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July Moyo statement on Matabeles in South Africa false dangerous, smacks of tribal hatred

07 Dec 2023 at 03:26hrs | Views
The statement by the Minister of Labour and Child Welfare, July Moyo that the majority of more than 400 children that were intercepted by South African authorities at Beitbridge border were from Matabeleland is false and pathetic. It smacks of tribal hatred against Matabele people.

The statement insinuates that Matabeles are the only people from Zimbabwe that live in South Africa and are involved in criminal activities. This tribally charged, reckless and irresponsible statement puts the lives of innocent Matabeles living in South Africa in danger as they may be targeted, attacked and killed by vigilantes.

Such statements as this one are a clear indication why Zimbabwe is on the verge of a split that will see the breakaway of Matabeleland from Zimbabwe to form The Republic of Matabeleland. Matabele lives are not protected in Zimbabwe under the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe. Mr July Moyo speech is a clear cruel act of throwing Matabeles to the lions so that they are devoured.

July Moyo and his fellow cabinet members who share the same tribal hatred against Matabeles, must know that due to corruption, mismanagement of the economy and wanton plundering of state resources that has resulted in Zimbabwe becoming a failed state, Shonas are now invading South Africa like a swarm of locusts. They started coming to South Africa only in 2008 as compared to Matabeles who have been coming here since 1980 but in that short period of time their numbers in South Africa now axcceed that of Matabeles by far.

The Shonas do not come to South Africa as peace loving angels as tribalist July Moyo and his ilk would like us to believe.

There are well documented criminal activities in South Africa against Shona people.

Last month the whole of South Africa was shocked by the court case of one, Pardon Danhire, a gardener who murdered in cold blood, his boss Nadine Terblanche and her 9 year old son, Ruandre Forster. In fact he wanted to wipe out the whole family using an axe but Nadine's boy friend was lucky to survive the gruesome murder.

In 2015, Adrew Chimboza also shocked South Africa when he stabbed Mbuyiselo Manona. As the victim lay bleeding to death, Chimboza gauged out his heart and ate it.

Matabeleland Liberation Organisation is spot on in fighting for the breakaway of Matabeleland from Zimbabwe. We have no regret, no regress, no apology.

Izenzo Kungemazwi!

Israel Dube

MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs

Source - Israel Dube
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