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Mutsvangwa chides Kasukuwere, says 'there is no voting booth at the SABC'
Zanu-PF Spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa has dismissed self-exiled former party colleague Saviour Kasukuwere's presidential candidature, telling journalists South African broadcaster SABC does not ...Published: 07 Jul 2023 at 07:40hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
When all friendship ceases!
Von Hornick's nine principles on National EconomyIn 1684, an Austrian lawyer-turned-civil servant, Philipp Wilhelm von Hornick, published nine principal rules of a National Economy.The...Published: 04 Mar 2023 at 07:57hrs | 1 | by Jamwanda
Council police officers to be given arresting powers
GOVERNMENT is crafting an enabling legislative framework for establishment of municipal courts across the country, giving council police officers arresting powers.The impending laws would spec...Published: 05 Dec 2022 at 05:49hrs | | by Staff reporter
Beware of the folly of Trojan rulers!
Government, folly of mankind?Barbara W Tuchman is a prolific writer on politics as read through history. I enjoy her take on her subject.But she is American, western, itself an importa...Published: 13 Nov 2022 at 18:07hrs | 2 | by on Saturday
Tsvangirai's epic speech on epic day
MEMORY is a site of the struggle. Only in the rubric of yester-year memories can we trace where we have come from so that we use the lessons of the past to forge and sharpen future struggles on the an...Published: 16 Sep 2022 at 06:11hrs | 11 | by Luke Tamborinyoka
Zimbabwe a safe haven for wanted genocidists
The Zimbabwe government is known for deploying the Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade in Matabeleland to commit genocide in which over 40 000 Matabele civilians including women and children were dasta...Published: 07 Jun 2022 at 11:54hrs | 9 | by Israel Dube
Graves to make way for residential stands
GRAVES in the high-density suburb of Glen Norah in Harare are set to be removed to pave way for the allocation of 300 residential stands.This was contained in a notice of an application for th...Published: 04 Jun 2022 at 19:53hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
'We'll get him dead or alive': Reid's Mpiranya trail to Zimbabwe
A BESPECTACLED white man of medium height probably in his early 60s walks into the hotel restaurant where I am seated outside on patio couches basking in the sunshine while surfing social media platfo...Published: 22 May 2022 at 11:20hrs | 27 | by Dumisani Muleya
Zimbabwe rubbishes Biti's claim that it harboured Rwandan genocide fugitive
FOREIGN Affairs Deputy Minister, David Musabayana, has dismissed claims by Citizens Coalition for Change vice president, Tendai Biti that the government knowingly harboured Rwanda's most wanted genoci...Published: 22 May 2022 at 08:35hrs | | by Staff reporter
Biti takes Mnangagwa to task
HARARE east legislator, Tendai Biti, has blasted President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration for knowingly harbouring Rwanda's most wanted genocide fugitive, Protais Mpiranya.It recently eme...Published: 19 May 2022 at 06:43hrs | 5 | by Staff reporter
Rwanda genocide fugitive found buried at Mbudzi
THE more than two-decade-long hunt for one of the world's most wanted Rwandan genocide fugitives Protais Mpiranya has come to end after his grave was found at Granville Cemetery in Harare....Published: 13 May 2022 at 19:09hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Glen Norah graves to be relocated
Over 40 graves are set for exhumation from an old cemetery in Glen Norah B to pave way for the construction of houses by private property developers.The exhumed bodies will be reburied at Gran...Published: 23 Mar 2022 at 05:31hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe referees fail to make it to Africa Cup of Nations
SENEGALESE referee Maguette Ndiaye is one of 24 match officials that will grace the stage at the Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) finals next month in Cameroon.Ndiaye's officiating came under scr...Published: 23 Dec 2021 at 05:36hrs | 13 | by Staff reporter
Doves in 'empty coffin' burial scandal
Police on Wednesday exhumed two bodies buried in one grave at a cemetery in Harare, hoping to solve the mystery of a coffin allegedly buried empty in Nyanga after a dead man's body was inexplicably le...Published: 17 Nov 2021 at 15:36hrs | 12 | by Staff reporter
Prisoners to attend funerals, weddings
PRISONERS may be temporarily released to attend funerals, weddings and other important family functions provided they apply and get permission from the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Aff...Published: 17 Mar 2021 at 06:31hrs | 7 | by Staff reporter
Are you clumsy at prayer like me?
