Search / Murambatswina
Harare City Council halts house demolitions
The Harare City Council has temporarily suspended its plan to demolish over 5,000 houses deemed to be illegally constructed on council land. This follows a directive from the Government mandating that...Published: 08 Dec 2024 at 09:29hrs | 5868 | by Staff reporter
Harare begins mass demolition
The Harare City Council is set to launch a city-wide demolition campaign on Thursday, targeting structures built without approval on land designated for public amenities. The exercise, which will enfo...Published: 01 Dec 2024 at 08:47hrs | 19000 | by Staff reporter
Govt condemns 'inhumane' Belvedere murambatswina
The Government has denounced the Harare City Council for demolishing houses in Ridgeview Belvedere, describing the action as "shocking, callous, and inhumane." The demolitions, conducted over the past...Published: 14 Nov 2024 at 09:22hrs | 98 | by Staff reporter
Harare launches murambatswina
The City of Harare launched a major demolition operation in Ridgeview, Belvedere on Thursday, destroying several properties that were built without proper approval. The operation left dozens of famili...Published: 08 Nov 2024 at 07:14hrs | 3649 | by Staff reporter
3 accidents kill 6 in a day in Matebeland South
Six people lost their lives in three separate road accidents that took place on Sunday in Matabeleland South, police have confirmed. The fatal incidents occurred in Filabusi, Gwanda, and Mbalabala, wi...Published: 05 Nov 2024 at 08:12hrs | 808 | by Staff reporter
Mnangagwa threatens murambatswina II?
Unplanned and chaotic urban settlements without proper sewers, water supply roads and social amenities and with building on land totally unsuitable for human habitation are a serious risk to public he...Published: 06 Mar 2023 at 05:17hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Killing our children is amusement for Chiwenga and Mnangagwa
The carnage, blood bath and dehumanization in the central district of Harare is a confirmation of what has been defined as free, fair and creditable elections led Priscilla Chigumba, Chiwenga and Mnan...Published: 01 Aug 2018 at 21:53hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
The implications of the Zimbabwean military coup
What constitutes national security? The importance of national security - measures taken by a state against external and/or internal threats to its economy ...Published: 22 Dec 2017 at 17:53hrs | 1 | by Kingstone Jambawo
Mugabe still subject to civil lawsuit for massacres in foreign courts
The immunity granted to President Mugabe this Tuesday, while it covers criminal and civil charges in Zimbabwe, does not cover civil lawsuits filed in foreign countries on his person and which seek to ...Published: 22 Nov 2017 at 15:19hrs | 1 | by Ken Sibanda
UN should arrange emergency elections in Zimbabwe
[Extract from briefing to United Nations Secretary General Antonio Gutterres delivered by Ken Sibanda Esq]Dear Sir:No grievance can justify the unconstitutional removal of a government...Published: 18 Nov 2017 at 17:22hrs | | by Ken Sibanda
PICTURES: Operation Murambatswina currently under way in Mabvuku
News of The South reports that Operation Murambatswina is currently under way in Mabvuku. More to follow:...Published: 07 Mar 2017 at 12:32hrs | 1 | by News of the South
Mutare to launch Murambatswina on illegal squatters
Mutare City Council is preparing to destroy close to 300 shacks in Chikanga township.According to the Daily News, the affected families were used by Zanu PF to beef up its numbers by controver...Published: 18 Nov 2016 at 09:49hrs | 1 | by Staff Reporter
WATCH: New Murambatswina demolitions leave 3,000 families homeless
More than 3 000 families were left homeless yesterday after their houses built on land belonging to BAK Storage Company along Harare-Masvingo Road were razed to the ground by the Sheriff following...Published: 27 Oct 2016 at 07:30hrs | 1 | by Staff reporter
Harare murambatswina to render thousands homeless
Thousands of people in the capital will soon be homeless as Harare City Council has embarked on a massive demolition of illegal structures in 19 undesignated settlements that have been identified....Published: 23 Jul 2015 at 07:16hrs | | by Abigail Mawonde
Mugabe xenophobic, suffers from senile dementia - response by a Kalanga
Addressing journalists in Harare at the end of the SADC Extraordinary Summit on 29 April Mugabe made the following not only shocking but absolutely unfortunate, irresponsible, biggoted and unpresident...Published: 30 Apr 2015 at 10:49hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Zimbabweans taken for granted
Editor,Zimbabweans have for a long time been taken for granted, their peaceful nature has been exploited for decades since independence. The citizens have gone through the worst, from gukurahu...Published: 13 Mar 2015 at 11:40hrs | | by Phillip Dube
'We demand human rights in Matabeleland South'
Prominent Matabeleland South social and political activists Bekezela Maduma Fuzwayo says that Matabeleland South province human rights activists should not be called Human Rights Defenders but Hum...Published: 21 Dec 2014 at 06:43hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Crackdown on vendors, forex dealers
Harare City Council has launched a fresh crackdown targeting informal businesses being carried out on the city centre's pavements.The operation, code-named Regedzai, is targeting street vendo...Published: 18 Nov 2013 at 05:53hrs | | by Staff reporter
Chombo calls for another Operation Murambatswina
The Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Ignatius Chombo has told people illegally occupying any piece of land to demolish their buildings and leave forthwith or government wi...Published: 01 Nov 2013 at 04:05hrs | | by Staff Reporter
Harare mulls another Operation Murambatsvina
Harare city councillors are mulling a second Operation Murambatsvina after noting the sprouting of illegal structures. Caught between enforcing city by-laws and an impending crucial election, ...Published: 06 May 2013 at 05:53hrs | | by Staff reporter
Bulawayo 24 interview with Reverend Levy Moyo
Bulawayo 24 Interview with the Reverend Levy Moyo, Former Secretary General of Apostolic Church Zimbabwe, who ends his twenty-year exile by visiting Zimbabwe and commenting on the current situation...Published: 15 Sep 2012 at 07:04hrs | 4 | by Staff Reporter
Copac 'parks' contentious issues
Gukurahundi, Murambatsvina and Death PenaltyTHE Parliamentary Select Committee (Copac) has resolved to park the discussion of some contentious ...Published: 05 Dec 2011 at 11:39hrs | | by Sehlule Zondo
The Reclamation of a deferred dream: Zapu
The Reclamation of a deferred dream: Power to the People a ZAPU Clarion call for Zimbabweans to redi...Published: 19 Nov 2011 at 10:04hrs | | by Thulani Nkala
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