors of Matabele genocide seek answers too but sadly, the world looked away during the real slaughter of Matabele people and continues to do so now. We are left to face the devil on our own. While the Rwandan genocide perpetrators who were caught had their day in court and those who escaped are still pursued by the UN investigators to date, what is happening in Matabeleland is unfair and traumatizing.
Matabele genocide perpetrator number 1, Emmerson Mnangagwa is the President of Zimbabwe, perpetrator number 2 Constintino Chiwenga is the Vice President of Zimbabwe. Other genocidists are holding positions of power in government, army, police, intelligence, correctional services as well as public and private sector. Thus Matabeles meet the terrifying faces of genocidists in every corner in Matabeleland and Zimbabwe.
Some of them like Robert Mugabe, Perrence Shiri, Enos Nkala and many others have been declared heroes after their death and buried at Heroes Acre. Sending a wrong message to the people of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe and the world that killing innocent Matabele civilians makes you a hero in Zimbabwe.
Some of them are still alive and free and causing harm. They teach the Shona people that Matabeles are foreigners that should go back to South Africa. They teach the young Shona people that white people are foreigners too whose properties like farms and companies must be grabbed. They threaten Matabele with second Matabele genocide.
As recent as March, the President of Zimbabwe Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa threatened to shorten the lives of all Matabele people who are advocating forthe restoration of Matabeleland state.
We are currently faced with a situation where the perpetrators, on realising that there is no one to prosecute them, are now masquerading as lawyers, prosecutors and judges in their own case of genocide and crime against humanity.
They are even calling for the exhumation and reburial of the bodies of Matabeleland genocide victims with the intention of getting rid of the evidence and reduce the numbers of dead victims all masked in the name of bringing closure.
As MLO we have already sent a Notice of Demand For The Restoration Of Matabeleland State to the government of Zimbabwe through our President Cde Paul Siwela.
i) demanding the restoration of Matabeleland state as at 3 November 1893, a state that will join the family of nations as The Republic of Matabeleland
ii) demanding the payment of US$ 100 billion as reparation for genocide against Matabele people that happened between 1980 and 1987
We strongly believe that the above demands form a permanent solution to Matabeleland- Zimbabwe political stand off. We will leave no stone unturned until the above demands are met.
We appeal to the world to give an ear to the loud voices of the suffering people of Matabeleland that are calling for the independence and sovereignty of Matabeleland. We ask for your support and solidarity to peacefully break away from Zimbabwe and re-establish the statehood of Matabeleland.
It is only in the independent and sovereign Matabeleland, separate from Zimbabwe, where Matabeles will taste freedom and peace for the first time after 129 years. First under white minority oppression and secondly under Shona supremacist oppression. It is only in the independent Matabeleland where they will be free from genocide and threats of genocide. Where they will be free from abuse, tribal hate, tribal segregation, tribal domination, humiliation and dehumanization.
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
But no one ever thought Zimbabwe also acted as a secrete safe haven for wanted genocide fugitives from the African continent until the grave and remains of the most wanted Rwandan genocide perpetrator Protais Mpiranya was discovered in Granville Cemetery just outside Harare by the UN investigators.
Another genocidist, the former President of Ethiopia, Mengistu Haile Mariam is well and living large in Zimbabwe with an estimated net worth of US$ 1-5 million. That is according to Wikipedia, Forbes, IMDb and other on line sources.
The question is, how many more brutal killers and genocidists are hiding in Zimbabwe and treated like kings and queens when their victims are suffering?
This shows that genocidists look after each other and share notes on how to kill more innocent people. It is also evidence that the government of Zimbabwe continues to be a danger to humanity in general and Matabeles in particular as it does not only support genocides in the world but gives sanctuary and protection to most wanted brutal murderers. This, because the Zimbabwe government does not view genocide as a crime against humanity instead it hails genocide perpetrators as heroes.
The continent of Africa and the whole world must realise that as long as the Zimbabwe government remains unpunished for committing genocide against Matabeles, it will keep on harbouring dangerous genocidists from other African countries and beyond. Moreover, it will continue to kill innocent Matabeles as it sees nothing wrong about it.