Our budding socialisation is keen on teaching us math, geography and science as critical skills of life and sundry tools of solving ours and the problems of the world we grow into. Many of us have rea...Published: 14 Mar 2021 at 06:27hrs | 11 | by Zifiso Masiye
Zimbabwe: 'The Second Republic'; Land history; Ownership and Productivity in the Post Mugabe era
The Author is a Master of Science in International Trade and Diplomacy student at the University of Zimbabwe. He holds a MSc degree in Development Studies (National University of Science and Technolog...Published: 14 Jan 2021 at 21:34hrs | 22 | by Livingstone Kazizi
Zimbabwe: 'The Second Republic'; Land history; Ownership and Productivity in the Post Mugabe Era
The Author is a Master of Science in International Trade and Diplomacy student at the University of Zimbabwe. He holds a MSc degree in Development Studies (National University of Science and Technolog...Published: 13 Jan 2021 at 12:32hrs | 4 | by Livingstone Kazizi
Barbara Gonzalez ready to make Simba roar across Africa
In her world, 'I can' certainly sounds better than 'I can't'. In fact, Barbara Gonzalez has no talent for bowing to the inevitable, neither does the word impossible exist in her vocabulary.It ...Published: 14 Sep 2020 at 08:12hrs | 7 | by Mthokozisi Dube
Resurrection attempt fails as Harare school girl is finally buried
An attempted resurrection of a 16-year-old teenage girl who died on Monday had failed by Thursday morning, and her burial finally proceeded.Deaphin Mutemeri's burial on Wednesday was abandoned...Published: 28 Mar 2019 at 20:00hrs | | by ZimLive
Teen's burial abandoned in Harare after 'prophets' claim she is alive
The burial of a teenage girl was abandoned in bizarre scenes on Wednesday after members of a church sect insisted that she was alive.The 16-year-old Form 4 pupil at Kwayedza High School in Hig...Published: 28 Mar 2019 at 19:43hrs | | by ZimLive
Biti, this world will humble you!
Even after having gone through the intellectual rigours of philosophy and theology at seminary, Bishop Lazi still doesn't fancy the nature versus nurture debate.But there is a particularly ine...Published: 10 Mar 2019 at 08:48hrs | 2 | by Bishop Lazi
Chitando not scared of Hwange Colliery audit
MINES minister Winston Chitando yesterday told Parliament that he was not afraid of what would come out from the forensic audit on Hwange Colliery Company, saying that it must proceed to its conclusio...Published: 20 Nov 2018 at 06:02hrs | | by Staff reporter
Graft remains Zimbabwe's national sickness
The aftermath of one of Zimbabwe's most remarkable harmonised elections in recent history has been marked by a heightened sense of national anxiety.There is a curious mixture of great hope and...Published: 30 Sep 2018 at 08:01hrs | 1 | by Zifiso Masiye
Harare in graveyard space headache
The number of Harare residents that are burying their dear departed in cemeteries that are located on the outskirts of the city is increasing as pressure for graveyard space intensifies.With m...Published: 19 Aug 2018 at 06:29hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Grave opened, corpse stolen
In a suspected case of juju, an 18-month-old baby's corpse was exhumed within a day of burial at the crowded Granville cemetery (kuMbudzi) in the capital.Stains of blood were also found on a r...Published: 14 Jul 2018 at 13:10hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Graves being opened at cemetery
MOURNERS yesterday clashed with security officers at Granville cemetery while protesting against the theft of a body, less than 24 hours after burial.The Tizora family went to the graveyard in...Published: 14 Jul 2018 at 13:06hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
A Zimbabwean coup that swept away its cook
Marujata - the sharp-tongued "fierce lady" and the wicked witch whose infamy, poor grooming, insatiable hunger for power and whose unbridled ambition and uncouth etiquette brought her crushing down in...Published: 26 Nov 2017 at 09:55hrs | 1 | by Mathabelazitha/The Anvil
The New Zimbabwean president faces high expectations. will he fulfil them?
As Zimbabweans enter in the new era with a new president. This will be honestly the fourth President of the country but the second in 37 years. Remember there was president in 1979 that time it ...Published: 24 Nov 2017 at 09:54hrs | | by Dr Masimba Mavaza
Free sex at thief's funeral
THERE was FREE sex galore in Mbare on Monday and Tuesday nights as prostitutes mourned a serial thief. They described the late thief, who succumbed to tuberculosis, as a sex maniac. Th...Published: 03 Aug 2017 at 19:06hrs | 6 | by Staff reporter
In Mujuru's Party, they break each other's knee caps
Of course political pressure comes in many ways, and manifests in many forms.In Mujuru's National People's Party, they break each other's knee caps in order to hurt Zanu-PF! In the MDCs, they ...Published: 02 Apr 2017 at 13:03hrs | 1 | by Nathaniel Manheru
Playing to the gallery at Kathrada's funeral
One of South Africa's anti-apartheid luminaries, Ahmed Kathrada, is gone and he was laid to rest in Johannesburg yesterday.His death and burial occurred when so much is happening in South Africa's bod...Published: 30 Mar 2017 at 06:37hrs | | by Hildegarde The Arena
Zanu-PF wants Tsvangirai dead
