Opinion / Columnist
Matabeles not Zimbabweans: the sooner Zimbabweans accept this glaring fact the better
23 Sep 2022 at 06:17hrs | Views

Matabeles are not Zimbabweans, they have never been and will never be Zimbabweans. On the same breath, Matabeleland is not Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe is not Matabeleland. This should sink into the minds of the day dreaming Shona supremacists in Harare and elsewhere in Mashonaland.
We have noted that Mr Mnangagwa has responded to our Notice Of Demand For The Restoration Of Matabeleland State albeit threats. Sadly this is a well known modus operandi of irresponsible genocidists, tyrants and oppressors.
Mnangagwa's threats will never intimidate anyone within the rank and file of MLO. To us they are good signs that our message has been driven home and the receiver is rattled.
However, we are very much aware that through his threat to "shorten the lives" of Matabeles advocating for the restoration of Matabeleland, he has clearly indicated that he has chosen the bloody route of violence instead of peaceful route of negotiations. He has drawn the battle lines for a war that he will not win.
This is not a threat but a promise from MLO. We will not fold our hands and watch the enemy of Matabeleland murder our innocent people again. We will defend Matabeles with our own blood.
Fire will be fought with fire, blood dept will be paid by blood. Those who will attempt to shorten our lives will have theirs shortened too. There will be casualties on both sides. Fear will be spread evenly.
Those who blindly applaud Mnangagwa while threatening violence against Matabeles in the ZANU PF rallies and conferences should know that they could add to the numbers of dead bodies to be counted as collateral damage in the bitter war that they are calling for.
Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa seems to be suffering from dangerous "acute on-set amnesia."
In his closing address at the inaugural ZANU PF War Veterans League Conference in Harare this week, he was quoted as saying, " Let us also reject regionalism and tribalism among other social ills that divide us. First and foremost, we are Zimbabweans, we are diverse but one people. Zimbabwe remains a unitary state and an indivisible sovereign nation. From Zambezi to Limpopo, from Plumtree to Mutare, we sing one national anthem and fly one flag. There is no flag for Plumtree or Mutare . No person, organisation or amount of challenges should be allowed to divide us."
Mnangagwa forgets that 90% of the big job of splitting Zimbabwe into two states i.e. Republic of Matabeleland and Zimbabwe was done by him, ZANU PF government and it's supporters.
We are on top of it right now busy doing the remaining 10% without any apology, regret or fear. Mnangagwa's lamentations attest to the fact that our methods are very effective.
Mnangagwa divided his own Zimbabwe through committing genocide against Matabeles in which over 40 000 innocent Matabele civilians including women and children were murdered merely for being born Matabeles. More than 100 000 Matabele women raped, more than 100 000 Matabele homes burnt down, more than 300 000 Matabele maimed and over 1 million Matabeles displaced into South Africa, Botswana and beyond.
These were all our relatives, our children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts, grand fathers and mothers whose lives we dearly value. Their cold blooded slaughter still affects their immediate families who are orphans today and the whole of Matabeleland that is traumatised by the diabolical genocide.
1.0 Break away of Matebeleland from abusive and genocidist Zimbabwe and join the family of nations as The Republic of Matebeleland
1.1 Payment of one hundred billion United States dollars ie US$100 billion reparations for Matebele genocide committed by the Zimbabwe government through its Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade and other security agencies from 1981 to 1987.
Worse more, the genocide took another form after the so called Unit Accord and flourishes under the cover of unity, itself a process that is imposed on us. The murder of our languages, our history, our culture, our dignity and our pride continues unabated under tribal oppression disguised as unity.
Tribal segregation of Matabeles at the job market, Matabele children at institutions of higher learning, political spaces, economic realm and social spaces has subjected Matabeles to poverty and slavery. Under these conditions Matabeles are walking corpses.
We advise Mr Mnangagwa and his supporters alike. In politics never say never! Especially if serious country splitting grievances such as above exist.
In 1991 the world saw the huge and all powerful Soviet Union disintegrate into 15 republics despite it's military power and superior weapons including nuclea. In the same year, Yugoslavia collapsed into 6 independent states. Closer to home, Eritrea broke away from Ethiopia in 1993. Consistent marginalization policy by the Northern Sudanese government resulted in the split of Sudan that gave birth to Southern Sudan. That is just to mention a few.
The world is now watching a revolution in witch Zimbabwe is splitting into two separate, independent and sovereign states that is, the Republic of Matabeleland and Zimbabwe.
Matabeleland national flag, which is a true symbol of our identity, cultural diversity and unity, also beautiful in appearance, is now in place so is our constitution, national anthem, coat of arms, economic blue print, parliamentary structure, cabinet structure, our currency and national documents such as Identity cards and passports, just to name a few, have been designed. The Republic of Matabeleland, for the people of Matabeleland and those who wish to be part of it would be announced as an independent and sovereign state very soon.
MLO would not seek permission from tribal oppressors to restore the statehood of Matabeleland. Our revolution will not be guided by the Zimbabwe constitution. Based on the fact that there is no revolutionary method that is wrong. We shall dictate the terms and pace of the revolution.
Unfortunately for the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe, you will not rig Matabeleland independence, an idea whose time has come.
"Time is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. Truth is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. You don't need anything else." Thank you Malcolm X.
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
Source - Israel Dube
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