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Washonaphi uMzac'omnyama?
Ngiyabingelela Mthwakazi kaMzilikazi, Mthwakaz omnyama, ondlela zimhlophe iinduku zibomvu. Lombhalo ngiwubhala nje kungumbuzo engiwubhekise kumaNtungwa akwaSokhumalo okungabantu bakoKhumalo is...Published: 20 Jul 2021 at 10:29hrs | 5 | by Nkonzo Mathanda
Turning Point - HRM King Mzilikazi II
Mthwakazi omuhle ondlela zimhlophe, sizwe senkosi yohlanga ngiyalibingelela!Sesiside isikhathi lingezwa lutho oluvelela ngapha nges'Godlweni. Isizatho yikuthi njengothunyiweyo, kumele ngizwe N...Published: 27 Feb 2021 at 09:27hrs | 1 | by HRM King Mzilikazi II
Help me find Mr Mlilo who worked at Dunlop in Bulawayo
Greetings ngicela usizo, angazi if lingakwazi ukungisiza. My half brother has been looking for his father ever since. I just come across information about his father name, which also is not cl...Published: 08 Apr 2018 at 08:23hrs | | by S. Khumalo
Mlambos Express Band writes a letter to the president
JOHANNESBURG - The Mzansi based Zimbabwean Rhumba ace Mlambos Express Band-"The Super Legends" will deliver a letter to the state president before jetting off to "another planet."Speaking ...Published: 06 Oct 2016 at 15:43hrs | 4 | by Future Moyo aka Jamelah
Ngidinga abantwana bomfowethu obesebenza koWankie Express Buses WhatsApp update
Please note that Bulawayo24 does not edit WhatsApp updates. We publish them as sent by our readers and we do not disclose the sender's telephone number. ...Published: 22 Oct 2014 at 06:16hrs | | by Concerned Uncle
'Help me find my late sister Sethukile's children Josiphine and Witness'
1:53pm, 6 Jun - +44 7865 679977: Mfowethu akusize. Ungidingise abantwana baka dadewethu waye hlala lo jaha lo osesithombeni isibongo sakhe ngesako Nyandoro....Published: 06 Jun 2014 at 12:24hrs | | by Difa Dube
Mugabe threatens Marian Chombo
Zanu-PF founder and leader Robert Mugabe yesterday said Zanu-PF members contesting the elections as independents have automatically expelled themselves.He launched a direct attack on Marian C...Published: 19 Jul 2013 at 06:13hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
Indlela amadlozi abonakala ngayo - Imikhokha lezigameko ezithile ezinganhle
Idlozi liyakwazi ukuziveza emuntwini ngezigameko ezithile ezingajwayelekanga. Kwesinye isikhathi kuvele kufike umuntu axoxe lawe indaba ezinkulu lezi ezikwethusayo ngoba ungazizwisisi. Kum...Published: 14 Apr 2013 at 07:39hrs | 6 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Amadlozi lamabizo ahlukeneyo abizwa ngawo
YINI AMADLOZI?Amadlozi ngabantu bakithi abangasekho emhlabeni. Laba bantu bagcina imindeni yabo, bayivikele kukho konke okubi. Yikho kulesaga esithi. ...Published: 04 Apr 2013 at 08:44hrs | 56 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Isikhanyiso ngamagama athize
ISIZWENxa sikhuluma ngesizwe siqonde labo bantu abaqoqeke ndawonye ezweni elilodwa ngaphansi kombuso owodwa,kungenzeka ukuthi laba bantu bengakhulumi limi l...Published: 05 Jul 2012 at 13:28hrs | 1 | by Xhanxatha Njalo
Inside the Great Nation of Bukalanga: A Definition of Bukalanga vis-à-vis the Ndebele, Shona and Ngwato
For most of the time in the past 200 years, the peoples of Bukalanga have been treated as a sub-ethnicity of the Ndebele, the Ngwato and the Shona. We also raised the point that the Great Nation of B...Published: 29 Apr 2012 at 22:58hrs | 79 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
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