The MDC has reacted angrily to threats by a State media columnist who said yesterday that popular opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was only being saved from harm by the "grace" of President Robert ...Published: 13 Mar 2017 at 06:18hrs | | by Staff reporter
Mawarire left Zimbabwe under hard-to-understand circumstances
One basic rule in politics is never to concede ground, still less to allow shrinkage of the space you hold or dominate.You live true to this motto both by being careful not to tread on doubtfu...Published: 25 Sep 2016 at 09:34hrs | 2 | by Nathaniel Manheru
Four caught trying to smuggle 2 500 Kg of mbanje
POLICE on Sunday arrested four suspects at Nyamapanda Border Post while trying to smuggle into the country 2 500 kilogrammes of mbanje. As of yesterday, the suspects were still assisting polic...Published: 03 Aug 2016 at 01:14hrs | | by Freeman Razemba
Of illegal settlers and demolitions
There has been much hype on the issue of housing land, land barons, illegal settlers and demolitions for quite a long time, but solutions to this problem seem to eluding council officials.Prev...Published: 27 Jan 2016 at 14:26hrs | 2 | by Peacemaker Zano
Sand poachers wreck havoc in Harare
Sand poachers are reportedly wrecking havoc in Harare amid concerns have been raised by the Harare Residents Trust.The trust said sand poachers have destroyed the land at Granville Cemetery C ...Published: 20 Jan 2016 at 05:57hrs | 2 | by Stephen Jakes
3 pupils drown on way to school
Three schoolchildren drowned at Chihumbiri Farm Dam in Bindura last week when a canoe they were using to cross the dam on their way to school capsized, throwing all the occupants into the water. ...Published: 19 Jan 2016 at 05:05hrs | 1 | by Nyemudzai Kakore
Residential stands should be availed
It has been reported that more than 144 000 new home-seekers had applied for residential stands to Harare city council. The increased percentage rate of applicants is a clear indication that there is ...Published: 11 Jan 2016 at 21:48hrs | | by Peacemaker Zano
Women strip at funeral
Mourners at Granville Cemetery in Harare were reportedly treated to some indecent funny movie as some group of women stripped during the burial of their fellow sex worker.The strange behaviour...Published: 07 Jan 2016 at 12:51hrs | 4 | by Staff Reporter
Council to remove cemetery settlers
Harare City Council has said it will move illegal settlers who have invaded Granville Cemetery and occupied land set aside for future graves. Desperate home-seekers have erected structures around the ...Published: 07 Jan 2016 at 05:04hrs | 1 | by Abigail Mawonde
Swine Flue hits KZN, fears that it will spill into Zim rife
Swine Flue is reported to have broke out at KwaZulu Natali amid fears that the diseases would spill into Zimbabwe as there are many travelers who get into Zimbabwe from KZN who might have contract...Published: 19 Jun 2015 at 11:17hrs | | by Staff Reporter
'Would Mugabe dare walk the street on his own?'
12:22am, Mar 19 - ‪+1 (77*) ***-****‬: Was waiting for the lights to turn green at a pedestrian crossing here in Vancouver on West Georgia and Granville Str...Published: 19 Mar 2015 at 09:13hrs | | by Holly Moyo in Vancouver, Canada
Man duped in graveyard ritual
A Harare man lost $2 000 to a self-proclaimed traditional healer who allegedly lured him into a graveyard ritual claiming he would make his money multiply to $7 000 within a few days. The ...Published: 21 Feb 2015 at 08:44hrs | | by Court Reporter
Chaos as 'Ebola' corpse lands in Harare
There was pandemonium in Harare recently when grieving relatives "stole" the remains of a Zimbabwean woman whom local authorities suspect may have died from the dreaded Ebola virus in Conakry, Guinea ...Published: 05 Feb 2015 at 14:41hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
New book reveals how American schools and prisons conspire to disenfranchise black Americans
The Chains of Black America: The Hammer of the Police, The Anvil of the Schools by Michael Holzman, is a description of how two great institutions of American ...Published: 04 Feb 2015 at 06:56hrs | 2 | by Staff Reporter
Boy's death triggers outrage against police
There was palpable public anger against the police at the burial of Tanatswa Neil Mutyora (4) at Granville Cemetery in Harare yesterday. Tanatswa was ran over and killed by a commuter omnibus driver ...Published: 25 Apr 2014 at 06:59hrs | | by Staff reporter
'Chihuri you are responsible for death'
A SOMBRE atmosphere engulfed the low-income suburb of Rugare, Harare, yesterday as mourners gathered at the funeral wake for three-year-old Neil Tanatswa Mutyora, knocked down by a commuter omnibus d...Published: 24 Apr 2014 at 11:31hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Man caught stealing tombstones
A cheeky thief was arrested at Granville Cemetery in Harare on Friday after he was caught stealing tombstones.The suspected thief, Dennis Shamu was caught by Granville Cemetery maintenance w...Published: 01 Mar 2014 at 11:34hrs | 4 | by Staff Reporter
Apartheid spy, Philip Conjwayo, dies
APARTHEID era spy Philip Conjwayo has died. He was 81. A close relative told Southern Eye yesterday that Conjwayo died at Harare Central Hospital on Tuesday after a long battle with prostate cancer.ï»...Published: 21 Feb 2014 at 13:42hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
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