Opinion / Columnist
Enough of Joyce 'Spill Blood' Mujuru' stinking lies about Matabeleland genocide
31 Oct 2016 at 07:03hrs | Views

MLO was dismayed and angered by Zanu-pf reject and casualty of the succession battles, Joyce Mujuru when she lied about Matebeleland genocide in front of the cameras during an interview with Al Jazeera English's current affairs show, UpFront, on 28 October.
We have had enough of her stinking lies and think it is about time the truth must be told and genocide perpetrators who are trying to hide behind the new mask of opposition be exposed.
It is disgusting and embarrassing to note that Joyce Mujuru conveniently denies of knowing about Matabeleland genocide during her time in Zimbabwe cabinet and in Zanu- pf politburo and claims to have been shocked when she came know about the atrocities only after she was kicked out of the party.
A few months back she struggled in another interview to absolve her late husband, Solomon Mujuru of any wrong doing as far as Matabeleland genocide is concerned saying he was not involved. How on earth can this be true?
Certainly, people of Matabeleland and the world cannot be fooled. If Zanu-pf supporters knew about National Army 5 Brigade in the 1980s, knew about its evil work in Matabeleland to the extent of carrying banners and placards with the words, "forward with 5 brigade, we wish you well." How can a Zanu-pf top official and wife of the high ranking commander of the National Army at the time claim that she did not know about it? She must have been blind or deaf or both. Besides she is bound by collective responsibility and remains a criminal by association.
Many mass rallies were held all over Mashonaland in support of Matabeleland genocide in which the likes of Emmerson Mnangagwa, Edgar Tekere and others took turns to belittle, demonise and dehumanise Matebeles, calling them cockroaches, many articles, videos and books were written about the genocide. How did an event that permanently occupied the international media escape the eyes and ears of a politician who was in a position of influence?
"For a person who has a good heart," as she put it, she should not have waited to be expelled from Zanupf to "feel bad and say sorry to those who have been affected."
During her long 36 years as a top Zanupf official she travelled the length and breadth of Matabeleland. She drove past shallow graves, mine shafts and caves where over 40 000 innocent civilians including women, children and old people were brutally killed and dumped.
Wherever she went in Matabeleland she saw abandoned homes that were raised down by fire, some of them with people inside, she met poor genocide orphans without birth certificates, poor widows and widowers who lost their homes and loved ones. If She had a good heart, was there any need for her to wait to be fired from Zanu-pf to feel bad and say sorry to those affected? Surely the intelligence of the people of Matabeleland cannot be underestimated or insulted that way.
Information in our hands indicates that in October of 1980, barely 6 months after Mashonaland independence and two years before the wanton human slaughter began in Matabeleland, Husband and wife, Solomon and Joyce Mujuru were part of an unholy team that accompanied the then Prime Minister, Robert Mugabe to North Korea on a mission to head hunt military instructors.
Here is another deception. The Prime Minister Robert Mugabe and his trusted lieutenants including Joyce and Solomon Mujuru and others went as far as Asia to look for a remedy to cure a disease two years before it started. Strange!
It is a well known secret that Solomon Mujuru was a proud member of the secret Zezuru committee of 26 which is responsible for producing a conspiracy document known as The Grand Plan of 1979. This is the document that spells out how Matebeles, their language, identity, dignity and culture were to be gradually exterminated and how Shona people were to be empowered and promoted at the expense of other tribes.
In August 1983, when he got wind that foreign journalist were coming to Zimbabwe to investigate Matabeleland genocide, Solomon Mujuru and one Justice Nyoka left Harare hurriedly for Balagwe to get rid of Matabeleland genocide evidence. He instructed the soldiers to burn bodies and bury the ash. When journalists arrived in Balagwe they found a few bodies. Solomon Mujuru managed to convince them that the bodies they saw were those of people who died in a crossfire while in actual fact they were killed in cold blood by National Army 5 Brigade. Mine shafts, shallow graves and caves were full of bodies of Matabeleland genocide victims.
The same Balagwe, which Joyce Mujuru is so eager to visit today in order to deceive Matabeles through false sympathy with the intention of harvesting votes, is the same that her husband,visited 33 years ago to get rid of Matabeleland genocide evidence, deceive and mis- inform foreign journalists.
It will be too simplistic and too dangerous for the people of Matabeleland to believe that Joyce Mujuru cares about them when it is crystal clear that what she cares about is their vote.
Joyce Mujuru and her late husband Solomon Mujuru were not silent observers of Matabeleland genocide. They were involved in the planning, coordination, suppression of information as well as directing of events.
Mai Mujuru should be told that we may be oppressed and down trodden but we do not have a partial memory incapability like squirrels. Survivors of Matabeleland genocide bear physical and emotional scars of gukurahundi. The last thing they need to see is a perpetrator crying crocodile tears in order to solicit votes from them.
By the way, this should serve as an advice to all Zimbabwe political projects. Whether you are an overzealous agent of regime change or hard line supporter of the status quo the same applies. Your services are not needed in Matabeleland. We no longer want to be ruled by hateful gukurahundists and puppets of the West. We want to restore Matabeleland statehood and govern ourselves as we have the full rights to do so. We Shall fight and remove black oppression out of Matabeleland in the same way we fought and removed white oppression 36 years ago.
The Republic of Matabeleland by 2018!
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
Source - Israel Dube
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