Search / Azofa
No to 'bhora musango' mantra, says Chiwenga
Zanu-PF members should set aside their differences, shun the "bhora musango" mantra and start driving the revolutionary party's primary agenda of resoundingly winning the forthcoming harmonised electi...Published: 30 May 2018 at 08:16hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Mutsvangwa is being sent by Mnangagwa to call for Mugabe to go
This is the full text of the address by President Mugabe to the Zanu-PF Women's League Assembly at the Zanu-PF National Headquarters in Harare yesterday.THE First Lady Mai Mugabe; our Vice Pre...Published: 28 Jul 2017 at 06:12hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
The boy who fed Mbuya Nehanda
LET us from the onset warn you dear readers. The narration below, by Julian Maodza Murenga Mukomawashe, belongs to the spiritual world. Born on August 22 1960, in Mbire; Murenga is that muzukuru waMbu...Published: 29 May 2016 at 10:18hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Let's treasure unity - Mugabe's speech in FULL
We publish here a full text of the speech delivered by President Mugabe at the Million-Man March in Harare yesterday.Pamberi neZanu-PF! NeZanu -PF! Nechimurenga! Nechimurenga! Pamberi neWomen'...Published: 26 May 2016 at 06:54hrs | 8 | by Robert G Mugabe
Vet officer fired for fraud
The labour court has upheld the dismissal of a veterinary extension assistant for fraud.Labour Court judge Justice Muzofa upheld the Public Service Commission decision to dismiss the officer M...Published: 04 May 2016 at 06:43hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
Mugabe's speech at his 92th birthday bash in Masvingo - Fulltext
Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Amai Mnangagwa;Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko and Amai Mphoko;Minister of Provincial Affairs for Masvingo, Mai Mahofa, as represented by ...Published: 27 Feb 2016 at 23:38hrs | 2 | by Staff Reporter
The Association of Zimbabwe Offshore Financial Advisors
HARARE - Mr Andrew Mhere of Termstrides Investments t/a Carrick Wealth has announced the establishment of the Association of Zimbabwe Offshore Financial Advisors (AZOFA) as at 9th February 2016. ...Published: 11 Feb 2016 at 15:29hrs | 8 | by Agencies
ZANU PF's perpetual excuses are a clear sign of failure
In any given environment, success is measured by one's ability to deliver, in spite of any challenges faced along the way; as the inability to deliver by proffering excuses - no matter how understanda...Published: 08 Feb 2016 at 09:19hrs | | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Sikhala blasts Chinotimba over late Mahlangu 'joke'
The MDC -T senior member Job Sikhala has described the move by Zanu-PF MP for Buhera South Joseph Chinotimba to demand payment from the late MDC -T Nkulumane MP Thamsanqa Mahlangu even when alread...Published: 13 Oct 2015 at 10:18hrs | 2 | by Stephen Jakes
A fourth letter to all women in Zimbabwe in preparation for the grand boycott!
International Women's Day8th March 2015"Passive resistance"Dear Zimbabwe Women and Men of all ethnic societies, The day of reckoning in getting nearer, are we prepared enou...Published: 23 Feb 2015 at 17:21hrs | | by Nomazulu Thata
UMalayitsha thiyiyani umfazi ngolunyoka
21/02/2015 04:38:37: +27 * *** ****: Goodmorning Byo 24 News. Did u get a story about ababili, umfazi womuntu osale eganga neyinye indoda. Bavele banamat...Published: 21 Feb 2015 at 09:41hrs | 2 | by Sakhamuzi seJozi
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