The former President of Ethiopia, Mengistu Haile Mariam, was in 2007 found guilty in absentia of genocide by the Ethiopian court verdict after a 12 year trial of one of Africa's bloodiest government while he was in Zimbabwe, his hideout. His government is responsible for the death of about 2 million people.
Protais Mpiranya, former commander of Rwandan presidential guard was indicted for genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
As head of Rwandan presidential guard in 1994 , he provided the hit list of prominent Tutsis and ordered their families to be killed too. He armed and trained the notorious Interahamwe Hutu militia responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. He was given a safe haven by the Zimbabwe government until he died without facing justice for killing innocent people.
Shonas originate from Burundi and are Hutus who like their Hutu cousins in Rwanda are the only Africans in the continent to have committed genocide against fellow africans.
It is for that reason why the Hutu genocidists fled in their thousands to their Shona cousins in Zimbabwe and received with both arms and given houses and bases in eastern half of the country which are areas only occupied by Shona speakers. This was carefully done by the Zimbabwe government to provide the Hutu genocidist with better security and deter infiltration by Paul Kagame intelligence agents.
The government of Zimbabwe may deny it but is a well known fact that some of the Hutu genocidist have been integrated into Shona communities and given Zimbabwean citizenship.
Serge Brammertz prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals ( IRMCT) spoke very well when he said "survivors and victims of the Rwandan genocide want an answer...to say this person is dead it means they can't cause further harm and they aren't living this nice life as a fugitive somewhere while the victims try to rebuild their lives."
Matabele genocide perpetrator number 1, Emmerson Mnangagwa is the President of Zimbabwe, perpetrator number 2 Constintino Chiwenga is the Vice President of Zimbabwe. Other genocidists are holding positions of power in government, army, police, intelligence, correctional services as well as public and private sector. Thus Matabeles meet the terrifying faces of genocidists in every corner in Matabeleland and Zimbabwe.
Some of them like Robert Mugabe, Perrence Shiri, Enos Nkala and many others have been declared heroes after their death and buried at Heroes Acre. Sending a wrong message to the people of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe and the world that killing innocent Matabele civilians makes you a hero in Zimbabwe.
Some of them are still alive and free and causing harm. They teach the Shona people that Matabeles are foreigners that should go back to South Africa. They teach the young Shona people that white people are foreigners too whose properties like farms and companies must be grabbed. They threaten Matabele with second Matabele genocide.
As recent as March, the President of Zimbabwe Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa threatened to shorten the lives of all Matabele people who are advocating forthe restoration of Matabeleland state.
We are currently faced with a situation where the perpetrators, on realising that there is no one to prosecute them, are now masquerading as lawyers, prosecutors and judges in their own case of genocide and crime against humanity.
They are even calling for the exhumation and reburial of the bodies of Matabeleland genocide victims with the intention of getting rid of the evidence and reduce the numbers of dead victims all masked in the name of bringing closure.
As MLO we have already sent a Notice of Demand For The Restoration Of Matabeleland State to the government of Zimbabwe through our President Cde Paul Siwela.
i) demanding the restoration of Matabeleland state as at 3 November 1893, a state that will join the family of nations as The Republic of Matabeleland
ii) demanding the payment of US$ 100 billion as reparation for genocide against Matabele people that happened between 1980 and 1987
We strongly believe that the above demands form a permanent solution to Matabeleland- Zimbabwe political stand off. We will leave no stone unturned until the above demands are met.
We appeal to the world to give an ear to the loud voices of the suffering people of Matabeleland that are calling for the independence and sovereignty of Matabeleland. We ask for your support and solidarity to peacefully break away from Zimbabwe and re-establish the statehood of Matabeleland.
It is only in the independent and sovereign Matabeleland, separate from Zimbabwe, where Matabeles will taste freedom and peace for the first time after 129 years. First under white minority oppression and secondly under Shona supremacist oppression. It is only in the independent Matabeleland where they will be free from genocide and threats of genocide. Where they will be free from abuse, tribal hate, tribal segregation, tribal domination, humiliation and dehumanization.
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
Source - Israel Dube
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